HUI 239 Unit 1

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II Bel Paese

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II Bel Paese

beautiful country. Italy was seen as a beautiful country because of the mountain areas and shore lines

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II Mezzogiorno

midday/noon (represent the heat and sun). Economic term for Southern Italy

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La Val Padana

The Po Valley. Occupies mostly the north

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II Tavoliere delle Puglie

The Apulian Flatlands. Second largest agricultural area after Po Valley

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Explain the location of Italy in Europe

Italy located in southern Europe

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State the names of the countries that share Italy's borders

Monaco and France (West) Switzerland and Austria (North) Austria (Northeast) Slovenia (East)

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Define the geographical division of Italy

Italy is a long peninsula that resembles a boot.

  • North, Central, South (terms used of political)

  • Continental Italy (San Remo - Trieste)

  • Peninsular Italy (Parma - Montebello)

  • Italian Island (Sicily & Sardinia)

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Name the two largest Italian mountain ranges

  • The Alps

  • The Apennines

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Name the only peninsular Italian region not touched by a sea

Umbria: Central part of Italy

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What is the largest agricultural area in Italy?

Val Padana (Po Valley)

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Where is the largest Italian agricultural area located: Is it peninsular or continental?


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What is the second largest agricultural area in Italy?

Tavoliere delle Puglie (Apulian Flatlands)

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Where is this second largest agricultural area located: Is it peninsular or continental?


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Name one important Northern crop.


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Name one Southern crop that is known throughout the Northern Hemisphere.


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Name the four seas that surround Italy

  • Ligurian Sea - Northwest

  • Tyrrhenian Sea - Southwest

  • Ionian Sea - South

  • Adriatic Sea - East

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Explain what the Mediterranean is and how it got its name.

Mediterranean Sea means middle of the land MARE NOSTRUM → "our sea" Medi + Terra [Middle] [Earth]

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Name, in size order, Italy's two largest Islands.

Sicily (historical name was "Trinacria" Treis-three Akra-Points) Sardinia

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Name the third largest Italian Island known for its historical ties to Napoleon Bonaparte


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Name Italy's two largest volcanoes and where they are located.

Etna (Catania, Sicily) Stromboli (island in the Tyrrhenian sea)

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Name the longest Italian River.

Po River

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Name the largest Italian lake.

Lake Garda

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Where is Italy's largest lake located: North or South


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Which lake has been deemed Italy's most beautiful?

Lake Garda

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Name Italy's political capital and the region in which it is located.

Rome is Italy's political capital. It is located in the region of Lazio. Rome caput munai → Rome is the capital of the world. (All roads lead to Rome)

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Name Italy's economic capital and the region in which it is located.

Milan is the economic capital of Italy. It is located in the region of Lombardy.

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What is the Rosato Law?

Rosato Law is Italy's new Election Law. It was put in front of the public. Rejected by the parliament and was put back again with modification Also known as Rosatellum Bis (name of the guy that proposed the law) BIS - twice (the law was presented twice before it was accepted)

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Why did the Rosato law need to be voted on in a national referendum?

Changes the number of legislators in the upper and lower house

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What compromise does the Rosato law seem to make?

Rosato Law was a compromise between those that want a winner take all system (First past the post) and Proportional Allotment of Votes

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Are there more than two political parties in the United States?

Yes, there are more than two political parties in the United States.

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Which two US political parties dominate the US political landscape?

Democratic and Republican

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Does the United States have national referenda?

The United States does not have national referenda, but it has it on the state level.

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Does Italy still have more political parties than the United States?


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According to the Rosato law, what minimum percentage must a national political party obtain during a national election, in order to continue to be recognized as a national political party?

3% for political parties and 10% altogether for coalition

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What happens to a political party if it were not to receive the minimum percentage during a national election?

They will cease to exist

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How does the Rosato law divide the voting system in Italy?

37% should be Winner Take All 61% should be Proportional Allotment Voting 2% mail in ballots (does not have the same weight)

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Do mail in votes count as much in Italy as they do in the United States?


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Why do Italians refer to the Rosato law as Roatellum Bis?

Also known as Rosatellum Bis (name of the guy that proposed the law) BIS -twice (the law was presented twice before it was accepted)

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How does the Italian constitution divide the governmental authority?

The Italian Constitution dictates the Italian President-Elect must not hold any other office but that of the presidency.

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Is the constitution of Italy older than that of the United States? Please be able to clearly explain your answer.

No because the United States constitution was written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and in operation since 1789. While the Italy constitution was only written in 1948.

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What are the requirements to become President of the United States of America?

35 years old Natural born citizen Have to lived in the United States for at least 14 years

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Are there term limits for the American President?

Yes there is a term limit no more than two terms

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Is it possible for an American President to be elected without receiving the popular vote?

Yes, because of the electoral college.

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What are the requirements to be elected President of the Italian Republic?

Any Italian citizen that is fifty or older on election day and enjoys civil and political rights (not incarcerated)

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In the United States of America, the President of the United States must be born in the United States. Does the same requirement hold for Italian Presidents?

No you just have to be a Italian citizen

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While both the President of the United States and the President of the Italian Republic are elected by an Electoral College, which of the two processes are more democratic? Please be able to clearly explain your position.

The United States is more democratic in the choices because it is representative of the people's choice based on the state outcome of the election. Italy doesn't have representation in regions.

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What will happen after September 25, 2022, thanks to the Rosato Law governing Italian elections?

Winner will take all

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What happens after the third round of voting in the Italian Parliament, and no-one is elected President of the Italian Republic?

Italy will stay the same with no change or new laws until another election is held

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Are there term limits on the Italian presidency?

There are no term limits on the presidency

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There are two very important tasks that the Italian President can complete without the signature of a parliamentarian, what are they? What did Ex-President Sergio Mattarella do in 2021 amid a political crisis? Who is Mr. Mario Draghi and what was his role in the European Community prior to assuming the prime minister's post?

The president can pardons or commutations. They can also appoint ministers as well as individual cabinet members. President Sergio Mattarella appointed Mr. Mario Graghi, who was formally the President of the European Central Bank, as the prime minister of Italy. He remained in office until a vote of no-confidence occurred in July of this year It appears that the call of the mandatory election occurring later this year was too strong to keep the coalition alive.

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Where does the President of the United States of America reside?

The white house

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Where does the President of the Italian Republic live?

White House of Italy - Palazzo del Quirinale (Rome)

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Does the President of the Italian Republic have a summer residence? If so, where is it?

Castelporziano near Rome and Villa Rosenberg in Naples

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Does the President of the United States of America have a summer residence?

Yes, Camp David

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What special force protects the United States Presidents?

Secret Service

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What is the arm of the Italian force that protects the Italian President?

Corazzieri, an elite force of the Carabinieri

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Do Italian Presidents receive lifelong protection after leaving office as they do in the United States?


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Is there a remedy for the losing party of an American presidential election to redress any possible issues with the presidential election? IF there were such a remedy, what would it be?

The losing party can seek redress if it believes that there were illegalities in the way the election was run. Court case.

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More liberal Lega Party -Furthest Right Wing Brothers of Italy - Right Wing Forza Italia - Center-right Wing

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conservative Democratic Party - Center Left

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Five Star Movement - Moderate, neither Left or Right

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Currently, Italy has how many political parties of significance? What are these parties?

  • Fratelli D' Italia - Brothers of Italy

  • Partial Democratic - Democratic Party

  • Movement Cinque Stelle - The Five Star Movement

  • La Lega - Lega

  • Forza Italia - forward Italy

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The Five Parties

  • Brothers of Italy - Right Wing (European Conservatives and Reformist Group)

  • Democratic Party - Left Wing (The Progressive Alliance of Socialist and Democratic Group)

  • The Five Star Movement - Center Left

  • Lega - Right Wing (Identity and Democracy)

  • Forward Italy- Center Right (European People's Party / Christian Democratic Party)

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Who is

  • Ms. Giorgia Meloni - part of Brothers of Italy is set to be the first female Prime Minister of Italy

  • Mr. Enrico Letta - Member of Italian Chamber of Deputies

  • Mr. Matteo Salvini - leads La Lega

  • Mr. Giuseppe Conte- Leds The Five Star Movement

  • Mr. Silvio Berlusconi- founded and leads Forza Italia(Forward Italy).

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What are the coalitions for the September 25, 2022, national Italian elections?

  • Fratelli D'Italia - Brothers of Italy

  • Forza Italia - Forward Italy

  • La Lega - Lega

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Which parties are not part of any coalitions?

  • Democratic Party

  • Five Star Movement

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Who is set to become the first female Prime Minister of Italy, IF the polls remain substantially the same on election day?

Ms. Giorgia Meloni

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True or false: In 2018, Brothers of Italy, was a relatively unknown political party.


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Why could someone make the claim that Ms.Meloni is a neo fascist?

What she wants seem to show that she wants to go back to the Italian Fascist movement

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Who is the political leader of the Democratic Party?

Mr. Enrico Letta

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What position does the Democratic Party have toward the European Community?

They are part of the European Parliament Party and The Progressice Alliance of Socialist and Democratic groups.

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What position does the Democratic Party have toward immigration?

They are Pro Immigration, minimum wage, modest tax breaks, and raising certain unemployment benefits

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Explain why the 5 Star Movement party has fallen out of political favor.

They are dying out because they were old and couldn't keep up with the new normal

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Who is the current leader of the 5 Star Movement party?

Mr. Giuseppe Conte

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What was the League's original name?

La Lega del Nord

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What is Mr. Matteo Salvini's position toward immigrants?

He doesn't want them in the country and wants to send them back to where they came from.

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Who is the leader of the political party Forward Italy.

Mr. Silivo Berlisconi

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State two of the three negative facts that surround Mr. Berlusconi.

He was found guilty of paying sex with a minor and was convicted of tax evasion

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What is the difference between a refugee and a migrant?

A migrant is someone who moves from one place to another to find work or a better living. While a refugee is someone who is forced to escape their country in order to escape things such as war, natural disaster and persecution.

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Which party won the greatest percentage of votes?

Fratelli D'Italia 26%

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Which parties make up the winning coalition?

  • Brothers of Italy (Fratelli D'Italia)

  • Forward Italy (Forza Italia)

  • Lega (Lega)

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What percentage of the vote did the winning coalition take?


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Will the winning coalition make it through five years with a stable government?

It is not a sure thing because Meloni and Salvini have a feud between them. If one of the parties withdraws, the government will collapse and there will be another election after this.

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Did the winning coalition receive enough votes to take both the upper and the lower house?

Yes. The majority in both the upper and lower houses could augment the way the Italian constitution is supposed to work. The founding father of Italy created a constitution so that the power could not be in the hands of one person. Now it goes against it.

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List in order, the three areas of Italy where most migrants disembark.

Lampedusa to Sicily Calabrina Apulia Sardinia Campania

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List in order, the top five countries with the highest percentages of migrants in 2022.

Egypt Tunisia Bangladesh Afghanistan Syrian Arab Rep

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Why do you think that there has been a 54% increase in migrants from the same time period in 2021?

It is because of COVID.

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For the time period spanning Jan - Jul 2022 what percentage of migrants are:

Men - 75% Women - 6% Children - 5% Unaccompanied children - 13%

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January through September 25, 2022, how many migrants have arrived in Italy via sea?

67,851 migrants

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How many asylum seekers have there been from Jan-Jun 2022?


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What is a visa? What functions do visas have?

Visas are permission from a country that allows foreigners to stay in their country. Work visas are Italy's way of assuring that the immigrant has a legitimate purpose for residing in the country. It is also a revenue raising policy. The prospective immigrant is required to pay a fee for requesting permission to work in Italy. Cost is $140.

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What is an Italian work permit? What function does an Italian work permit have?

To work in Italy immigrants will also need a work permit. A work permit is a document provided by the Italian government. It is also a means of tabulating the number of immigrants working in Italy, the reason for the work, and where they are/will be working. It is to make sure that the immigrant has a legitimate job and a place of residence and to hold employers responsible for their immigrant employees.

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What is a long-stay visa? What function does an Italian long-stay visa have?

It is a visa that is needed for people who want to stay for more than 90 days. People still need a residence permit.

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What is a residence permit? What function does an Italian residence permit have?

Immigrants must have a residence permit. It is a document provided by the Italian government to tabulate the number of alien residences living in Italy. It is to assure that the immigrant has the means to residence in Italy.

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Why does a residence permit have different costs?

Length of stay is different

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What is required to work in Italy?

Work visa, work permit, and residence permit

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Who completes the request for a work permit? Why is this the case?

Employer's fill out the work permit because it places a burden on employers to ensure that their workforce is legal.

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What is the employee's role in obtaining a work permit?

Employees must provide a copy of the passport or ID document, proof of an accommodation in Italy (the residence contract in Italian), proof of having sufficient means to return home, all information concerning future employment status (depends on employer), and maybe health insurance to the employers.

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What are three examples for a work visa request?

Salaried employment Seasonal work (regulated to agriculture or tourism) Long-term seasonal work (allows you to stay and work on seasonal activities for two years) Sports related work Artistic work Working holiday Scientific research

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What are the requirements for an Italian Work Visa?

To get a work visa, immigrants must apply for this outside of Italy. The visa application must be filled no later than three months prior to the intended date of moving to Italy. Immigrants must present the following documents: Completed Italian visa application form

  • Recent passport size photo

  • A valid passport

  • A valid work permit

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