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Selection Sort
Selects the largest or smallest element to swap with.
Insertion sort
Inserts the first unsorted element to the front.
Bubble sort
The largest or smallest element bubbles up
Merge sort
Splits the data set in half and merge in order with the auxillary arrays
Quick sort
Makes an element a pivot and sorts it based on it.
Radix sort
Sorts based on the element’s length and content
Heap sort
Maximum or minim numbers get sorted as highest priority
Time complexity for Selection sort
Best case: O(n^2)
Average: O(n^2)
Worst case: O(n^2)
Time complexity for Insertion Sort
Best case: O(n)
Average: O(n^2)
Worst case: O(n^2)
Time complexity for Bubble Sort
Best case: O(n)
Average: O(n^2)
Worst case: O(n^2)
Time complexity for Merge sort
Best case: O(nlogn)
Average: O(nlogn)
Worst case: O(nlogn)
Time complexity for Quick sort
Best case: O(nlogn)
Average: O(nlogn)
Worst case: O(n^2)
Time complexity for Radix sort
Best case: O(n * k)
Average: O(n * k)
Worst case: O(n^2)
Time complexity for Heap sort
Best case: O(nlogn)
Average: O(nlogn)
Worst case: O(nlogn)
Linked List
A list of pointers pointing to each other in one way.
A linked list that goes with “First in, Last out”
A linked list that goes with “First in, First out”
Unordered collection of elements
Hash table
An array of elements that are inserted based on their hash codes
Binary Search Tree
A data structure that has two children, left ones are smaller and right ones are larger
Data structure that associates a key with a value
Red-Black Tree
A self-balancing tree that utilizes color codes to balance itself
Building block of a tree
Nodes above the current node
Nodes below the current node
A node that is below the current node and is linked left or right
Interior node
Node that is not a leaf
The previous linked node of the current node
The node that is also a child of the current node
Node with no parent
Time complexity for Linked List
Add: O(1), O(n) in middle
Remove: O(1), O(n) in middle
Search: O(n)
Time complexity for Stack
Add: O(1)
Remove: O(1)
Search: O(n)
Time complexity for Queue
Add: O(1)
Remove: O(1)
Search: O(n)
Time complexity for Hash table
Add: O(1)+
Remove: O(1)+
Search: O(1)
Iterate: O(n)
Time complexity for Binary Search Tree
Add: O(logn)/O(n)
Remove: O(logn)/O(n)
Search: O(logn)/O(n)
Time complexity for Heap
Add: O(nlogn)
Remove: O(nlogn)
Search: O(logn)
How much merges would be needed for an array of n length?
N - 1 merges
How many more times would you need to merge if you double the array size of n length?
1 more time
What search to use if you are only searching once?
What search process to use if you are searching multiple times in an unsorted data set?
Quick sort then binary sort
For insertion sort for sorted lists, if the time to sort 10 items is 4 seconds, the time for 30 items is
12 seconds
What is the Big Oh growth rate of 5000000n + 343242342?
Linear search time complexity
Binary search time complexity
What would be the best data structure to store blocked websites?
Time efficiency to printing out all nodes of a Red-Black tree
Time efficiency to printing out all nodes of a Red-Black tree
Adding/removing from a stack/queue array time efficiency
Unordered sets/maps are more efficient than ordered ones
What does a good hash function do?
Reduce collisions and makes finding easy
Inorder traversal
Left, center, right
Pre-order traversal
Center, left, right
Post-order traversal
left, right, center