she4 qu1
zhen1 zhi4
真挚sincere; cordial
ming2 e2
名额no. of people allowed
lian2 jie1
链接link (on a web page)
shi1 fu
师傅master worker
shan4 chang2
擅长be expert in
cai2 feng
裁缝tailor; dressmaker
bian1 zhi1
编织knit; weave
jiang4 ren2
匠人artisan; craftsman
hong1 bei4
烘焙 cure by drying over fire
jiang3 shu4
讲述 give an account of
li2 ming2
黎明 dawn; daybreak
su1 xing3
苏醒 regain consciousness
禽 birds
wan3 xia2
晚霞 sunset glow
tian1 zhuan1 jia1 wa3
添砖加瓦 do what little one can to help
zu2 yi4
族裔 ethnic group
qin1 qi
亲戚 relative
jiao3 xing4
侥幸 by luck
chun2 chi3 xiang1 yi1
唇齿相依 be as close as lips and teeth
yuan2 shou3
援手 aid
kang1 kai3 jie3 nang2
慷慨解囊 help sb generously with money
li2 ba
篱笆 bamboo
渡 pull through
xin1 li4 jiao1 cui4
心力交瘁 mentally and physically exhausted
xue3 xhong1 song4 tan4
雪中送炭 provide timely help
qia4 hao3
恰好 just right; by lucky coincidence
mi2 bu3
弥补 make up for; remedy
yan4 yu3
谚语 proverb; saying
he2 mu4
和睦 / 和睦相处 harmonious
leng3 mo4
冷漠 cold and indifferent
tiao1 ti
挑剔 nitpick
ju4 zi
锯子 saw
遛 walk (an animal)
栓 bolt; fasten
qu2 dao4
渠道 (fig.) channel
bi4 duan1
弊端 malpractice; abuse