Andrew Carnegie
distributed more than 350 million of his fortune to libraries, universities, concert halls, and other public institutions.
wrote the Gospel of Wealth + huge philanthropist
Clarence Darrow
argued that criminal Behavior could be caused by a person's environment.
Rutherford B Hayes
used federal troops to end labor dispute.
Brooklyn Bridge
made possible longer commutes between residential areas and city centers.
Jay Gould
made Millions by selling assets and watering stock.
Henry Grady
spread the gospel of the New South and argued for economic diversity and Laissez- faire capitalism.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr
argued that the law should evolve with the times and respond to changing needs.
Private Guards
and State Militia: forces used by employers to put down strikes.
Plessy v. Ferguson
ruled that Louisiana's law did not violate the 14th amendments guarantee of equal protection of the laws.
labor movement
gained strength and saw some successes, but still faced challenges for better wages and working conditions.
Hull House
started by Jane Addams, taught English to immigrants.
active closing of a factory to break labor movement before it's organized.
Yellow dog contract
a contract that included that workers could not join a union
as a condition.
Atlanta Compromise
belief that black and white Southerners shared a responsibility to make the region prosper.
invention of barbed wire
made it easier to fence cattle.
Court injunction
judicial action used by employer to prevent or end of the strike.
created a class of millionaires that change the standard of living.
Political machines
tightly organized groups of politicians.
settling here was an evolutionary process of building a civilization.
Populist Party
emerged as a political force with James B. Weaver as its presidential candidate.
Sierra Club
aims to preserve natural areas from human interference.
Granger laws
made it illegal for railroads to fix prices by means of pools and give rebates to privileged customers.
National Grange of Patrons of Husbandry
organized in 1868 by Oliver H Kelly.
Dumbbell tenements
were buildings constructed with open ventilation shafts in the center to provide windows.
Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith, mercantilism included extensive regulation of trade by the government.
Contract labor law of 1885
restricted temporary workers to protect American workers from competition.
John D Rockefeller
founded a company that would quickly eliminate its competition and take control of national oil refineries (horizontal integration)
Grandfather clauses
a man could only vote if their grandfather has voted in elections before reconstruction.
dominates a market so much that it faces little to no competition from other companies.
Jim Crow Laws
required segregated public facilities based on race
grandfather clauses
a man could only vote if their grandfather has voted in elections before reconstruction
yellow-dog contract
a contract that included that workers could not join a union as a condition
Hull House
started by Jane Addams, taught English to immigrants
Sherman Antitrust Act
(1890) ****it prohibits monopolies and trusts that restrict trade or commerce
Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890
required the government to purchase large quantities of silver and issue paper currency backed by both gold and silver
Homestead Act of 1862
Encouraged farming on Great Plains by offering 160 six acres of land to settle on it for 5 years
Dawes Act
break up reservation land and allot it to people for assimilation
economic system between private parties was free from government interference
Social Darwinism
believe that Darwin's theories of Natural Selection and survival of the fetish be applied to the marketplace
National Unions
National Labor Union, Knights of Labor, Haymarket Bombing, American Federation of Labor
Homestead Strike
The National Guard was eventually called in to restore order and protect the replacement workers + against Carneige
Pullman Strike
railroad strike and boycott that severely disrupted rail traffic
Chinese Exclusion Act
banned chinese immigrants
Contract labor law of 1885
restricted temporary workers to protect American workers from competition
Social Gospel
importance of applying Christianity to social problems through reforms
Interstate Commerce Act (1887)
designed to regulate the railroad industry, particularly in regard to monopolistic practices
required railroad rates to be "reasonable and just," and publish their rates to refrain from offering rebates and other discriminatory practices
created the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to oversee the implementation of the law
Repealed by Wabash v. Illinois
Pendleton Act of 1881
set up Civil Service Commission + created a system by which applicants for fed jobs based on competitive examination
Greenback party
Advocated for increasing the circulation of paper money not backed by gold, known as "greenbacks"
Attracted support from debtors, farmers, and laborers who were hurt by deflation and the high cost of borrowing money