The stratospheric ozone layer is a shield around the Earth that absorbs most of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation (UV).
Ozone is produced naturally in the stratosphere when the sun’s UV rays split O2 molecules into single oxygen atoms.
These oxygen atoms then combine with O2 to form O3 molecules, which are very good at absorbing UV light.
However, human-produced chemicals, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), although they are heavier than air, have been carried into the stratosphere by the air currents and mixing processes of the atmosphere.
Next, if the ClO molecule finds a free oxygen atom, the oxygen atom will steal the O from the ClO to become O2, which releases the Cl atom back into the stratosphere to destroy more ozone.
The second equation looks like this:
Now the Cl can repeat the process again, taking another ozone molecule and breaking it down as in the first equation.
A single CFC molecule can destroy 100,000 ozone molecules and it is thought that chlorine can remain in the stratosphere for 50 years or so.
UV light naturally breaks O3 down, and O3 is still formed naturally, but chlorine accelerates this process and puts the cycle out of balance.
One example of ozone depletion is the “hole” over Antarctica. This isn’t really a “hole” but rather very low levels of ozone over this area during the Antarctic spring.
However, the South Pole isn’t the only place with very low levels of ozone.
The result of all this chemistry is more UV light is able to get through the stratosphere and to the surface of the Earth.
The greenhouse effect is shown in Figure 13.1. As you can see, solar radiation (infrared) from the sun is absorbed by Earth’s surface, warming the surface, and some is reflected back to space.
The main gases that are in our atmosphere that absorb the solar radiation are carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons.
Each of these has a different amount of global warming potential (GWP).
Water vapor’s GWP is unknown but not of great concern since the water cycle cycles relatively quickly.
Carbon dioxide | Decomposition, respiration, burning fossil fuels, deforestation | 1 | 50–200 years |
Methane | Burning of fossil fuels, livestock, landfills, decomposition, burning biomass, natural wetlands | 21 | 12 years |
Nitrous oxide | Soils, livestock manure, biomass or fossil fuel combustion, wastewater management | 310 | 120 years |
Chlorofluorocarbons | Refrigerants, aerosols, aircraft halons, solvents | 12,000–16,000 | 20–100 years |
As you can see in Figure 13.2, Earth has had many different changes in temperature over its history.
Currently, we are in a warming trend, which as mentioned in the topic above, has led to many impacts on the environment and human health.
The ocean absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the carbon dioxide reacts with the ocean water creating carbonic acid.
Ocean acidification is happening because excess CO2 in the atmosphere is being absorbed by the ocean.
This excess carbon dioxide (CO2) reacts with water molecules (H2O) to form carbonic acid (H2CO3), resulting in more hydrogen ions and lowering the pH of the ocean.
A way to remember how we harm biodiversity is the mnemonic device HIPPCO.
I—Invasive species
P—Population growth
P—Pollution (but always name a chemical if you want to use this one—just “pollution” is too general)
C—Climate change, which leads to droughts, floods, sea level rising, and so on
O—Overharvesting (overfishing, overhunting)
Of all these reasons for loss of biodiversity, the greatest one is habitat loss. We harm habitats by cutting down forests, by building roads, by building human habitation in areas where there used to be large areas of land (habitat fragmentation), and so on.
We can prevent this loss of habitat by protecting large tracts of land so it can’t be developed, creating and enforcing legislation to protect biodiversity, preventing importation of nonnative species, creating habitat corridors so animals can move between native areas, preventing deforestation, using sustainable farming and ranching practices, and helping to restore areas that have been harmed by human or natural disasters.