Generalists | Specialists |
Able to use a variety of environmental resources | Use specific set of resources. |
Adaptable to a wide range of environments | Less adaptable due to specialized needs |
Have a high level (range) of tolerance | Have a low level of tolerance |
Have an advantage when environmental conditions change | Easily affected when environmental conditions change |
Less likely to be extinct | More likely to become extinct |
Example: Human | Example: Panda |
r-Strategists | K-Strategists |
Not endangered | Most endangered |
Have many offspring and tend to overproduce | Have few offspring |
Low parental care | High parental care |
Mature rapidly | Mature slowly |
Population size limited by density-independent limiting factors, including climate, weather, natural disasters, and requirements for growth | Density-dependent limiting factors to population growth stem from intraspecific competition and include competition, predation, parasitism, and migration |
Short-lived | Long-lived |
Tend to be prey | Tend to be predator and prey |
Tend to be small | Tend to be larger |
Type III survivor curve | Type I or II survivor curve |
Wide fluctuations in population density | Population size stabilizes near the carrying capacity. |
Examples: most insects, algae, bacteria, rodents, and annual plants | Examples: humans, elephants, cacti, and sharks |
Carrying capacity (K): It refers to the number of individuals that can be supported sustainably in a given area.
Factors that keep population sizes in balance with the carrying capacity are called regulating factors and include the following:
Increase Biotic Potential | Decrease Biotic Potential |
Able to adapt | Unable to adapt |
Able to migrate | Unable to migrate |
Adequate resistance to disease and parasites | Little or no suitable defense mechanisms against disease or parasites. |
Favorable environmental conditions | Unfavorable environmental conditions |
Few competitors | Too many competitors |
Generalized niche | Specialized niche |
High birth rate | Low birth rate |
Satisfactory habitat | Unsatisfactory habitat |
Sufficient food supply | Sufficient food supply |
Suitable predatory defense mechanism(s) | Unsuitable predatory defense mechanism(s) |
J-Curve: It represents a population growth occurs in a new environment when the population density of an organism increases rapidly in an exponential or logarithmic form, but then stops abruptly as environmental resistance or another factor suddenly impacts the population growth.
S-Curve: It occurs when, in a new environment, the population density of an organism initially increases slowly but then stabilizes due to the finite amount of resources available.
Birth Rate (%) = [(total births/total population)] Ă— 100
Crude Birth Rate (CBR) = [(b Ă· p) Ă— 1,000]
Death Rate (%) = [(total deaths/total population)]Ă— 100
Crude Death Rate (CDR) = [(d Ă· p) Ă— 1,000]
Doubling Time = 70/% growth rate
Emigration = number leaving a population
Global Population Growth Rate (%) = [(CBR – CDR)]/10
Immigration = number entering a population
National Population Growth Rate (%) = [(CBR + immigration) – (CDR + emigration)]/10
Percent Rate of Change = [(new # - old #)/old #] Ă— 100
Population Density = total population size/total area
Population Growth Rate (%) =
Age-structure diagrams: These are determined by birth rate, generation time, death rate, and sex ratios.
Pyramid-shaped age-structure diagram: It indicates that the population has %%high birth rates and the majority of the population is in the reproductive age group%%
Bell shape age-structure diagram: It indicates that %%pre-reproductive and reproductive age groups are more nearly equal%%, with the post-reproductive group being smallest due to mortality.
Urn-Shaped age-structure diagram: It indicates that the %%post-reproductive group is largest and the pre-reproductive group is smallest,%% a result of the birth rate’s falling below the death rate, and is characteristic of declining populations
Country | TFR |
Niger | 7.63 |
India | 2.43 |
Mexico | 2.24 |
USA | 1.87 |
Russia | 1.61 |
China | 1.60 |
Japan | 1.41 |
World Average | 2.39 |
Chapter 4: Earth Systems and Resources