Great Pacific Garbage Patch: A large system of rotating ocean currents of marine litter in the central North Pacific Ocean and is characterized by high concentrations of floating plastics, chemical sludge, and other debris that have been trapped by the currents of the North Pacific Gyre.
Great Patch: Formed as a result of marine pollution gathered by oceanic currents as the gyre’s rotational pattern drew in waste material from across the North Pacific Ocean.
%%As materials are captured in the currents, the wind-driven surface currents gradually move floating debris toward and trap it in the center of the gyre%%.
As the plastic photodegrades into smaller and smaller pieces, it remains as plastic polymers leaching toxic chemicals into the upper water column.
As the plastic further disintegrates, it becomes small enough to be ingested by aquatic organisms and birds near the ocean’s surface and eventually enters the marine food chain.