Non Core ideology
First Wave Feminism
Late 19th Century + Early 20th
Focus on Formal Inequality in Public sphere
Legal inequality and Political inequality
Associated with Liberal Feminism
Second Wave Feminism
Chanllenged the traditional nuclear family
‘‘the personal is political’’
Articulates difference between sex and gender
Radical Feminism was central to this
Third Wave Feminism
Emerging in early 1990s
Focus on diveristy and intersectionality
Response to 2nd waves focus on white middle class white women
Broadened feminist discourse
Associated with post-modern feminism
Fourth Wave feminism
Focus on sexual harrasment, body shaving
What is Liberal feminism?
All individuals should be equally free and have same opportunities
Reformist Approach
Fpcus on securing legal and politcal ewuality
What do liberal feminists see the end goal as?
Removing discimination and inequality under the law
What reforms did liberal feminists achieve?
Suffrage - Achieved in US in 1920 UK in 1928
Eduction- Seeing it as essential to participate fully in life
Abortion and Reproductive rights
Political Representation
What did Liberal feminists think about stereotypes?
Created barries for women and limited freedom
Who was Mary Wollstonestonecraft ?
1st wave
Liberal Key thinker
What book did Mary Wollstonestonecraft write?
A vindication in the rights of women
What did Mary Wollestonecraft think?
Women are rational
Women are only inferiror due to unequal education stifiling there devleopment
What di Mary Wollstonestonecraft want?
Change in the way society viewed women
Education for women
Equal rights under the law
Equal employment oppurtunities
Who was Betty Freidan?
2nd wave
Liberal thinkers
What did Betty Freidan want?
Legal equality- Equal Pay act (1963)
Equal oppurtunity- Societal holds women down
What did Betty Freidan achieve in 1966?
National Organisation for Women (NOW)
What did Betty Freidan think that women couldnt achieve their full potential?
The problem that has no name
What did Betty Freidan say in the Feminine Mystique?
Who knows what women can be when they are finally free to become themselves
What did Marx and Engels think about feminism?
Inequality stems from Capitalism
Women are responsible for unpaid labour
Capitalism was the root cause
What is a quote used by Marx and Engels?
women were a ‘reserve army of labour’ that oculd be used when needed in low paid insecure jobs
What did Shelia Rowbothan argue regarding Capitalism?
Women face dual opression
-Poorly paid insecure jobs
-Unpaid domestic labour
What did Charlotte Perkins Gilam argue regarding Capitalism?
It forced women into socio-economic contract where women trade dometic labour, sex and reproductive ability for financial support
What did both women think about capitalism and discimination?
Not the sole factor but significant
What did Gilman think about social conditioning?
From a young age toys and clothes limit women
What did Rowbothaan argue that men in private sphere?
They took refuge and held power over women
What did Rowbotham call for?
A revolution within a revolution
What was Kate Millets book?
Sexual Politics
What was a key phrase of Kate Millett?
‘ the personal is political’
What kind of feminist was Kate Millet?
2nd Wave
What did Kate Millett think ?
The private sphere was a site of much opression
Unpaid labour fed into opression
What did Kate Millet think about the traditional family?
Central to enforcing patriachy by assigning authority and leadership roles to men
What other issues did Kate Millet draw attention to?
Domestic violence
Labelled them as manifestation of patriachal power and control
How did Kate Millet think about society?
Upholds traditional gender roles through media
What did radical feminists think about patriachy?
From a young age women are socialised to be passive,submissive and nurturing and culutral norms and media portrayals support this
What did radical feminists think of sexuality?
If women are overly sexual they are condemed by society
They oppose pornography and prositituion
What chnage do Revolutionary Feminists advocate for?
Revolutionary change as incremental change will be inefficient
What kind of spaces did radical feminists advocate for?
Womens only spaces
What did bell hooks argue?
Womens experience shouldnt be universialised
Women should have solidatiry between other groups facing opression
Who was bell hooks?
Post modern feminist