Regular reflection
reflection of rays on a regular surface
Diffuse reflection
reflection of rays at many scattered angles, on an irregular surface
Difference between real imagine and virtual image
real images are formed through the real intersection of lightrays. virtual images are formed through the imaginary intersection of lightrays.
Concave mirror (focal point)
on the left side
Convex mirror (focal point)
on the right side
Convex mirror (image)
upright, reduced, virtual
Concave mirror (image)
-mostly real, sometimes virtual -upright -enlarged
white light
normal light, when reflected splits and turns into a rainbow
opaque material
forms dark shadows
transparent material
less dark shadow
the darkest part of a shadow
half shadow region occurs when light source is partly coved by a screen
incident ray
ray of light that falls on a surface
reflected ray
light ray that is reflected from a surface
normal ray
the ray that is found in the middle of an incident ray and a reflected ray
angle of incidence
angle of reflection
Laws of reflection
angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection, the normal, incident and reflected rays must be on the same plane and meet on the same point
types of mirrors
plane, convex, concave
plane mirror (image)
virtual, upright, reversed
plane mirror rule
object distance equals to image distance
Real image
appears in from of the mirror (can be projected onto a screen)
Virtual image
appears behind the mirror
object height
image height
object distance
image distance
focal point
2F or C
Center of curvature
point at which mirror and principal axis meet
Case 1 : do > 2F (type of image formed + object/image distance)
image formed is reduced, real, inverted, di < do
Case 2: f < do< 2F (type of image formed + object/image distance)
image formed is enlarged, real, inverted, di > do
Case 3: do = F (type of image formed + object/image distance)
no image formed
Case 4: do < F (type of image formed + object/image distance)
upright, enlarged, virtual
magnification formula
hi/ho or -(di/do)
Applications of plane mirrors
kaleidoscope, periscope
image distance
object distance
In which scenario do concave mirrors form virtual images
when the object is placed in between the focal point (F) and the mirror