M10 — Mental & Behavioral Conditions

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Biological Framework

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Biological Framework

Affect, behavior and cognition as well as its disorders are functions of the brain.

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Simplification of complex concepts and processes which can have the tendency to ignore the actual complexity of how the brain works such as the concept of neuroplasticity.

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  1. Triune Model (Neuroanatomical Model)

  2. Top-Down and Bottom-Up Regulation

  3. Neurotransmitter Model

What are examples of Biological Framework

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Triune Brain Model (Neuroanatomical Model)

— Contains 3 parts/subsystems: Cortical/Neocortex, Subcortical/Limbic System, Brainstem
Human emotion, cognition and behavior arise from the connectivity and dynamics between these three systems.

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Top-Down Regulation

Enhancing prefrontal cortex (higher centers) and its ability to inhibit lower centers like the limbic system and brain stem.
— Change the thought (higher center) to change how you feel (lower center).
— E.g. Cognitive therapies like CBT and Narrative Therapies

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Bottom-Up Regulation

Optimizing lower centers to allow optimal cortical function (higher centers).
— Transform feeling and body sensations (lower center) to change thought (higher center).
— E.g. Sensorimotor, Somatic Therapies, EMDR

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Neurotransmitter Model

NT Pathways mediate valence (positive or negative power) and intensity of one’s emotional state and consequently affect thoughts and behavior.
— E.g. Serotonin, Dopamine, Norepinephrine/Noradrenaline, GABA

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— Neurotransmitter for Mood.
— Lack of this (+ low epinephrine) may lead to Depression.

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— Neurotransmitter for Reward and Cognition
— Excess of this may lead to Schizophrenia (plus low GABA) and Bipolar Disorder

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— Neurotransmitter for Energy
— Lack of this (plus low serotonin) may lead to Depression and ADHD

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— Neurotransmitter for Deactivation
— Primary inhibitory neurotransmitter
— Lack of this may lead to Anxiety and Panic Disorders

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Psychosocial Framework

Mental health and disorder can be explained by mental phenomena and processes, and how it interfaces with the external world.
— Mind > Brain
—. Modern psychological science recognizes the contribution of the brain’s biology in functioning; not exclusive, may harmonize with other frameworks.

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Psychodynamic Model

Unconscious processes, influenced by early experience, drive the here-and-now (thoughts, behavior, and emotions).
— A lot is going on in our unconscious mind that affects us now; Unconscious > Tangible
— Unconscious processes are highly dependent on the first 6 years of life.
— E.g. Freud’s Psychosexual Development, Id, Ego, and Superego
— Unconscious level include:

  • Intrapsychic Development

  • Templates of Self and Attachments

  • Motivations and Conflicts

  • Defence Mechanisms

  • Etc.

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Cognitive Model

— Behaviors and emotions arise from one’s here-and-now thoughts or tangible thoughts.
— Tangible > Unconscious
— Situations have impact based on how one interprets them.
— Automatic thoughts, intermediate beliefs, and core beliefs/schema determines our reactions and behavior.

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Automatic Thoughts

— First, quick thoughts that go in our mind as a response to a situation.
— E.g. “I did’t do good enough”

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Intermediate Beliefs

— Mental rules that we set on ourselves
— E.g. “I should always be on top.”

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Core Beliefs/Schema

— Most basic and pervasive beliefs.
— What drives automatic thoughts and intermediate beliefs.
— E.g. “I am incompetence unless proven otherwise.”

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Behavioral Model

— Behaviors are acquired from conditioning and habituation.
— ABC Model (Antecedent → Behavior → Consequence)

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Humanistic Model

— Humans have the innate purpose to self-actualize.
— Behaviors arise from the desire of humans to self-actualize/arise from the goal of finding meaning in life.
— Emphasizes self-determination and meaning rather than passive mechanisms.
— E.g. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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Biopsychosocial Framework

Biological, psychological, and social factors influence each other and all contribute to the development of mental wellness or disorder.
— Longitudinal; What contributed, what contributes, and what will contribute to MH?
— Occurs longitudinally to predispose (risk factors), precipitate (trigger stressor/event), or perpetuate (maintains problem/hinder recovery) a mental state

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Biopsychosocial Formulation

— Presents what predisposes, precipitates, and perpetuates a person’s mental health.
— Allows use to understand what factors contribute to a person’s mental health.
— Considers predisposing, precipitating, protecting factors and additional spirituality factor.
— Some relabel this framework to be “Biopsychosocial-Religious Model”

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Stress-Diathesis Model

— MH conditions can result from the interaction of a person’s vulnerability (diathesis) and amount of stress that can cause a “breakdown.”
— Predisposing + Precipitating

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— Experience and environment can alter gene expression.

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Experiences alter the brain’s structure through influencing synaptogenesis (creation of new neural connections).
— Ability of NS to change its activity in response to intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing its structure, functions, or connections after injuries.
Basis of neurorehabilitation.

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Developmental Psychopathology Model

— Mental health disorders may be explained not simply as de novo (new/arise from nowhere) signs and sx but by problems in the development of psychological functions (e.g. emotional regulation, self-control, executive function, etc.)
Exposure to adverse childhood experiences may predispose one to a mental disorder.

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Intergenerational Transmission

— Mental health problems tend to be passed from parent to offspring.
— MH can be d/t genetics.
— Mental illness can disrupt parenting, family systems, and consequent psychosocial development (can create disruptive social systems)

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Mind-Body Connection

Mental state can affect physical health; Body’s physical health can affect the brain and mind.
— Hypothalamus + (connects to) Pituitary Gland w/c regulates hormonal systems.
— Limbic system + (connects to) Autonomic Nervous System w/c is responsible for acute resting state

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