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proposition 13
it was a law passed in CA that basically said that there was a limit to how much property taxes could increase. taxes used to go up a lot each year, making poor people struggle to pay for their homes, so this was beneficial in allowing them to afford their homes. some people didn’t like it because it led to the amount of money used in schools and federal services being lowered.
boll weevils
conservative southern democrats who voted for republican issues
tax reform act
it was created to stop rich people from committing tax evasion, so it helped make it equal, but it also got rid of some of the tax benefits that other industries had that were beneficial
supply-side economics
government should try to increase the supply of goods instead of demand them, it said that lower taxes and regulation would lead to increases in productivity
strategic defense initiative
Reagan’s plan to create a missile-defense system to cover an american territory in order to block a nuclear attack → star wars
social reform leading anti-americans who launched a civil war in nicaragua
anti-sandinista fighters in the nicaragua civil war that were secretly given military aid and money using funds from supplying Iran with arms prior
means “openness” that was used with perestroika in the USSR by gorbachev → led to access in the west and an end of communist rule
means “restructuring” used with glasnost in the USSR
intermediate - range nuclear forces treaty (INF)
gorbachev and reagan treaty that banned all nuclear missiles from europe → cold war calmed down
iran - contra affair
reagan’s political scandal where he sold arms for hostages to Iran and used the money gained to help one of the forces in the nicaraguan civil war
moral majority
political committee founded by rev. jerry falwell that promoted anti abortion, lgbtq, and feminism → wanted to go back to christian roots
identity politics
using gender, sexuality, or religion to help move politics in your favor
black monday
10/19/1987 → largest single day decline in stocks led to instability in businesses, but not too serious
operation desert storm
american operation that drove the iraqi army out of kuwait
ADA (americans w/ disabilities act)
landmark law that Bush signed that prohibited discrimination against people with physical and mental handicaps
Ronald Reagan
40th president who used to be an actor, he was known for his conservative cabinet, wanted to limit federal spending by adding budgets, might have contributed to the end of the cold war
Margaret Thatcher
conservative prime minister of the UK, had many similar values related to spending with reagan and was known for her successful military operation in the falkland islands war
Corazon Aquino
first female president of the phillipines
Mikhail Gorbachev
last leader of the ussr used glasnost and perestroika and he met reagan to negotiate arms treaties, he dissolved the ussr and disbanded the communist oarty
Saddam Hussein
Iraqi dictator that invaded Kuwait and led to the iran-iraq war, executed by the iraqi government
jerry falwell
christian lead who created the moral majority → against feminism, lgbtq, and very conservative
Sandra Day O’Conner
first female justice of the supreme court - stanford → known for swinging cases w/ important votes
George H. W. Bush
41st president who was republican, he oversaw the end of the cold war, he faced recession at the end of his term
Boris Yeltsin
first president of russia who led the country out of communism
Nelson mandela
leader of the african national congress who spent 27 years in a south african prison, first african american president of south africa
Manuel Noriega
panamaniam general who was ousted from power due to drug trafficking
clarence thomas
second african american to serve in the supreme court and was appointed as a replacement for thurgood marshall → was charged for sexual harassment by an old colleague