Chapter 11 - The War of 1812 and the Age of Jackson
Andrew Jackson
- ^^A self-made man, climbing from poverty to become a Southern planter aristocrat^^
- Military campaign against the Creek Native Americans
- His role in the Battle of New Orleans brought him national fame
- Elected President in 1828
- During the Age of Jackson, he implemented the veto + Native American removal
War of 1812
- 1812-1814
- James Madison + Congress declared war
- British attacked with 3 major campaigns, but the Americans fought back on all of them
- Destroyed buildings in Washington, DC
- The Treaty of Ghent ended the war with a draw
Embargo Act
- 1807
- ^^Jefferson and Congress implemented the act to cut off trade with ALL foreign nations^^
- Angered New England Federalists + Yankee traders
Non-Intercourse Act
- 1809
- Opened trade with foreign countries EXCEPT Britain + France
Macon’s Bill No. 2
- 1810
- ^^If Britain or France agreed to stop raiding American shipping vessels, the US would reopen trade^^
- When Napoleon stopped attacking American vessels, Madison reopened trade with France
War Hawks
- Western settlers favored war with Britain
- Believed impressment violated American sovereignty + dignity
- Led by Henry Clay
- Determined to fight for American rights
- Led Congress to declare war
The Battle of Tippecanoe
- ^^Tecumseh + the Prophet^^ ^^formed a confederacy of Native Americans to stop white migration by using violence against the settlers^^
- In the end, William Henry Harrison (an American general) was victorious
- Britain kidnapped American men + drafted them into British navy
- Resulted in mistaken identities of whether men were British or American
- Violated sovereignty of US
Battle of the Thames
- Clashes along Great Lakes
- William Henry Harrison + Oliver Hazard Perry moved troops into Canada
- ^^1813 - The death of Tecumseh ended the confederacy of Native Americans^^
Chesapeake Affair
- HMS Leopard captured the Chesapeake
- Demanded 4 British deserters
- When the American captain refused, the ship opened fire + took sailors by force
Thomas MacDonough
- When Britain invaded US through Lake Champlain, they threatened NYC + New England
- ^^MacDonough utilized a cleverly positioned fleet + clear-headed thinking^^
- After the British surrendered, the US took their supplies
USS Constitution
- Launched in 1797
- Symbolic protector of Constitution
- Captured 4 British frigates (warships)
- Nicknamed “Old Ironsides” because its sides were made of iron
Francis Scott Key
- Captured during Battle of Fort McHenry
- ^^Witnessed British invasion through Chesapeake Bay + Baltimore^^
- 1814 - Composed the Star-Spangled Banner
Battle of New Orleans
- 1815
- The Americans didn’t know Treaty of Ghent was signed, which ended the war
- 2,000 British soldiers killed by American fire
- Made Jackson nationally famous
Hartford Convention
- Federalists discussing their grievances
- Talked about secession + proposals to send to DC
- ^^After DC was burned + the Federalists heard about Jackson’s victory, the Federalist Party’s power ended because they opposed a war that was already won^^
Irish Potato Famine
- 1845 - Blight destroyed potato crop in Ireland
- High numbers of Irish immigrated to the US and worked for low factory wages in eastern cities like New York
Canal Mania
- Transportation revolution
- 1817-1825 - Constructed Erie Canal
- ^^Canals were able to transfer large cargoes + allow people to migrate West + ship grain East^^
- Mike Fink was a flatboat man + folk hero
New York City
- With the construction of the Erie Canal, NYC became a transit point with oceangoing goods, people, grain, and cotton
- Boasted diversity + wealth + a growing population
Samuel Slater
- 1789 - Secretly migrated to US
- 1790 - Invented the 1st American textile mill
- ^^Slaves were needed to operate the machines making cotton fabric^^
- Efficient production led to high restriction of slaves’ rights
Eli Whitney
- 1793 - Invented cotton gin
- Boasted interchangeable parts, which made it highly efficient
- Basis for modern mass production
- Shrunk the huge space of the US by making transportation easier
- ^^Was able to carry heavy loads + ship goods quickly, benefiting the economy^^
- 1st big business
Samuel F.B. Morse
- 1835 - Invented the telegraph + Morse code
- Resulted in the communication revolution + different time zones
- Electromagnetism allowed people to send messages over a single continuous wire
John Jacob Astor
- Was a German immigrant that smoothly transitioned to American society
- Lived frugally, worked diligently, looked for good investments
- ^^1811 - Started a fur trading post at the mouth of Columbia River^^
- Became very rich
American Indian Removal
- Ignored past Native American treaties
- 1830 - Indian Removal Act
- Cherokee + Creek + Chickasaw + Choctaw + Seminole tribes forced to settle in Oklahoma
- Trail of Tears
- ^^1890 - Placed ALL Native Americans on reservations^^
Conflict over trade + encroachment on US → War of 1812
War of 1812 - US’s lack of preparedness + unity
Immigration - Irish + Germans filling eastern cities (preparation for Industrial Revolution)
Transportation + communication revolutions
Economic growth + westward settlement → Higher living standard + fortunes