Ctrl + W
Close a workbook
Ctrl + O
Open a workbook
Alt + H
Go to the Home tab
Ctrl + S
Save a workbook
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + Z
Remove cell contents
Alt + H then H
Choose a fill color
Ctrl + X
Alt + N
Go to Insert tab
Ctrl + B
Alt + H then A then C
Center align cell contents
Alt + P
Go to Page Layout tab
Alt + A
Go to Data tab
Alt + W
Go to View tab
Shift + F10
Open context menu
Alt + H then B
Add borders
Alt + H then D then C
Delete column
Alt + M
Go to Formula tab
Ctrl + 9
Hide the selected rows
Ctrl + 0
Hide the selected columns
Ctrl + Shift + F3
Create names from selection
Alt + D then F then A
Advanced filter
Alt + Q
Open the Tell me box
Alt + F
Open the File page and use Backstage view
Alt + H
Open the Home tab
Alt + N
Open the Insert tab
Alt + P
Open the Page Layout tab
Alt + M
Open the Formulas tab
Alt + A
Open the Data tab
Alt + R
Open the Review tab
Alt + W
Open the View tab
Ctrl + F1
Expand or collapse the ribbon
Shift + F10
Open a context menu
Ctrl + Arrow keys
Move to the edge of the current data region
End then Arrow keys
Enter End mode and move to the next nonblank cell
Ctrl + End
Move to the last cell on a worksheet
Ctrl + Home
Move to the beginning of a worksheet
Page Down
Move one screen down in a worksheet
Ctrl + Page Down
Move to the next sheet in a workbook
Ctrl + A
Select the entire worksheet
Shift + Arrow keys
Extend the selection of cells by one cell
Ctrl + I or Ctrl + 3
Italicize text or remove italic formatting
Ctrl + B or Ctrl + 2
Bold text or remove bold formatting
Ctrl + U or Ctrl + 4
Underline text or remove underline formatting
Ctrl + 1
Open the Format Cells dialog box
Edit the active cell
Ctrl + D
Use the Fill Down command
Ctrl + R
Use the Fill Right command
Ctrl + Z
Undo the last action.
Ctrl + Y
Repeat the last command or action.
Create a chart of the data in a separate Chart sheet.
Alt + F8
Create, run, edit, or delete a macro.
Shift + Left click
Open a template as a template file for editing.
Ctrl + J
Split cells with multiple rows into columns.