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3 things needed for a fire
oxygen, heat, and fuel
fuel only burns in
the vapor phase
flash point
the point when you can ignite
ignition temperature
the minimum temp needed for a fire to start
three sources of fuel
surface fuel, ladder fuel, and tree crowns
prescribed fires
lower fuel loads
competitive exclusion princable
two species with the same niche cannot live in the same area
two species with the same niche living in different areas in the same environment
eats leaves and grasses
eats woody material
eats fruits
Trophic cascades
powerful indirect interactions that control the ecosystm
the world is green hypothesis
predators limiting herbivore populations so more biomass can grow
Minimum Viable population
the smallest amount of individuals needed for a species to survive
allee effect
shows how density dependent mechanisms affect birth and survival rates when population is low
minimum dynamic area
shows the smallest amount of area needed to support the MVP