Slavery commision aims to abolish slavery
Refugee committee led by Fridtjof nansen was to return war refugees home or help them settle in new places
health committee worked to educate people about hygiene and diseases, research about deadly diseases; and worked against leprosy and malaria
labour committee reduced working hours for children, banned the use of lead in paint
The assembly was the meeting of all members countries. It was where countries could represent themselves.
Each country had one vote. The assembly meant once a year and could decide on matters like memberships and procedures.
The council had 4 permanent members -Britain, France, Italy and Japan The council met up to 5 times a year and in emergencies.
They decided on what action to take against agressors and dealt with more serious actions.
Italian general tellini was killed in Greece borders on 27 august 1923 -Mussolini used this as an excuse to ask for compensation and the killer from Greece, but greece didn't know who the murderer was.
mussolini invaded greece on the 31st of august and occupied corfu, the greeks appealed to the league - mussolini was morally condemned but in the end got compensation from the greeks because he asked for council of ambassadors and the only italian guy there blamed greek and even so he won
The Geneva Protocol was a proposal drawn up in 1924 to strengthen collective security
The proposal was drawn up by Britain and France.
It was drawn up as a reaction to the French invasion of the Ruhr
The proposal outlined that if two members were to disagree, they would have to bring their dispute to the Permanent Court of International Justice for a hearing.
Veto power and unanimous decision making made the process much slower (self-interest)
US was not a member which weakened the trade sanctions (trade)
USSR had a strong military which could have been used for Manchuria
Showed the League had no power to control strong nations (Japan left which allowed them to continue invading China)
Gave the excuse of It being too far which shows that they were weak and unequipped
Strong nation (Britain wanted a good relation)
Economic sanctions did not work as USA was not in the League
too far and both britain and france didnt wanna risk war
Aaland dispute 1921
Health committee was successful with eradicating diseases (malaria and leprosy)
freed 200,000 slaves in sierra leone
upper silesia 1921
Britain and France were the most powerful therefore self-interest and gain build empires
Set up after war therefore many problems and each country had their own problems without focusing on other countries
No country was ready to disarm first
Germany was forced to disarm still, hitler walked out
Britain and France wanted to keep Mussolini as an ally against Hitler
Did not want to risk war
france's troops were tied up in the ruhr at the moment, could not acted military, and the british were not ready to act without the french
would agree to sacrifice justice for co-operation
britain and france did not stop them
suez canal was not closed
sanctions (oil and coal) were delayed or not implemented
sanctions didn't work properly as the usa traded with most of the countries (e.g. abyssinia)
only it had the most influence
Aaland Islands
Health committee
Upper Silesia
the ruhr
World Depression:
Rearmament to help economy (suspicious)
Reluctant for trade sanctions to help each country's economy (Manchuria)
Encouraged Mussolini (to distract the public) and Japan (for raw materials and a market to sell their goods) to expand their empire
League gave into powerful countries (relations), showed their weakness and inaction
Self-interest (Manchuria, Abyssinia)
Rearmament to help economy (suspicious)
Reluctant for trade sanctions to help each country's economy (Manchuria)
Encouraged Mussolini and Japan to expand their empire
Abyssinia showed that they were playing favorites (self-interest) (Hoare-Laval pact)
Manchuria crisis (economic sanctions wouldn't work, self-interest, powerless, inaction to avoid war)
Solved disputes such as Aaland Islands, Upper Silesia
Health commission and slavery commission
Abyssinia invasion (self-interest, lost credibility)
Loss of US membership (trade sanctions- Manchuria)
Disarmament failed (own rules)
Lost credibility due to self-interest (relations)
Secret treaty (Hoare-Laval pact)
Manchurian crisis (excuses)
Vilna (1920)- Poland and Lithuania. Britain and France wanted Poland as an ally against Germany
Corfu (Britain and France agreed to sacrifice justice for cooperation)
Unanimous decision and veto power
Loss of US membership
Commissions worked
Disarmament conference
Abyssinia and Manchurian invasion (british and france were dumb shits)
No one wanted to disarm to Germany's level
Britain produced a disarmament plan that was not supported
Hitler withdrew from the conference
British-German naval treaty (1935)
Manchuria and Abyssinia invasion
hitler rearming publicly 1935
health helped reduce malaria and leprosy cases greatly
even ussr took the health commission's heed to avoid a plague
freed 200,000 slaves in sierra leone
aaland islands 1921
upper silesia 1921
aaland islands (1921)
upper silesia (1921)
labour commisions
corfu 1923
vilna 1920-1929
ruhr invasion 1923
made countries rearming to create jobs
caused manchurian crisis
disarmament conference, hitler walking out
abyssinian crisis