theology quiz 1 

1. **Sacrament:** __efficacious__ __signs__ of __grace__, __instituted__ by Christ and __entrusted__ to the Church by which Divine life is __dispensed__ to us.
2. **Efficacious:** the process or ability to cause an effect. To make change. 
3. **Sign:** a visible mark or symbol.
4. **Grace:** The gift of God’s life in us. Or participation in the Divine life.
5. **Instituted:** To establish something.
6. **Entrusted:** Giving something to someone or to put in one’s care. 
7. **Dispensed:** Something being shared.  
8. **Justification:** is the process of being made righteous before God.
9. **Original Sin:** the sin of Adam and Eve and transmitted (passed down) to all humans.
10. **Concupiscence:** inclination to sin or desire to sin. 
