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A statement that says less than what it meant. Example it is a tornado in the weatherman says “it’s a bit windy!”
A word or phrase and every day use in a conversation in informal writing, but is inappropriate in formal situations example “he’s out of his head if he thinks I’m gonna go for such a stupid idea”
The point in a plot that creates the greatest intensity, suspense, or interest also called the “turning point“
A vigourous speech in which part represents the whole. “If you don’t drive properly, you will lose your wheels” the wheels represent the entire car.
A reoccurring image, word, phrase, action idea, object or situation used throughout a work, unifying the work by tying the current situation to previous ones or new ideas to the theme the colour Green and the great Gatsby symbolizes greed in envy
Repetition of a word, phrase or clause at the beginning of two or more sentences in a row this is a deliberate form of repetition and helps makes the writer point coherent
A very short story told in prose or poetry to teach a practical Lesson about how to succeed in life
Third person omniscient point of view
All knowing character tells the story using the third person pronouns this narrator instead of focussing on one character only often tells us everything about many characters
Central character who lacks all the qualities traditionally associated with heroes, may let courage, grace, intelligent, or moral scruples
A statement that appears self-contradictory, but that reveals a kind of truth. You have to spend money to make money.
The use of language to invoke a picture or concrete sensation of a person a thing a place or experience
form of persuasion that appeals to reason instead of motion to convince an audience to think or act in a certain way
Verbal Irony
Occurs when someone says one thing but really means something else
A figure of speech that makes a converse between two unlike things using words such as like as than or resembles
In a plate, a comment made by a character that is heard by the audience or another character, but is not heard by other characters on stage
The use of hints includes to suggest what will happen later in the plot
The repetition of similar vowel words followed by different consonant sound, especially in words that are together
Indirect characterization
The author reveals the reader what the character is like by describing how the character looks, and dresses by letting the reader hear what the character says, by revealing the characters, private thoughts and feelings by revealing the characters effect on other people (showing how other characters feel or behave towards character) or by showing The character in action.
A figure of speech that uses an incredible exaggeration or ever statement for a fact “if I told you once I’ve told you 1 million times…”
Is one who does not change much in the course of a story
A feeling of uncertainty and curiosity about what will happen in the next story
characters that have more dimension in their personality they are complex just a real people are
Is a word or phrase often a figure of speech that has become lifeless because of overuse avoid cliché like the plague
A brief story told to illustrate a Point or severe as an example of something often shows of an individual
Confession poetry
The 20th century term used to describe poetry that uses intimate material from poets life
Historical between opposing forces or character characters in a story
Take place when there is a decree between what is expected to happen or what would be appropriate to happen in what really does happen
A play on words based on the multiple meanings of a single word or on words that sound alike, but mean in different things. EX dot the Pillsberry doughboy gave his girlfriend flowers
The association and emotional overtones that become Attached to a word or freeze in addition to it strict dictionary definition
The part of a story that introduces his character situation and setting
A Speaker or writers choice of word
A drama which features a noble character who had a great influence on the world. This person has a flaw which brings out the downfall of the story ends in a catastrophe
Parallel structure
The repetition of words or phrases that have similar grammatical structure in piece of work
A quotation or saying at the beginning of a literary work suggestive of the Theme sometimes these are written in Italics
Persuasion pathos
A type of writing that relies more on emotional peels, then on facts
Story or poem in which character settings in event stand for other people or events or for abstract ideas or qualities.. Example animal farm Lord of the flies.
Direct characterization
When the author tells us directly what the character is like sneaky, generous mean to pets and so on
initiating incedent
The event that brings all of action in a story
Contributing human characteristics to an animal or intimate object
Two. consecutive rhyming lines of a poem
a type of writing that tells about a series of events
act of interpreting or discovering the meaning of a text, usually involves close reading and special attention to figurative language. Another way to say analysis
external conflict
Conflict can exist between two people between a person and nature or a machine or between a person and a whole society
A scene that interrupts the normal chronological sequence of events in a story to depict something that happened at an earlier time
A discrepancy between appearance and reality
Dramatic irony
When the audience or reader know something, the characters don’t know example, Julia is not dead just sleeping, but Romeo thinks she’s dead
Tragic flow
A character defect in a hero that brings out his or her’s tragic end Often what makes great brings upon their downfall many times it, Hubirs or prides But there are a different type of flaws
A figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things without the use of a specific word of comparison as as or resembles he is a lion in a battle
Calling out to an imaginary dad or absent person to a place or thing or a personified abstract idea
A type of writing that ridicules the shortcomings of people or in situations in an attempt to bring out a change
A figure of speech that combines obesity or contradictory terms in A brief phrase pretty ugly
The repetition of same or similar consonant sounds at the beginning of words that are close together example, she sells seashells by the seashore
A fixed idea or conception of a character or idea which does not allow for the individuality often based on religion, social or racial prejudices
Comparison made between two things to show how they are alike
The use of words who sound echo their sense pop snap
A form of discourse that uses language to create a mood or emotion
A relatively short story that teaches a moral or a lesson about how to lead a good life
A type of character that changes in evolves during the story
A character who acts as contrast to another character, often a funny sidekick to the dashing hero or a villain contrasting the hero
A word that makes fun of another work by imitating some aspects of the writers style
The series of related events in a story or place sometimes called a storyline
Rising action
The part of the story were complications in conflict and situation may introduce new ones as well between in a incident and climax
Opponent who struggles against or block the heroes or protagonist in a story
The conclusion of a story when all or most of the conflicts have been settled often related to the resolution
A type of character that only has one or two personality traits. They are one dimensional like a piece of cardboard.
third person limited point of view
An unknown near Tulsa story, but the narrator zooms in on the focus of the thoughts and feelings of one and only character
Internal conflict
A conflict can be internal involving opposite forces within a person’s vine
The central character in a story, the one who annotate or drives the action
The central character in a story, the one who indicates or drives the action
rhetorical question
A question asked for a fact and not actually about requiring an answer. Do I look stupid?
A figure of speech, where the substitution Of the name of an attribute is used for that of the main thing for example suit for business executive or track for horse racing
A long speech made by character in a play while the other characters are on stage Shakespeare please contain many of these
Device in which normally associates ideas, words or phrases or place next to one another a form of contrast between the Raiders call attention to the disimillar Ideas or images or metaphors, Martin Luther King and justice anywhere as a threat to justice everywhere
A person place or thing or event that has meaning in itself, and that also stands for something more than itself
A figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human feelings, thoughts or attitudes
The attitude of writer takes towards the subject of work, the Characters in it or the audience revealed through diction, figurative, language, or organization
A narrator who is totally impersonal tells the story with no comment on any characters or even the narrator is outside of the story just observing
references to someone or something that is known for history, literature, language, religion, politic, sports science or branch of Culture
A main idea of work that provides insight on the humans life
First person point of view
One of the characters tells the story, the narrator uses I
Liberty suggesting two or more different or sometimes conflicting meanings in a work an event or situation that might be interrupted him more than one way this is done On purpose by the offer when it’s not done on purpose, it is vanguemess and tracks from the work