AP Human entire module 1!
Absolute distance
The exact measurement of distance
Ex: "One mile from here"
Absolute location
Involves the exact locations of a place on earth
Ex: South, southeast, etc.
Activity space
Where a person travels to or what tasks he performs everyday.
Ex: We all (most of us) wake up each morning.
Someone who is a mapmaker.
An employee at Disney is making an outline of the park
A survey from the government that estimates the population age and other details like race, age, and sex.
Ex: The purpose the government sends papers every 10 years.
Contagious diffusion
The rapid diffusion of a trend or ideas (ideas, erally) throughout a population.
Ex: Every kid wears nike jordans now, it's part of fashion nowadays.
Cultural ecology
the geographic study of human to environment interactions
Ex: People are studying how much we pollute and how much pollution there is in the air.
Movement of people (trend) that spreads around. It can be technologies ideas and other stuff.
Ex: People use dashcams a lot now.
Cultural landscape
The landscapes that groups (cultural) make or develop
Ex: How we are setting stuff up on the moon.
The customs, beliefs, technologies, and demeanor a society shares.
Ex: Hispanic culture.
Relative distance
A type of measurement that measures the hierarchy or level of social cultural and economic matters. Ex: The relative distance of the United States is Christianity (culturally)
A map line that connects points of equal or very similar values.
topographic map
A map that shows the surface features of an area. 3-D
a map that is distorted by an underlying variable ( or the one that distorts the map)
Chloropleth map
Map that shows colors or statistics based on colors or shading of a color
ex: trump and hillary map.
Trend or movement that spreads around. It can be technologies ideas and other stuff.
Ex: People use dashcams a lot now.
The customs, beliefs, technologies, and demeanor a society shares.
Ex: Hispanic culture has a lot of practices where children love and take care of their mom.
Dot distribution map
A map that represents the object or thing that is being measured using a little dot to indicate the data.
Ex: I would see this in the real world when a political candidate has a map of his followers so he can make rallies there.
A living space where animals and humans interact together
Ex: The mountains, some people live there and there's mosquitos ( depending on the weather) sometimes that interact with them
Environmental determinism
A notion that pretty much states that humans have little power in shaping cultures, rather the natural events do.
Survival of the fittest,the environment pushed humans to create new technologies and not specifically their culture.
Expansion diffusion
When something spreads around into a larger area going slow, but then going exceedingly fast.
Ex Gaming, it started out as a small thing but nowadays it's a thing all men do, almost.
When someone starts to learn more visually or in the real world rather than in a classroom environment.
Ex: When a science teacher takes their students out to study plants.
Formal regions
An area that is geographically taken by very similar types of groups (they share traits to be specific.)
Ex: Jungle, there are different types of cats but are still cats.
Friction of distance
The idea that the further the distance the harder it is to flourish the other thing.
Managing two stores on contrasting sides of a country, a lot of money has to be invested into traveling.
Functional region
A region that is properly working is well organized economically, socially, culturally, politically, etc.
Ex: Any country that is in good shape unlike america is a good example.
A very informational system that collects data
A computer system that is used for research and problem solving using data from the space (of the earth) to verify store and show this data in relation to where the Earth's surface is located.
Ex: What farmers use to know what plants need more water or soil.
A system that tells you where you are or where you need to be and gives you directions using satelites.
Ex: Google maps
Global citizen
Someone that is ubiquitous with their surroundings and how they contribute to that.
Ex: A person that is very educated and travels often
Global scale
A scale that examines geography across the Earth.
Ex: A map like Earth at Night.
The growth of organizations around the globe.
Ex: When an organization pays for an ad.
Goode Homolosine Projection
A representation of a map that cuts parts of the Earth (ocean) so that there can be no distortion and each projection can have regions equally presented.
Ex: The map that looks like a peel of an orange
Greenhouse gases
Gases that result from fossil-fuel combustion that trap the heat energy from the Sun.
Ex: Exhaust smoke
Hierarchical diffusion
When ideas go around from person to person even to rural areas.
Ex: The discovery of space or the space race. Many countries have developed their own programs for traveling.
Independent invention
When something is being worked on by different people (that are working independently) at different places at the same time.
Ex: When Iron man was building more suits the new CEO of Stark Industries was also making one.
The building structures of organizations and facilities
Ex: Trump tower.
A building or physical structure that is needed for society to function. Ex: Legislative, they make laws.
When a region makes an economic system but it isn't entirely fair. Ex: Oil in Africa.
Isoline map
Map that includes line in areas to indicate the measurements are the same. Ex: Maps for hiking.
Invisible lines going vertically across the globe.
Map legend
The key of a map. Ex: A map of the U.S might show symbols and what they mean.
local scale analysis
Scale of geography that is focused on something like a city, state, anything not national but local. Ex: Map of amusement park.
The distance going west to east.
2-D demonstration of a geographic site.
Ex: Map of Florida.
Map projection
How a geographical structure is demonstrated
Ex: Peter's projection.
Mental map
a personal demonstration of a portion of Earth's surface based on what an individual is aware of.
Ex: Someone who lives in Florida is obviously going to know its in the South.
Mercator projection
The projection of Earth that distorts country sizes.
metropolitan area
An area that consists of the most populated and less populated parts of a region
national scale analysis
A scale in geography that represents the whole nation.
Ex: U.S census.
Natural hazard
Any type of threat to the environment involving natural disasters. Ex: Tornado
Points of fucntional regiosn that are matter and are coordinated
Ex: Capitals
non renewable resources
Sources that cannot be reproduced and are limited on supply.
Ex: Fossil fuels.
perceptual/vernacular region
An area that is believed to exist because of how accepted it is. It is basically what people think about a region.
Ex: Car spotters like Jupiter because there's nice cars there.
Peters projection
A projection of the Earth that distorts the way countries look but prioritize the real size or land mass.
A geographical land which we modify
Ex: Some areas are unsafe because of violence.
Polar projection/azimuthal
A projection that focuses on the poles of the Earth. It looks down on it. Ex: Picture of the North Pole
A very optimistic belief that there is a solution to every environmental challenge.
Ex: people think we can limit emissions using renewable energy.
Believe nature affects us and shapes us based on the environment like our stttidues and stuff