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embryonic niche
contains cell communication, the ECM, soluble factors and hypoxia/metabolism
extraembryonic endoderm
receives and returns signals to the epiblast and trophoblast cells
extracellular matrix
dynamic and complex protein network with unique biophysical, mechanical and biochemical properties specific to each tissue
what is the ECM structure in connective tissue like?
more elastic
what is the ECM structure is bone marrow like?
supportive cells
supports the stem cell niche in close contact with the stem cell and secreted factors for stem cells to respond to
neural inputs
provided in adult tissues and fetal tissues where circulatory and nervous systems begin
acellular components
matrix, soluble factors, chemicals, proteins, polysaccharides and lipids
blood vessels
bring nutrients to the stem cell niche and carry away waste
terminally differentiated cells with specific function absorbing nutrients, barrier for regulation and secretes proteins and molecules important for gut function
lamina propria
mixture of blood vessels, immune cells and mesenchymal cells like fibroblasts
transit amplifying zone
differentiated progenitor cells that go through a limited number of cell divisions migrating out of the crypt to mature functions on the villus
crypt base
niche for intestinal stem cells (rapid turnover)
how often does differentiation and migration occur in the intestine?
every 1 to 2 days
enterocyte cells
create a barrier through which dietary molecules are absorbed
enteroendocrine cells
hormone producing cells that influence nearby cells
goblet cells
secrete gel forming proteins to create a mucous layer
paneth cells
secrete protein factors that control intestinal stem cells
active intestinal stem cells (aISC)
the classical intestinal stem cell that is always undergoing renewal at the base of the crypt adjacent to the Paneth cells
reserve intestinal stem cells (+4 rISC)
dormant stem cells that are only activated in light of chemical exposure or when the cell can be potentially damaged
intestinal stem cell marker found at the crypt base of the stem cell niche
encoded in the reading frame of the LGR5 gene and produces a blue metabolic product so that we know where the LGR5 is located in the intestine
what is the goal of lineage tracing experiments?
limiting the labelling of cells and tissues
why is low cell density at the start important for good lineage tracing?
because if the density is too high it’ll be hard to pick out where the stem cell is
analogue of thiamine that becomes incorporates during DNA synthesis and labels cells who have undergone cell division
when stem cell is labelled…
all of its progeny will also carry that label because it is distributed to daughter cells over a few or many divisions
when a non stem cell is labelled…
the label stays within the cell
why shouldn’t we use a reporter gene in lineage tracing experiments?
because it can be turned on or off so we’ll lose track of the progeny
what is the role of LGR5 in Wnt signaling?
supports the signaling pathway by blocking the endocytosis and degradation of the frizzled/LRP receptor complex
what happens to the signaling pathway in the presence of R spondin?
the frizzled/LRP stays at the cell membrane and disrupts the b catenin destruction complex allowing the accumulation of b catenin and high LGR5
what happens when b catenin is ubiquinated?
it gets degraded and the LGR5 receptor is low
peri cryptal fibroblast
secretes Wnt towards the bottom of the crypt which activates canonical signalling supporting the maintenance of intestinal stem cells
promotes differentiation of intestinal stem cells
BMP antagonist
when are BMP levels high?
at the villus
when are BMP levels low
at the base of the crypt when there is high wnt signalling
supports the villus and crypt architecture as well as high rate of nutrient absorption by increasing surface area of the gut
what does compartmentalization of villi and crypts do?
increases absorption rate by increasing intestinal surface area
provides continuous cell turnover by storing lots of transit amplifying cells
protects intestinal stem cells in the crypt base from pro-differentiation signals
cell culture
the removal of organs, tissues, or cells from an animal/plant and their subsequent placement into an artificial and controlled environment that is conducive to growth
organ culture
a whole part of an organ is maintained/grown, which allows for differentiation and preservation of architecture
explant culture
small pieces of tissue are attached to a vessel and bathed in culture medium; the individual cells slowly migrate into the medium where they can divide and grow
slice culture
thin slices of an organ are maintained in culture medium
dissociated culture
tissue fragments are isolated and digested with proteolytic enzymes which creates a suspension of single cells
in vitro cell growth conditions
medium: has to have salts minerals, glucose (ex: DMEM)
nutrients: amino acids, vitamins, hormones, animal serums
growth factors: EGF, FGF, LIF
temperature: 37
gasses: O2 and CO2
antibiotics: penicillin, streptomycin
ph: 7 - 7.5
adherent culture
monolayer, anchorage dependent
what do cells need to grow in adherent culture?
either can grow on the plastic of the culture dishes/flasks or they require an ECM component to grow (ex: collagen, fibronectin, laminin)
non adherent cell culture
anchorage independent, suspension, free floating cells
graft of corneal epithelial cells grown on a fibrin scaffold from limbal stem cells for patients with eye burns (autologous cell therapy)
autologous cell therapy
uses cells from the patients own body to replace damaged tissue
3D environment that promotes cell attachment, differentiation and function that is important for cells who normally rely on some physical support to carry out their function
limbal stem cells
a type of eye cell
hydrogels (synthetic matrices)
highly absorbent, interconnected network of polymer chains often used as 3D scaffolds for tissue engineering
can absorb and maintain fluid
basal lamina extracts
naturally occurring scaffold
a naturally occurring scaffold made from basement membrane extract from a cancer cell line but can’t control for physical properties (hydrogel derived product)
2D cell culture
soluble gradients are absent, forced apical basal polarity, continuous layer of matrix, high stiffness, adhesion restricted to one plane and unconstrained spreading and migration in one plane
3D cell culture
soluble gradients are present, no polarity , discrete matrix fibrils, variable stiffness, adhesion in all three dimensions and spreading and migration are hindered
what tissues are good for matrigel?
breast tissue, neural, endothelial, blood or mucus, lung
what tissue is good for plastics?
a manufactured instrument intended to biologically support cells/tissues might agitate the cell aggregates
gel embedding
at the end of the 3D liquid culture process it exchanges the growth medium that lies on top and helps diffuse the cells into the gel to set up a concentration gradient (upgraded suspension culture)
2D cell monolayer advantages
simple and efficient, low cost, high reproducibility
2D monolayer disadvantages
cells lose their phenotype , lack cell - cell and cell - matrix interactions, fail to mimic the cellular function and signaling pathways as seen in vivo
3D cell aggregates advantages
better mimic cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions compared to 2D models
3D cell aggregates disadvantages
transiently resemble cell organization and interactions, lack capacity to recapitulate tissue organization, lack potency for self renewal and differentiation, difficult to maintain long term cultures
animal models advantages
closest to recapitulating body functions and cellular interactions in human tissues, can predict how a disease may develop or how a treatment may be responded to
animal models disadvantages
differences in human and animal biology, limited usability in imaging and high throughput studies, high cost maintenance
why is extrapolating results from model systems to humans difficult?
human physiology is very different (lifespan , metabolism of ibuprofen and warfarin)
biological processes are specific to humans and cannot be modelled in other animals
humans are not inbred
miniature, self organizing 3D structures formed in vitro created by pluripotent or multipotent stem cells that are lower in complexity compared to in vivo tissues
how are intestinal organoids created and maintained?
they are created from digested intestinal tissues or a single Lgr5 intestinal stem cell and it is maintained liquid suspension or in Matrigel
ISC self renewal
factors are usually added to nurture spheroids which then self organize and expand into mini gut structures
when do we know when an organoid begins to form?
when the cell stats to self pattern and the radial symmetry of the spheroid breaks
FACS (fluorescence activated cell sorting)
uses light lasers and detectors to separate a mixture of cells based on the fluorescence of the individual cells
stem cell purification
purification can occur physically by antibody labelling or genetically by reporter gene labelling and coupling that with the antigen of interest so that it is recognized by the flow cytometer
any substance that causes your body to produce antibodies
soluble protein activator of the Wnt signaling pathway that increase the size and number of intestinal organoids from digested mouse small intestine
polymers of ECM proteins that support intestinal organoid transformation
3D PEG hydrogel, fibronectin, laminin - 111, collagen type 1
technologies that precisely control the movement of liquids using micro scale geometries and channels
how does microfluidics work?
the dead cells shed into the lumen and clogs up the channels but if there is movement due to right concentration and mixture of the media there will be no build up
application of organs on a chip
intestinal parasite infection and study life cycle within the mini gut tissue and test drug efficacy to kill parasite while leaving the normal cell type intact
how does spontaneous differentiation occur?
by removing cytokines/factors to destabilize transcriptional network that supports the undifferentiated state in culture
embryoid bodies
large 3D cell aggregates that are grown in suspension culture but can also be plated onto a matrix permitting adhesion migration and further differentiation into the 3 germ layers
what allows the observation of radially organized germ layer progenitor cells in the embryoid bodies?
comprehensive antibody panels or multiple fluorescent gene reporter systems
chemical activator of Wnt signaling promoting tissue patterning
aggregated mouse embryonic stem cells (gastruloids)
grown in suspension and shaking cultures showing differentiation and body axis formation reminiscent of a spinal cord and tail but no true head
human gastruloids
no evidence of anterior neural development
pluripotent human embryonic stem cells cant give rise to certain extraembryonic stem cells
enteric nervous system formation in gastruloids
primitive spinal neurons innervating the gut tubes in 20 - 40 days can be observed (PNS development)
human embryo research laws
in the case that human embryos are created for reproductive purposes but are no longer needed research is allowed only if:
no genetic alteration of the human gametes or embryos
no embryo transfer for continuing pregnancy if manipulation is not directed to ongoing development
research only takes place during the first 14 days after fertilization