PRS igcse revision - BUDDHISm

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  • someone who recieved enlighenment

  • Siddharta Gautama

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a practice to calm and focus the mind

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  • reaching the true knowlege of self and nature

  • gaining freedom from the cycle of birth

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four noble truths

  • The truth of suffering (Dukkha) 

  • The truth of the origin of suffering (Samudāya) 

  • The truth of the cessation of suffering (Nirodha) 

  • The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (Magga) 

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4NT - dukkha

  • everyday pain

  • caused by desire, attachment

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4NT - magga

  • 8 elements that will lead to enlightenment

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buddhist practices - 4 noble truths

  • accepting suffering

  • development on moral character

  • ending desire = ending pain

  • practicing the 8 fold path

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4NT - samudaya

  • craving creates suffering

  • end craving

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3 poisons

  • 3 things that keep beings in the cycle of life (samsara)

  • greed

  • anger

  • delusion / ignorance

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the 8 fold path

  • practices to lead to freedom from the cycle of rebirth (samsara)

  • right view - know the truth

  • right mindfulness - control your thoughts

  • right concentration - practice meditation

  • right effort - resist evil

  • right livelihood - respect life

  • right intention - free the mind of evil

  • right speech - dont hurt others with words/swearing

  • right action - work for the good of others

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3 jewels

  • the buddha - enlightened one

  • the dharms: teachings of the buddha and the path to enlightenment

  • the shangha - the buddhist community

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3 marks of existance - anicca

  • how resilient a buddhist is

  • accept death and suffering

  • lead to happiness

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3 marks of existance - dukkha

  • dissatisfaction

  • belief in 3 types of suffering (ordinary, through change, through attachement)

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3 marks of existance - anatta

  • belief that there is no soul or permanent self

  • belief in the energy of a person being reborn, not the soul

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5 aggregates / khandas

  • human personality is made of 5 parts

  • the body - rupa

  • feelings - vedana

  • perception - samjna

  • thoughts - samskara

  • awareness - vijnana

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5 precepts - buddhist code of conduct to life an ethical life and reach anlighenment

  • no killing

  • no stealing

  • not too much sensual pleasure

  • no lying / gossiping

  • no drinking / drugs

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dhamanpada - buddhist bible

  • crucial teachings of the buddha leading to enlightenement

  • scripture of wisdom recognised in schools

  • highlights importance of why and how buddhists need to exit the cycle of rebirth

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marriage - buddhist views

  • never metioned in the dhammanpada that buddha is against marriage

  • liberal views

  • buddha highlights issues that come with marriage

  • not a religious duty

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death - buddhist views

  • should occut in peaceful environment with family

  • after death leave the body to rest for 4 hours so that the soul can leave the body

  • must be organ donors

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