Western Civ 2nd TEST

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General overview of Israel history

Israel is East of Egypt, they tended to live in the northern half of Israel’s Arc of development 1/3 of NC size. Nomadic tribe, Settled kingdom, gets conquered. Only monarchy, no democracy.

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migrated from Ur c. 1900 BC in Mesopotamia. God calls to go to canaan. Has a son Isaac, and a grandson Jacob.

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Jacob '“Israel” & His Decendants

The Twelve Tribes of “Israel”

-Move to Egypt, one son Joseph works for the Pharaoh

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Moses c. 1250 BC & The Exodus from Egypt

Jews leave Egypt for Canaan. Instead they arrived at Mt. Sinai

-At Mt. Sinai Moses receives the law from God. Mosaic law is found in the Torah

-Jews eventually reach Canaan, settle in 12 tribes

-Tribe of Judah settles in area of Jerusalem

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Development of the Law- The Torah First 5 books

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers Deuteronomy`

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Kings In Israel c1000 & c. 960

King David & King Soloman

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King David c. 1000 BC

 1000 BC- Makes Jerusalem the religious and political capital

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King Solomon c. 960 BC

960 BC- Israel at its peak, builds the temple in Jerusalem, becomes the peak because there needs to be a temple

  • After Solomon, his son messed it up and Israel split into two kingdoms: Israel in North & Judah in South.

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Jerusalem Capital

new capital, temple & king called kingdom of israel.

-Israel's capital at Samaria, new king, new temple built

-Judah's capital at Jerusalem. Continues old temple worship

+Split into two kingdoms of Israel and Judah

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Samaria and Jerusalem: Issue of assimilation.

to take on the practices & customs of people around you

Assimilation In Religion-To worship the Gods of the people around you. THEY WERE POLYTHEIST -greeks force polytheism on jews

-Israel assimilates  other gods and practices, known as idolatry

-Law & Prophets warn against this

-Judah resist this practice

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Era of Invasion & Conquests: 721-142 BC

Assyrian Invasion 721 BC, Babylonian 586 BC, Persian Empire 538-332 BC, Alexander the Great and Greek Culture Rule 332-142 BC, Maccabean Revolt 165-142 BC

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Assyrian Invasion 721 BC

 721 BC (general area northern Iraq) deportation of northern kingdom. Capital at Nineveh  LOST TRIBES

-Assyrians conquer lands west to egypt

-Deport people of kingdom of Israel

-End of Northern Kingdom

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Babylonian 586 BC

586 BC deportation of southern kingdom. Babylonians conquered lands from Assyria to Egypt

-Babylonians Destroy Jerusalem (2nd time)  and the Temple of solomon!

-Deport Jews EAST of Babylon

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Persian Empire 538-332 BC

586 BC deportation of southern kingdom. Babylonians conquered lands from Assyria to Egypt

-Babylonians Destroy Jerusalem (2nd time)  and the Temple of solomon!

-Deport Jews EAST of Babylon

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Alexander the Great & Greek Culture Rule 332-142 BC

332-142 BC- Alexander conquered the Persian empire. Makes Judea a part of the Greek empire. Greek kings opposed Judaism, set up statues in temple.

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Maccabean Revolt 165-142 BC

(165-142 BC) and Independence: Maccabean revolt against Greeks in Jerusalem. SUCCESSFUL REVOLTS AGAINST GREEKS, ran them out 

-Jews gain an area of self government. 

-This inspires jews to  revolt against foreign rulers

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Basic Greek, widely used. For jews around Greek empire, Koine more common than Hebrew

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200 BC Hebrew Bible translated into Greek

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 Jewish people spread around the Mediterranean sea.

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Required to go to the temple x3 times a year so then…

Synagogues become more common, if people don't go to the Temple

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Roman Judea 63 BC

 Romans conquer Judea 63 BC: Make it a Roman province. 

-Send a governor and troops. Build a Caesarea port on the coast

-Romans make jews exempt from worship of Roman gods. Jews resent Roman presence, seeking a chance to revolt.

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Some basic beliefs on Judaism

Hebrew Scriptures (old testament in Christian bibles: Contains history, law, prophecy, morals, poetry

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Revelation of Truth, Law & Morality

How to know what is true?

Greeks, Jews, Law, Highest Virttues in Judaism

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How to Know What is True?

 Truth begins with divine revelation

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How to Know What is True- Greeks

 Use reason and tradition

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How to Know What is True- Jews

Divine revelation and conclusions drawn from it.

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How to Know What is True- Law

The Mosaic Law is a divinely revealed law code. Contains moral laws, civil laws & ceremonial laws. Covers all aspects of life.

-Mosaic law is revealed to Moses who writes it down. A divinely revealed law code is not to be changed by people. The purpose of government is to enforce mosaic Law

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Highest Virtues in Judaism

Love of God and neighbor, keeping the commands. Military glory is LOWER than these virtues.

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Is One, other gods are forbidden. Has made a covenant with the descendants of Abraham. Judaism is MONOTHEISTIC and not polytheistic.

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God’s Covenant

To bless Jewish people if they obey God

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3 Aspects of Gods Nature

transcendent, omnipotent and omniscient

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Is not part of the natural world, has made it, is outside of time

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All powerful

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All knowing

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There is Legal & Moral Equalility

Laws and morals apply equally to Men & Women & ALL social classes

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History-God is Active in History

There is a divine plan and purpose to history, time is linear.

-Two levels of history: The visible and the invisible. 

-Events have an order that leads to an end: is linear not cyclical. The Bible reveals the basic direction of historical events.

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The End

The bible has prophecies about the future events and the end of history. The establishment of “the Kingdom of God”

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The Roman Empire: What Happened to the Republic?

The republic ends in corruption, violence, and civil war. Generals with private armies seize power after 100 BC

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Julius Caesar 100-44 BC

 100-44 BC The most famous GENERAL, conquers Gaul. By 45 BC he defeats rival generals and becomes a DICTATOR. He is killed by Senators in 44 BC

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Octavian Agustus Emperor 31 BC-14 AD: (Caesars NEPHEW)

31 BC-14 AD:  Inherits his wealth and troops. Caesars main The start of the Imperial Age

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Battle of Actium 31 BC

ONLY WAR WE HAVE TO REMEMBER LAST WAR OF ROMAN REPUBLIC. Naval battle off the coast of greece. Antony & Cleopatra: Octavian defeats Antony, Cleopatra at this battle. Cleopatra takes off in the middle of the war Antony follows her and their fleet retreats. Then they kill themselves

-This ends the republic.

-Octavian becomes the FIRST EMPEROR, is named AGUSTUS (the great one)  by the SENATE

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Empire Begins: The Pax Romana (31 BC- 180 AD)

Augustus (Octavian) Starts the Pax Romana: Peace in Rome. Era of Peace, prosperity, and recovery after civil wars. -The best of the Roman system, high point

-A little smaller than the US 2mil sq. Miles

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The new government: The Prinipate

Principate: 1 person rule, mix of old and new. Controls the government, army, provinces, and taxes, levers of power (Agustus/Octavian)

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The new government: The Princpes

First citizen, oversees all assemblies 

-Is elected to every office many times: consul, tribune, chief priest 

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What happened to the old government?

Don't get rid of the old system. Just want to have the same person be elected many times. Augustus (octavian) wants to hold more than 1 office.

- I.e same person that got elected as president also was the chief of the supreme court.

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The Emperors Bases of Power: The military

 Emperor controls the army as consul. 

-The Government Pays the soldiers      

  -Army settled in colonies around the empire to guard borders. Don't conquer anything

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The Emperors Bases of Power: The Finances

Controls Roman treasury & taxes. 

-Egypt is his own property, keeps it for himself.

-Spends money across the Empire on building projects.

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The Emperors Bases of Power: The Bureaucracy

 Augustus creates a civil service. This carries out his policies across the empire. Gets rid of curruption

The Provinces Effects

The Provinces: Economic recovery after civil wars. Governors are appointed by Agustus. Less corruption than before. People do not revolt!

–Provinces were to govern slaves, citizenship expands

–Agustus’s system is popular across the provinces. If you pay taxes and don't revolt everything is dandy.

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Aspects of Roman Culture in the Imperial age- Literature: Virgil (70-19BC)

 Greatest Roman Author, his Aeneid tells of Aeneas in the city of troy & how they build a city- the founding of Rome.  (Latin Homer?)

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Aspects of Roman Culture in the Imperial age- Literature: Livy (59 BC-AD 17) From the Founding of the City

Historian, his From the Founding covers Roman history down to Agustus. 142 Volumes! 30 survived

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Aspects of Roman Culture in the Imperial age- Medicine: Galen (AD 129-216)

The most influential ancient doctor, treated emperors. 

-Wrote over 300 books on medicine, more than anyone else put together.

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Carries water to cities, military places

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Roman Roads

were all across the empire

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Open to the public made by the cities. Like a community center.

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Take Greek plays and made them Roman play

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Temple to all the gods

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Roman Law- IUS GENTIUm

IUS-Law GENTIUM- Of the people The law of the nation. Was enforced across the empire . Roman laws and courts are over them.

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Judea in 1AD

Roman governor and army. The jerusalem sanhedrin. Herod

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Gospel Books

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

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 Describe events & meaning behind them.

2 main teachings

  1. Incarnation, Jesus the son of God, both human and divine. God in human flesh

  2. Jesus the Messiah: the one who save as foretold by the Jewish prophets “The kingdom of God is an hand”

-Jesus birth 3 yrs of his adult life

-twelve disciples (peter, james, john) mentioned the most)

-Jesus challenges the religious leader's practices.  

-Jesus teachings, miracles, crucifixion, resurrection

Meaning of events^: Jesus is the son of God, Jesus is the Messiah. Fulfills Jewish law and prophecy.

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Main teachings of Jesus

  1. Love of God and neighbor are the greatest commands.

  2. He calls people to repent and obey the law

  3. He calls people to believe in and follow him.

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Crucifixion & Resurrection

Jewish leaders think Jesus is breaking the law and upsetting the peace with the Romans. Romans crucify the rebels. Physical resurrection of Jesus on the third day after the crucifixion. In the GOSPELS this shows the divinity of Jesus & the truth of his message. 

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Most basic principles of Christianity

Incarnation & resurrection. They distinguish true false forms of Christianity.

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Includes the ascension which was 40 days after resurrection Jesus is taken into heaven.

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Tells what happens to some of the disciples 

–Describes the apostle Paul who spreads christianity into Greek areas. Half of the new testament is paul's letters to churches he starts

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Spreads christianity in Judea and nearby Gentile areas

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60 AD

Peter and Paul are killed in Rome by tradition

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50 AD

More Gentile Christians than Jewish Christians.

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Debate arises about Gentiles

If they  are really Christians since they weren't jewish.

Council of Jerusalem decides if Gentile Christians must become Jewish & keep the law

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Forming of the New Testament

Writings by Apostles are copied extensively, later copies survive. Oldest copies of the New Testament are fragments. 

Earliest copies of the New Testament 

-Vatican Greek: 300 AD

-Sinai Greek: 350 AD

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Earliest copies of the New Testament

-Vatican Greek: 300 AD

-Sinai Greek: 350 AD

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Books of New Testament & Old testament

decided in 367 AD called the canon (offical text) 

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 Official teaching and practices.

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Entry rite for an individual

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aka communion rite of the wholeeee community.

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Appear by 2nd century, over christian communities. They keep the faith and practics taught by the apostles.

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Person killed for the faith, Age of martyrs last to 300 AD.

-Stephan is first. Killed by Jewish authorities in 36 AD. 

-Becomes the great test of faith.

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Emperor Nero & the fire in Rome

Christians charged with hatred of humanity`

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Holy items from the Martyrs kept by christian communities. Example of catacombs in Rome.

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Jerusalem 70 AD

Jews revolt in Jerusalem, Romans destroy the temple. 

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Jerusalem 130 AD

Jews revolt again & Romans destroy Jerusalem

-By 100 AD Rome has more christians than other cities.

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Christianity & the classical heritage

By 50 AD most Christians are gentile converts. Comes from a classical heritage. 

-Roman & Greek culture & values. Such as the temples theaters gladiators literature. 

Some christians argued that classical heritage is dangerous. Others argued some parts are compatible with the faith,

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The end of the Pax Romana 180 AD

the Decline of the Empire: After 180 AD peace and prosperity declined. Emperors on average overthrown every 3.5 years

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300 AD

There are 3 parts of the empire. Latin west based on ROme. In decline, barbarians entering.

Latin West: (part of the Roman empire to 476)

Greek East: (Byzantine empire to 1453) prosperous, stable, well defended.

Middle East  & North Africa: Prosperous, christian, not well defended.

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Constantine Emperor (306-337 AD)

A general becomes emperor by conquest 306 AD. First emperor to convert to Christianity (this was illegal) , his XP symbol (first 2 letters of Christ X-CH P-R, After winning battle on milvian bridge  and using XP put on his soldiers.

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Edict of Milan 313 AD

Legalizes christianity later emperors are christian. Builds the new capital constantinople 

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Building of Constantinople

New capital near Greece by Black Sea formerly known as byzantium. Now known as Istanbul

-The age of Martyrs ends. Constantine holds a church council, Nicene Creed. Christantiy on its way to become a state religion

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Jerome 340-419 AD

Important figure of early Christianity. Translates the entire bible into Latin & called it the Vulgate Bible the bible for the western church, like Italy

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Fabiola 399

Important figure of early Christianity.. Christian woman who starts the first hospital in Rome. Took in the poor and sick who could not afford a doctor. Hospitals become a part of the Christian tradition.

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Monasticism 300 AD

To live a holy life separate from society. Begins in Egypt with Antony 300 AD. Spreads across the Roman empire.

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Antony 251-356

Created monasticism in 300 AD sells everything he has given it all away and secludes himself in a cave away from money, jobs, family, others join and create this community.

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Benedict (480-543)

Starts monastery near Rome at Monte Cassino 500 AD

-The Benedict Rule: Most famous monastic handbook

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The Legacy of Monasticism

Becomes a heroic test of faith. Keeps faith amid cultural decline in the west. 

How to maintain the faith?: readings and the bible. Spread christianity to rural areas

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What was the Legacy of the Roman Empire by 500 AD?:

-Spread of Roman political & military institutions over diverse people

-Roman citizenship

-Roman law

-Christianity, including monasticism

-Latin language- Italian, Spanish, French, English, Portuguese, Rumanian

-Spread of classical heritag

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Western half of empire 500 AD

 Overrun by barbarians, imperial government ends.

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Byzantine Empire

Eastern empire continues to 1453 called this. Constantinople the capital. This empire maintains the Roman imperial system of Agustus. Urban oriented, trade propers, reached Asia. 

-Chrsitian, keeps classical heritage

Politically: Emperors rule with a bureaucracy. Keep Roman law & court system. Military defends borders

-Byzantine Emperors run the: government, legal system, army, eastern Church

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Emperor Justinian 527-565

“2nd Most famous” Byzantine emperor. Reconquers area of old empire. Reformation of the old empire. Built the hagia sophia during his rule.

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Hagia Sophia

Church of holy wisdom built in the rule of emperor Justinian.

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Corpus iuris civilis

body of civil law organizes Roman law into this. A law used by many later monarchs. Made by emperor Justinian.

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