Eyeball to Eyeball- Cold War Unit 7

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Yalta Conference (Feb 1945)

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Yalta Conference (Feb 1945)

  • Final meeting of the FDR, Churchill, Stalin, decide to divide Germany [& its capital city of Berlin] into 4 parts; Russia takes the largest portion; sets up East/West divide (Stalin promised “free,” pro-Soviet elections in the Eastern Bloc countries after the war)

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Potsdam Conference (July-Aug 1945)

The last World War II conference, attended by Truman [U.S.], Stalin [USSR], and Attlee [U.K.], to decide how to bring an end to the Pacific war with Japan.  The war came to a quick end with the bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki  {*Distrust re: Eastern European “free” elections promised at Yalta & atomic bomb secrecy}

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Where atomic bomb is dropped (Aug 1945)

Hiroshima and Nagasaki- the Nuclear Age begins

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Watchdog of the World

Americans feel a responsibility to stay involved in world affairs (A post-World War II shift in American policy away from traditional isolationism, and toward interventionism & internationalism)

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Iron Curtain (1946)

in a speech, Winston Churchill explains that Eastern Europe has been cut off from communication with the West due to Soviet influence...he warns that Greece & Turkey may be next! (recommends taking a strong, united stance)

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Truman Doctrine 1947

America will make a permanent shift to internationalism by protecting and defending countries around the world in danger of becoming communist; containment ($$$ to Greece, Turkey, etc.)

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Kennan/Long telegram

Policy recommendation to build up nuclear arms in the face of Soviet expansionism

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The Marshall Plan 1947

$$ to West Germany, France, Netherlands,  Belgium (and any other country that will take it…and our influence)

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Soviet Influence (and $) to build concrete buildings with no architectural value; Eastern Bloc 

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Berlin Blockade/Airlift (1948-1949)

Stalin persuades E. German leadership to shut down electricity and transport lines in and out of W. Berlin; US & UK fly in supplies for almost 1 year & Stalin backs down

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NATO (1949)

“North Atlantic Treaty Organization”--Western alliance against communism and communist expansion (after 9-11 mostly against terrorism)

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The Warsaw Pact (1949)

Alliance of Eastern Bloc countries with USSR against western capitalist intervention

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Chinese Revolution (1949)

China’s Communist forces under leader Mao Zedong defeated the Nationalists (who fled to Taiwan), and declared the creation of the People’s Republic of China

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Domino Theory

If communism spreads into one country, others will soon follow...countries are starting to fall under Communist control (Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, China, North Korea...where next?)

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An American foreign policy using American money and support to prevent the spread of communism

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Soviets explode 1st atomic bomb (1949)

RDS-1 (“Joe-1”), also called “First Lightning,” the Soviet Union's first nuclear weapon tested; Arms Race begins

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Satellite Wars

(“Surrogate”/“Proxy” Wars)--Fought in other countries but with US and Soviet influence on both sides. [China, Korea, Cuba, Vietnam…]

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to force an enemy to consider the consequences before they take any action; to prevent attack (based on the concept of “mutually assured destruction”=MAD)

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Fail-Safe Program & Mertvaya Ruka (aka “Dead Hand”)

a system that guarantees nuclear launches will continue even if one or more parts of the system fail, or even if all of those in control are destroyed

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U-2 Incident (1960)

US U-2 Spy plane was shot down deep in Soviet territory despite claims the the US was not spying on the USSR; embarrassing and disruptive to potential detente 

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Brinkmanship (1952-1991)

Willingness to push another country to the edge [the brink] of all-out-war to determine the boundaries of diplomacy

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HUAC (1938-1969)

“House Un-American Activities Committee”; a committee in the US House of Representatives that aimed to find and root-out suspected communists in the United States, particularly in positions of power or influence (like government positions or Hollywood stars)

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Alger Hiss/Rosenbergs (1948-1953)

All accused of spying for the Soviet Union; Hiss accused of communist espionage & testified in front of HUAC, found guilty of perjury; Julius & Ethel Rosenberg ran a spy ring (including individuals involved in the Manhattan Project), found guilty of espionage, and put to death by electric chair in 1953. 

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Hollywood 10 (1947)

Ten motion picture directors, actors, and writers found in contempt & blacklisted or fired for refusing to testify (“name names”) before HUAC about alleged communist activity; led to McCarthyism in the 1950s

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McCarthyism (1950-1954)

Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin (in the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations) accused hundreds of people of working for the communist party with little-to-no evidence; a “witch hunt” that went too far when he accused the Army of communist infiltration

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“Détente” (1970s)

A thawing of the “cold” relationship between the US and USSR; willingness to communicate about arms control and peace

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General Douglas MacArthur

initially successful in driving back the North Korean forces over the 38th parallel. He made a controversial move, however, when he continued to push the North Koreans further north and suggested bombing cities in China that were thought to be aiding the North Korean troops

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Korean War Cause

During WW2, Korea was occupied by Japan, after the war it was divided by the 38th parallel into the Peoples Republic in the South and the Republic of Korea in the North, North Korea invaded South Korea

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Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification

both sides would "make active efforts to seek the support and cooperation of the international community for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula”

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Joseph Stalin

Rules over Soviet Union from 1924 - 1953

Creates “model” communist state in Soviet Union

- Collectivization of agriculture

- Forced rapid industrialization

- Creates police state - purging enemies of the state

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Silent Majority

The majority of people in America who support the government and the war 

-Value conformity 

-See protest as divisive & negative

-Nixon appealed to them to support his election

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Credibility Gap

public distrust of statements made by the government when compared to what was being shown on the nightly news

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Nixon’s campaign 1968, promised to turn the war 

over to the S. Vietnamese

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26th Amendment

Voting Age=18, those old enough to be drafted for military service should be able to vote

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War Powers Act

 requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period

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Mikhail Gorbachev

glasnost: - openness in social problems

perestroika - economic restructuring

New openness

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Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

U.S. ships had been attacked twice in international waters in the Gulf of Tonkin near North Vietnam. Johnson dispatched U.S. planes against the attackers and asked Congress to pass a resolution to support his actions. There was little debate in Congress, and the joint resolution "to promote the maintenance of international peace and security in southeast Asia

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The Draft

The second peacetime draft began with passage of the Selective Service Act of 1948 after the STSA expired. The new law required all men of age 18 to 26 to register

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Hawks vs. Doves

hawks” are those who advocate an aggressive foreign policy based on strong military power. “Doves” try to resolve international conflicts without the threat of force

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born out of dissatisfaction with the dominant culture in countries across the globe during the Cold War. The movement gave credence to those who resisted the socially accepted norms of the time, specifically the cultural norms tied with the dominant politics of the period

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Kent State

Four students were killed and 9 others injured in a police shooting at a protest against the Cambodia invasion

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Cold War Soviet Leaders

  • Joseph Stalin

  • Nikita Khrushchev

  • Mikhail Gorbachev

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U.S Cold War Presidents

  • Truman

  • Eisenhower

  • JFK

  • Lyndon Johnson

  • Nixon

  • Jimmy Carter

  • Ronald Reagan

  • Bush

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pledged that the United States would help any nation resist the spread of communism. This policy of containment became known as the Truman Doctrine, enacted the Marshall Plan to provide aid to Europe’s post-war recovery

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  • Met with Krushchev

  • “agreed that all outstanding international questions should be settled not by the application of the force but by peaceful means through negotiation.”

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  • Bay of Pigs

  • Met with Krushchev-agreed they don’t want nuclear war

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  • Vietnamization

  • End of Vietnam war

  • Went to Moscow and China

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  • Built relationship with Gorbachev

  • Signed treaty (INF) to eliminate certain nuclear ballistic missiles

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  • People bought things just to buy them and keep up with what was trending

  • Consumerism skyrockets due to the past filled with poverty and depression which caused people not to be able to purchase many things 

  • Televisions became extremely popular and something every family “needed”

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Black Americans/Segregation & Civil Rights:

  • Black people started to protest against segregation even after the jim crow laws

  • Segregating black people was the norm 

  • Martin luther king jr became the headliner for the civil rights movement and was the motivation that people need to move forward and change the segregation forever

  • Schools begin to unsegregated but many people and schools are against this

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Nuclear Arms Race

  • Roads were built to be smooth to transport military missiles 

  • Everyone lived underneath the fear of war during the cold war

  • The united states government would do anything to win the race

  • They did 200+ tests

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Sputnik and the Space Race

  • After the nuclear arms race started the space race because making guided missiles turned into making rockets

  • The Russians beat U.S. to space

  • People begin to fear surprise attacks due to Soviet advancement

  • The loss of the Soviets getting into space first implemented sciences into the education of every American

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The Middle Class & the Suburbs

  • By the end of the decade, a quarter of the population lived in the suburbs 

  • Homes were  like cookie-cutter houses 

  • Fitting in and conforming to society's wants and preferences was ideal and key to being successful 

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