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What’s the first step of all one-way communication?
one person decides to send message to another
What’s the 2nd step of all one-way communication?
sender translates (encodes) thoughts into message (creating the message)
What’s the 3rd step of all one-way communication?
message is channeled to receivers (usually through spoken words)
What’s the 4th step of all one-way communication?
receiver interprets (decodes) message (interpreting the message)
What’s the 5th step of all one-way communication?
receiver thinks about message & responds internally
What are the keys to communication?
-content: what is said
-relational: how felt about person’s message (how it is said and what that means)
What are the types of communication?
-intrapersonal: convo with yourself(self-talk)
-interpersonal: convo you have with 2+ people (required in athlete talks, team)
Guidelines for sending messages effectively
-make verbal messages clear & concise (short and simple)
-pick right time and place to deliver verbal messages (know where you are, who you are w)
-enhance trust with person receiving message (make sure verbal messages are approximately interpreted (with empathy)
-physical appearance, posture, and gestures are important
Components of nonverbal language/ways
body language + verbal ways could be different
active listening
refers to a pattern of listening that keeps you engaged with your conversation partner in a positive way
-it is the process of listening attentively while someone else speaks, paraphrasing & reflecting back what is said, & withholding judgment & advice
When you practice active listening, what happens?
you make the other person feel heard & valued
What’s the first step to improve listening skills?
focus fully on the speaker
What’s the 2nd step to improve listening skills?
avoid interrupting
What’s the 3rd step to improve listening skills?
avoid seeming judgmental
What’s the 4th step to improve listening skills?
show your interest
What are the benefits of active listening?
-serves the purpose of earning the trust of others & helping you to understand their situations
-comprises both a desire to comprehend as well as to offer support & empathy to the speaker
-allows you to understand the point of view of another person & respond w/ empathy. it allows you to ask questions to make sure you understand what is being said (validates the speaker & makes them want to speak longer)
-you recognize that the conversation is more about the other individual than about you.
What is the first step to active listening?
feedback “what happened”
What is the 2nd step to active listening?
“their interpretation”
What is the 3rd step to active listening?
“their feelings”
What is the 4th step to active listening?
“their commitment”
What is the 5th step to active listening?
“Did I get that right?”
the idea of feeling bad for someone
ability of a person to perceive, recognize, & understand the feelings, behaviors, intentions, & attitudes of others
putting your feet in someone’s shoes
-feeling their feelings
3 types of empathy
-cognitive empathy
-affective empathy
-compassionate empathy
cognitive empathy
the idea of putting yourself in somebody else’s shoes
-putting yourself in their situation to see what they are feeling
affective empathy
where you have the ability to feel someone’s elses emotions so, you have the same emotional experience as them (feel someone’s emotions with them)
compassionate empathy
inspired by someone else’s circumstances & difficulties that they’re going & willing to take action
How to improve empathy?
-gather information
-maintain appropriate levels of empathy
-be reflexive
-avoid biases
Transmission Model
views communication as a message that moves directly from one person to another, similar to someone tossing a ball & walking away
-this simplistic model doesnt account for communication’s complexity
Transactional Model
-acknowledges the many added challenges of communicating
-it’s more accurate to think of communication between people as game of catch
-when communicating, one person expresses her interpretation of a message & the person she’s communicating with hears his own interpretation of that message
-our perceptual filters continually shift meanings and interpretations
How to use the transaction model?
1) recognize that passive hearing & active listening are not the same
2) listen with your eyes & ears, as well as with your gut
3) take time to understand as you try to be understood
4) be aware of your personal perceptual filters
Sender Failures
It is incredibly important to make sure you don't send ambiguous messages and to own your message. Say what you mean and mean what you say. The biggest way to lose someone's trust is to say you are going to do something and don't follow through.
Receiver Failures
Have you ever been in a conversation just waiting for someone to STOP TALKING so you can give your two cents?? This is the number one reason for receiver failures in communication. We often don't listen to hear, we listen to respond
a face-face discussion among people in conflict
What occurs when negative confrontation exists?
it is difficult for either party involved to differentiate between the content and the emotional communication.
-Interpersonal conflict with teammates is more destructive than performance conflict and can lead to negative confrontation
What are some ways to combat interpersonal conflict between team or group mates?
Engage in team building early in season
Address conflicts early
Hold structured team meetings
Use mediators if necessary
Do’s of conflict resolution
Convey that you value your relationship with the person
Think about what you want to communicate
Try to understand the other person's perspective
Actively listen to what the other person is trying to communicate
Don’ts of conflict resolution
Communicate the solution---One should always focus on the problem and reach a solution together or allowing the other party to figure it out on their own.
Keep communicating unless the situation becomes hostile. Then it is best to walk away and try again another time.
The idea of confrontation is to solve a problem together so don't use sarcasm, slurs or put-downs.
Do not assume someone knows what you mean if you aren't being clear. Be direct and forthright. Especially when using nonverbal communication.