COUN 655 Exam Laws + Everything Else

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Black Lives Matter movement

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Black Lives Matter movement

a grassroots effort to bring light to the killings and other recognized racial injustices in Black communities across America

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Congress of Racial Equity

works to promote the social, political, and economic well-being of marginalized populations since 1942

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National Council of La Raza

advocacy sounding board for the betterment of Latinos/Latinas in the US

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American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

highlights the US Constitution to guide its fight for justice for disenfranchised groups with regard to human rights, immigration rights, and racial rights

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Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo (1884)

  • ended the Mexican-American War

  • Mexico ceded vast territories to the US

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Reconstruction (1865-1877)

post-Civil War era focused on rebuilding the South and integrating freed slaves

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Indian Reorganization Act (1934)

restored tribal governance and reversed assimilation policies

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Brown vs. Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas (1954)

Supreme Court case that declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional

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Warren-McCarran Act (1962)

Immigration and Nationality Act amendment to enhance security and control immigration

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Civil Rights Act (1964, 1991)

  • prohibited discrimination in employment and public accommodations

  • strengthened protections against employment discrimination

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Immigration Act (1965)

abolished nationality quotas, allowing more diverse immigration

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Voting Rights Act (1965-2013)

  • prohibited racial discrimination in voting

  • key oversight provision invalidated by the Supreme Court

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Affirmative Action (post-Civil Rights era)

policies to increase opportunities for marginalized groups in education and employment

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Public Law 93-638

gave tribes control over federal programs and services

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Indian Health Care Improvement Act (1976)

improved healthcare services for Native Americans

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No Child Left Behind Act (2002)

education reform focused on accountability and improving student achievement

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Why do theoretical orientations change?

  • as people experience more and with others

  • culture and theory are founded on individuals’ experiences

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Why is theory at odds with culture?

seeks to provide consistent and all-encompassing responses and explanations

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What does our theoretical orientations describe?

  • rationale and action

  • brings purpose to our work and helps us orient to our clients

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What comprises a person’s worldview?

personal constructs that are created within familial, cultural, and social contexts

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What are the value orientations that comprise a person’s worldview?

  • human nature (evil, mixed, good)

  • person/nature relations (subjugation to nature, harmony with nature, or mastery over nature)

  • social relations (lineal, collateral, individual)

  • time sense (past, present, future)

  • human activity (being, being-in-becoming, doing)

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Why might cultural difference be seen as deficiency as it relates to counseling theories?

theories of counseling have specific definitions for mental health and parameters for typical mental functioning

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What are the major social systems?

  • religion → directly influence persons’ worldviews in a number of ways that in turn affect how they define mental health

  • government → governments set the parameters for what it means to be an accepted member of society and by extension how functional mental health is defined

  • family → is a social system that has the greatest potential for shaping notions of mental health

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What are the general guidelines to adapt particular theories to meet the dynamic needs of the clients?

  • determine assumption

  • identify limitations

  • simplify concepts

  • diversify interventions

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What does multicultural counseling and therapy do differently from traditional counseling theory and therapy?

integrates client’s social and historical context

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What are the contextual suppositions of NTU psychotherapy?

  • family-focused -→ assumed that the entire family is with the client even if an individual presents alone for counseling

  • culturally competent

  • competence based (wellness-based)

  • holistic/systemic → clients must care for all dimensions of themselves (i.e., body, mind, spirit) and care for the environments that support them

  • values-driven (using Afrocentric worldview)

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What are the distinct phases based on the suppositions in NTU psychotherapy?

  • harmony

  • awareness

  • alignment (characterized by congruence)

  • actualization

  • synthesis

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What does yoga address?

the domains of mind, body spirit

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What are prescribed positions of yoga?


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What are the doshas?

  • Vata —> identified with wind; responsible for movement of the body

  • Pitta —> identified with fire; responsible for transformation or metabolism in the body

  • Kapha —> identified with earth; responsible for lubrication and structure in the body

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What do the Four Noble Truths center on?

  • suffering is an inevitable part of life

  • attachment is the cause for suffering

  • cessation of suffering is attainable

  • one can follow the path to the cessation of suffering

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What are the Noble Eightfold Path?

  • right view

  • right intention

  • right speech

  • right action

  • right livelihood

  • right effort

  • right mindfulness

  • right concentration

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What describes indigenous ways of knowing (IWOK)?

  • reject the notion that self is separate from other or environment

  • it is imperative to understand the perspectives of clients and to learn from them how they relate to a sense of self and self-in-relation

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What is needed when conducting a cultural assessment of a client?

  • cultural framework of the client’s identity

  • cultural explanations of illness experiences and help-seeking behavior

  • cultural meanings of adaptive functioning and social context

  • cultural elements in the counselor-client relationship

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Who has challenged the usefulness of the DSM?

people who differ from the dominant culture

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What characterizes the DSM’s development?

grounded in the knowledge of European American men and on evidence from research studies that did not include diverse participants

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What was a significant change in the DSM-5?

affected the way counselors diagnose mental disorders by moving away from the categorical, axial system to dimensional assessments

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What has been added to make the DSM-5 more continuous?

  • subtypes

  • specifiers

  • severity

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What does the cultural formulation interview (CFI) help the clinician understand?

  • client’s perception of the problem issue from a cultural context

  • perceptions of etiology

  • context for the problem issue

  • perceived support

  • cultural factors affecting self-coping and past/present help-seeking behavior

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What common feeling that people express can also manifest as meeting criteria for major depression?

grief resembles depression

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Why are many LGBTQIA+ individuals, marginalized racial/ethnic groups, women, and nontraditional men overdiagnosed with certain disorders or misdiagnosed entirely?

behavior that does not match patriarchal Western norms is sometimes labeled as pathological

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What does culture often influence in regard to psychopathology?

  • what symptoms are allowed as expressions of suffering

  • how individuals are allowed or encouraged to cope with distress

  • how those around the individual respond to distress or problematic behaviors (e.g., at what point intervention is deemed necessary)

  • what are considered acceptable help-seeking responses and interventions and who may intervene

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What has premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) correlated with?

history of sexual abuse, domestic violence, sexual discrimination, depression, and anxiety

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What does the Culture and Diagnosis Group believe a culturally sensitive DSM would include?

  • more extensive guidelines for using the DSM in a culturally sensitive manner!

  • a cultural axis

  • a cultural issues section under each condition or chapter

  • examples of culturally normative client experiences

  • culture-bound syndromes

  • an appendix related to expectable problems in working with interpreters

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What is important when diagnosing clients from diverse backgrounds?

co-constructing an understanding of the problem with the client

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What are the dimensions of extent of client involvement?

  • acting with

  • acting on behalf

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What does it mean to practice a strengths-based approach when working with Black families?

involves assessing skills, abilities, and knowledge and using those in counseling to empower clients

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How are middle-class Black individuals more likely to operate?


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What diagnoses are seen in the Black community at similar rates with Whites, even though misdiagnosis may be common?

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • posttraumatic stress

  • schizophrenia

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What can be a significant contributing factor to feelings of depression and anxiety even if the client does not recognize it?


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What plays an important role in the lives of many Black families and individuals and help combat societal oppression and increase economic support?

  • spirituality and religion

  • participation in religious activities allows for opportunities for self-expression, leadership, community involvement

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What are guiding principles of social justice counseling?

  • equity → pertains to involvement in a culture-centered approach

  • access → pertains to a counselor’s choice to clarify identity construction in self and clients

  • participation → underscores the importance of mutuality and authenticity

  • harmony → pertains to searching for wellness by tapping into the cultural wisdom and deconstructing the process of devaluing that immigrants may be experiencing

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What are the core phases of narrative counseling?

  • deconstructing the dominant culture narrative → examine one’s experiences relevant to inferiority and superiority

  • externalizing the problem → distinguish problems as being ecological in nature, rather than pathological

  • reauthoring of the story → reflect on being successful in life despite (or in concert with) the American culture

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What was the popular book written by Betty Friedan?

The Feminine Mystique (1963)

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What was listed as a mental disorder by APA prior to 1973?


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What law is sexual orientation not included in?

Civil Rights Act of 1964 (prohibits job discrimination)

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What is the Equal Access Act?

ensures that gay adolescents in public secondary schools have the same rights as other students to form and participate in student-led clubs and organizations, including those focused on LGBTQ+ issues

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What is the impact of LGBTQ+ students who experience heterosexism and homophobia?

distress into adulthood

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Ward vs. Wilbanks

affirms ACA’s position that counseling cannot be denied to a client based on sexual orientation and clients cannot be referred due to a value conflict

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What is a result of heterosexism and homonegativism?

LGBTQ+ individuals seek counseling more often than heterosexual individuals

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