top-down processing
processing that uses pre-existing knowledge to interpret incoming sensory stimuli
bottom-up processing
processing that interprets stimuli as raw sensory input before connecting it to any pre-existing knowledge
mental frameworks or models that organize known information
perceptual set
the tendency for people to perceive only some stimuli but not others (new information must fit into existing frameworks)
Gestalt psychology
a field of psychology that studies the tendency for people to perceive things in groups
selective attention
the ability to only focus on one task or sensory stimulus at a time
inattentional blindness
the phenomenon of failing to notice otherwise obvious stimuli when attention is directed elsewhere
depth perception
the ability to see the world in three dimensions and perceive the distance between things
retinal disparity
the slight difference in the images that each eye perceives
the process by which the brain merge simages from each eye into a singular image, requiring the eyes to move inwards when looking at something closer to the viewer
linear perspective
the phenomenon that causes parallel lines to appear to meet at a singular point in the distance
the partial obstruction of one object by another, making the obstructed object appear further away
relative size
the phenomenon that causes smaller objects to seem further away than large objects
relative clarity
the phenomenon that causes blurry objects to appear further away than objects that are more detailed
texture gradient
the principle that the texture of a surface appears less detailed the further away it is
perceptual constancy
the ability to perceive objects as unchanging despite environmental changes that alter the perceived color, size, shape or lightness of the object
stroboscopic movement
the movement of a series of pictures at a fast enough rate that they are perceived as moving objects rather than individual images