Anorexia Nervosa: A disorder marked by the pursuit of extreme thinness and by extreme weight loss
A person with anorexia will
Restricting-type Anorexia Nervosa: A pattern of anorexia where one reduces their weight by restricting their intake of food
Binge-eating/Purging-type Anorexia Nervosa: A pattern of anorexia where one reduces their weight by forcing themselves to vomit after meals or by abusing laxatives or diuretics
75-90% of cases of anorexia occurs in females
Peak age of onset is 14-20 yrs
Disorder typically begins after a person who is slightly overweight or of normal weight has been on a diet
Escalation toward anorexia may follow a stressful event
Most people with the disorder recover, but as many as 6% become so seriously ill that they die
Bulimia Nervosa: A disorder in which people engage in binges and compensatory behaviors
Usually occurs in females
Begins in adolescence or young adulthood and often lasts for years, with periodic letup
Weight stays within a normal range, though it might fluctuate markedly within that range
Some people with this disorder become seriously underweight and may eventually qualify for a diagnosis of anorexia instead
25-50% of all students report periodic binge eating or self-induced vomiting but only some qualify for a diagnosis
44% of people with binge-eating disorder receive treatment
Psychotherapy is generally more helpful than antidepressants
⅓ of recovered individuals showed total improvement
High risk of relapse
Weight problems are often resistant to long-term improvement
Body Project: A program that offers weekly group sessions where members are guided through exercises that critique Western society’s beauty ideals