Key Topic 2

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Key topic 2 notes for Conflict in the Middle East

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The Cairo Conference

The UAR didn't work and Syria pulled out in 1961. Nasser still wanted to form an alliance so held a meeting in Cairo 13th-16th January 1964. Israel's water carrier project was almost complete, started in 1953, taking water from the River Jordan. It had previously been accepted but now Nasser came up with the Headwater Diversion Plan to stop it. This showed Arab unity between the 13 states. The PLO was set up with the aim to unite all Palestinians and win back their lost land, using terrorist/guerrilla groups like Fatah. Lebanon, Jordan and Syria hosted them. Libya were scared about Israeli reprisals, Syria were happy to assist. The PLA was set up. Israel did not feel threatened as they saw the Arabs as weak and there were UN peacekeeping troops in Sinai, preventing any Egyptian attacks. They were worried about the HDP though as it was a serious threat to their water supplies.

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Israel, Syria and Jordan relations

In 1966, the new Syrian government demanded the liberation of Palestine. This meant they shelled Israel from the Golan Heights, leading to Israel retaliating. Syria also allowed Fatah raids from 1965-67, killing 3 Israeli soldiers. Arafat was the leader of Fatah and believed in 1 united Arab and Jewish state, this made him popular amongst Palestinians. He claimed he was a freedom fighter, Israel saw him as a terrorist.

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Israel raid on Samu

In 1966, the PLO raided Israel, leading to civilian and military casualties. On the 11th November, 3 Israeli soldiers and 6 others died as they hit a landmine. In revenge, 3-4000 Israeli soldiers attacked Samu on November 13th with opposition from the Jordan army. 10 Israelis, 16 Jordan soldiers and 3 Jordan civilians died. King Hussein was furious at Israel as he had tried to prevent Fatah from attacking them and even had secret meetings with the US to maintain the peace. The USA were also angry at Israel. Hussein ordered a nation-wide mobilisation a week later. People saw him as weak and unpopular so he cleverly accused Nasser of hiding UN peace keeping forces in Sinai. The UN Resolution 228 was released, condemning Israel's actions and threatened intervention if it happened again.

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Yom Kippur War background

Israel fortified occupied territories. Sadat's attempts at peace had been rejected. USA were heavily involved in Vietnam. Egypt expelled its Soviet advisors. International sympathy for Israel. Sadat and Assad prepare for an allied war.

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Egypt actions before war

Nasser made increasingly threatening speeches in 1966-7. November 1966, signed a defense pact with Syria. Late May 1967, Nasser provoked Israel to defend Syria but Eshkol didn't act on it, making him look weak. May 15th, moved troops to Sinai. 18th, UN removed emergency force so Nasser could move up to the border. 22nd, Egypt closed the Gulf of Aqaba causing Israel trade problems. 23rd, Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran. 29th, demanded Israel let the Palestinians return home and that Israel return the taken land. 30th signed a defence pact with Jordan. 4th June, Iraq joined the military alliance.

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Syria pre-war actions

Fired on Israeli tractors that were in the demilitarised land. 7th April 1967, Israeli aircraft attack Syrian positions. Syria attacked Israeli settlements. This led to a full scale aerial battle over the Golan Heights. Syria refused a UN agreed ceasefire until Israel stopped the agricultural work in the area. 12th May, IDF publicly threatened to invade Syria unless they stopped helping Fatah. The USSR warned Israel and stopped this from happening.

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USSR pre-war actions

Wanted to protect their southern border and spread Communism. 1960s deployed more ships into the Mediterranean with Egypt allowing them to use their air and naval bases. Supported the Syrian government. 13th May 1967 told Egypt that Israel planned to attack Syria from 18th-22nd May. This was not true. They promised to stand by Egypt but retracted this promise later and ended up trying to restrain Nasser.

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USA pre-war actions

Furious with Nasser blocking Tiran, calling it illegal. Couldn't de-escalate the area. After Israel asked for support, the US said it wasn't their business on 31st May.

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Six Day War

5th June 1967, Israel launch a pre-emptive surprise attack on all Arab countries, destroying 300 enemy aircraft and Syrian airfields. 6th, Israel broke through Egyptian defences, heading for the Suez Canal with heavy fighting in Jerusalem. 7th, Israel captured Sinai and Jerusalem. Jordan accepted a ceasefire. 8th, Israel gain the West Bank and River Jordan, Egypt accept a ceasefire. 9th Israel begin to attack the Golan Heights. 10th They capture it and Syria accept a ceasefire.

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Deaths and figures

689 Israeli deaths, 2563 injured and lost 19 planes. 27,000 Arabs killed, 15,000 injured and 4000 aircraft destroyed. Israel control Sinai, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip and the West Bank, ruling 750,000 Palestinians.

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Why did Israel win?

IDF was very strong and technologically advanced, which won them control of the air. There was good leadership. The pre-emptive air strike. Lack of Arab preparation with no co-ordinated plan showing a lack of unity. Israel were fighting for their survival.

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UN Resolution 242

Said Israel should withdraw from the Occupied Territories but the Arabs must accept Israel's right to exist. USA, USSR, Israel, Egypt and Jordan accepted it. However, the PLO rejected it because there was no reference to the rights of Palestinian Arabs. This means it was never carried out.

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Dispute over the Suez Canal

It had become unusable due to sunken ships and Egypt couldn't remove them as they were under constant Israeli fire. It forced ships to travel a lot further and limited trade. Israel wanted to defend their position building the Bar Lev Line, which cost $300 million and was a wall the length of the canal. By 1970, both sides were tiring and had lost many men over the conflict.

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Palestinian Refugees and Occupied Territories

The newly occupied territories gave Israel a sense of security due to its physical aspects. Over 1 million Palestinians are now under Israeli occupation. In 1971, the UN highly criticised Israel's management of them and Israel was conflicted over whether they were worth keeping or not. Israel and doubled in size with more defendable borders, they now owned the Gaza Strip, Sinai, Golan Heights, West Bank and East Jerusalem.

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Use of terrorism

Some Arabs became convinced they couldn't beat Israel in war so many resulted in joining the PLO or Fatah. The PFLP and DFLP were set up. 21st March 1968, the PLO and Jordan army stopped Israeli forces at Karameh in a raid, in response to the PLO's raids. This made them the voice of the Palestinians. In September 1940, 4 aircraft were hacked by the PFLP and 3 were made to land at Dawson's Field. All passengers were let go except Jewish ones who were released for some Palestinian prisoners. Black September Organisation was founded in 1971, to assassinate Jordan's King. At the Munich Olympics 1972, they took 9 Israeli athletes hostage and killed 2 others. The German police tried to rescue them but it resulted in them all dying. 3 surviving terrorists were arrested but were released after a German plane was held captive. Israel was furious and Mossad killed 3 BSO members and launched raids on Syria and Lebanon. Palestinians became unpopular, some Europeans began to think about the plight of Palestinians, especially the refugees.

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Egypt relations with Arab states

Nasser was still popular. Some people didn't like his relationship with the USSR. After the 6 Day War, the Arabs decided they would still resist Israel and refuse to negotiate to recognise it as a state. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait promised to fund these aims.

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Egypt relations with Israel

Saw no improvement. Nasser wanted to wear Israel down in a war of attrition and bombarded Israel bases in Sinai. Nasser dies in 1970 and Sadat became president, who wanted peace with Israel. He tried to accept Resolution 242 but Israel and the USA rejected it this time. In 1971, he said they would open the Suez Canal if the IDF stopped fighting but this was rejected too.

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Egypt relations with the Superpowers

USSR provides military advice and equipment. They provided surface to air missiles in 1970, which led to the USA providing Israel with weapons. Egypt asked USA to help make peace with Israel. July 1972, Sadat expelled 2000 military advisers from the USSR to try and make peace and opened secret meetings with the USA. This came to nothing as Israel didn't want to give up their won land . This made Sadat prepare for war to ensure UN Resolution 242 was put in place, the Superpowers thought this was a bluff.

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Israel consolidate the occupied territories

Israel began to build settlements, which was against the Geneva Convention. Israel claimed they weren't a foreign occupier so it was ok. Palestinians claimed their land was being occupied and it should stop. Post 1967, Israel demolished Palestinian schools and created curfews. Israel built military bases in Sinai and Golan Heights. Arabs felt this should be stopped quickly. Sadat and Assad(Syria) agreed it needed avenging. They planned to attack Israel

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Yom Kippur War

6 October 1973, Egypt and Syria attack Israel in Sinai Nd the Golan Heights on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar as the soldiers would be on leave and people were busy celebrating. At 2pm, Egypt crossed the Suez Canal, breaking through the Bar Lev Line, whilst 500 Syrian tanks attacked the Golan Heights. Israeli leaders began to counter attack Syria and by 10th October pushed them back. Syrian forces were quickly reinforced by Iraq and Jordan delaying Israel's success. Syria also made use of Soviet equipment, giving them an advantage in the dark. Assad asked Egypt to step up their attack as Israel were now nearly at Damascus. Egypt had advanced almost 14km into Sinai and their Soviet weapons meant they could control the air. Sadat went against his generals and ordered his troops to keep attacking instead of negotiating, moving them beyond the protection of their Soviet SAM-3 missiles. Egypt then lost 260 tanks to Israel's 40. By 14th October, Egypt took a defensive position on the edge of the Suez Canal and were re-supplied with USSR's equipment. 15th October, US supplies reached Israel and they went on the offensive and by the 19th October had a bridge across the canal, leading them into Egypt, destroying the SAM-3 missile sites so their airforce could begin to help too. 23rd, Egypt were surrounded in Sinai and Sadat agreed to a UN ceasefire but Israel still pushed on into Egypt. OPEC punished Israel's allies by cutting oil production by 5% a month until Israel withdrew. 85% of Europe's oil came from the Middle East. They also refused to sell to the USA, Netherlands and Denmark. This led to a rationing of petrol.

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The end of the Yom Kippur War

A US-Soviet proposal for a ceasefire was adopted by the UN on 22nd October. Kissinger told Israel that whilst he was flying back to the USA, he wouldn't object to them still advancing. Another revolution (339) was put forward by the USSR, which the UN adopted on 23rd October. Israel rejected this too so continued to fight. USA and USSR relations became very tense with USSR threatening to send troops to help Egypt if the USA didn't tell Israel to make peace. 25th October the USA went into nuclear alert. The UN adopted Resolution 340 and the USA put huge pressure onto Israel for them to accept it, which they did.

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Consequences of the Yom Kippur War

Israel victory but the PM and defense minister resigned the next year. 20,000 Arab casualties and 2600 Israeli ones. Large amounts of vehicles and weapons lost. Energy crisis of 1973-4 due to the oil embargo. By 1980, prices were still 10 times greater than in 1973. Egypt and Israel knew peace talks were necessary. Israel were unnerved by Egypt's fight power. The Superpowers realised they needed to find peace. World attention was focused on Sinai and not the plight of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank

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