Sed intellegis pro tua praestanti prudentia, Cn. Domiti, cum hac sola rem esse nobis.
But by virtue of your outstanding intelligence, Gnaeus Domitius, you understand that we are only concerned with this woman.
Quae si se aurum Caelio commodasse non dicit, si venenum ab hoc sibi paratum esse non arguit, petulanter facimus,
If this woman denies that she gave gold to Caelius, if she alleges that the poison was not prepared for her, by him, then we are acting insolently
si matrem familias secus, quam matronarum sanctitas postulat, nominamus.
if we are naming the mater familias in a way different to what pertains to the sanctity of Roman matrons.
Sin ista muliere remota nec crimen ullum nec opes ad oppugnandum Caelium illis relinquuntur,
but if that woman is removed there remains for those prosecuting neither any charge nor resources for the attacking of Marcus Caelius,
quid est aliud quod nos patroni facere debeamus, nisi ut eos, qui insectantur, repellamus?
what else is there that we advocates should do except that we should drive off those who are attacking?
Quod quidem facerem vehementius, nisi intercederent mihi inimicitiae cum istius mulieris viro—fratre volui dicere;
Indeed I would do so more vigorously, if feuding did not come between me and that woman’s husband - brother I wanted to say;
emper hic erro. Nunc agam modice nec longius progrediar quam me mea fides et causa ipsa coget.
I’m always making a mistake here. I will now proceed more cautiously and not go further than my own sense of responsibility and the case itself compels me:
eque enim muliebres umquam inimicitias mihi gerendas putavi,
For I have never thought I should engage in feuding with women,
praesertim cum ea quam omnes semper amicam omnium potius quam cuiusquam inimicam putaverunt.
especially with her whom all men have always considered to be everyone’s friend rather than anyone’s enemy.