Islamic Golden Age

  • Number System

    • Islamic scholars borrowed the Indian number system that spread along the Silk Road

    • Arabic numbers are done in groups of ten and include the concept of zero

  • Algebra

    • Developed method to solve difficult math problems, called “Al-Jabar”

    • Substitute x, y, and z to solve math problems

  • Chemistry

    • Islamic scholars were the first to try to separate compounds

    • For example, they discovered that all metals were a mixture of sulfur and mercury, and the gold was a perfect balance of them

  • Navigation

    • Improved the astrolabe to make it a very reliable tool to determine direction

    • Added ways to calculate longitude, latitude, and directions

    • Helped Muslims find the location of Mecca, and sailors find their destination

  • Banking

    • Muslim caliphs were among the first to have widespread banks

    • Trade grew since they allowed merchants to cash checks at any Islamic banks

  • Education

    • Islamic scholars translate Greek, Persian, and Indian works into the “House of Wisdom”

    • A major center in modern-day Baghdad contained massive libraries, open halls for debate, taught multiple languages, and preserved culture for millions

  • Art

    • Muslim artists used geometric and floral patterns instead of making art of people and animals

    • Created a unique style that attracted attention of markets around the world

  • Chess

    • Indian game that was made very popular by Muslim intellects

    • The challenge of the game made it very popular at the House of Wisdom

  • Literature

    • Poetry is one of the greatest Islamic art styles

    • Usually sung and kept it short

    • Arabian Nights is a collection of Arabic folktales about a genie and a magic lamp

  • Architecture

    • Beautiful mosques built to show respect for Allah and Muhammad

    • Used domes, columns, and geometric designs
