AP World History - Unit 2: Networks of Trade

Height of the Middle Ages: Trading and Crusading

  • Merchants emerged in towns - referred to as Burghers, became politically powerful

  • Towns often formed alliances with each other

  • Hanseatic League (1358): trade alliance though northern Europe to drive toward nationhood, increase social mobility and flexibility

    Trade Routes of Hanseatic League - 13th to 15th century

  • Architecture: Romanesque to Gothic - especially reflected in cathedrals

    • Flying buttresses: tall windows and vaulted ceilings
    • Often had art and sculpture, music
  • Scholasticism: growth of education and knowledge - founding of universities for men; philosophy, law, medicine study; ideas of Muslims and Greeks - came in conflict with religion

  • Crusades (11-14th century): military campaigns by European Christians to convert Muslims and non-Christians, combat religious questioning

    • Combat Heresies: religious practices/beliefs not conforming to traditional church doctrine
    • Pope Innocent III: issued strict decrees on church doctrine - frequently persecuted heretics and Jews, unsuccessful 4th crusade
    • Pope Gregory IX: Inquisition (formal interrogation and prosecution of perceived heretics with punishments like excommunication, torture, execution) - church often referred to as Universal Church or Church Militant
    • Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274): Christian theologian who made advancements in Christian thought - faith and reason arenā€™t in conflict
  • Urbanization

    • Trade led to the growth of urban culture - cities usually were around trade routes
    • Silk Route cities were the most populous - Baghdad, Merv, Changā€™an
    • Constantinople before 1400 and Paris and Italian city-states after 1400 were big European cities


The Rise and Fall of the Mongols

  • Set of tribes and clans that were superb horseman and archers
  • Genghis Kahn: unified the tribes in Mongolia in the early 1200s to expand their authority over other societies - first invaded China in 1234
  • Mongol Empire: spanned from Pacific Ocean to Eastern Europe - spit into hordes after death of Genghis Kahn, ruthless warriors destroying cities but remained peaceful after settling into cities
    • Golden Horde: conquered modern-day Russia
    • Kublai Khan: Genghis Kahnā€™s successor - ruled China
  • Didnā€™t really have a set culture - didnā€™t enforce religion or way of life on conquered nations, but did make any cultural advancements
  • Timur Lang: Mongol leader who took over India and destroyed everything - grew Islam in the nation
  • If any residents of society the Mongols took over resisted, they would immediately kill them, so most had no choice but to give in - they were ruthless fighters, organized and mobile
  • Impact:
    • Great diffusers of culture
    • Prevented Russia from culturally developing
    • World trade, cultural diffusion, global awareness grew as they spread through Europe, the Middle East, and Asia


Mali and Songhai

  • Mali had a lot of gold that Islamic traders were interested in
  • Mansa Musa: Malian ruler who built the capital of Timbuktu and expended the kingdom beyond Ghana
  • Sonni Ali: Songhai ruler that conquered region of west Africa in 15th century - became a major cultural centre until 1600


Chinese Technology

  • Song Dynasty: bureaucratic system built on merit and civil service examination creating a lot of loyal government workers, improved transportation and communication and business practices
  • Concentrated on creating an industrial society - improved literacy with printed books which increased productivity and growth


Review of Interactions Among Cultures

Trade Networks and Cultural Diffusion

  • Trade exploded from 1200-1450

  • Improved with better transportation and monetary systems

  • Main Global Trade Routes:

    1. The Hanseatic League
    2. The Silk Road
    3. The land routes of the Mongols
    4. Trade between China and Japan
    5. Trade between India and Persia
    6. The Trans-Saharan trade routes between west Africa and the Islamic Empire
  • Cultural diffusion - spread religions, languages, literature, art, idea, disease, plague

  • Bubonic Plague: started in Asia in the 14th century and carried by merchants - killed about 1/3 people

Indian Ocean Trade

  • Dominated by Persians and Arabs - western India to Persian Gulf to eastern Africa
  • Great Zimbabwe: trading empire in Africa from 11th to 15th centuries

Vibrant Indian Ocean Communities

  • Sailors marrying local women created cultural intermixing

Silk Road

  • China to Mediterranean cultures in early days of Roman Empire and from 1200 to 1600
  • Cultural exchange through travellers stopping at trade towns - Kashgar, Samarkand
  • Silk, porcelain, paper, religion, food, military technologies

Hanseatic League

  • Made up of over 100 cities
  • Created substantial middle class in northern Europe
  • Set precedent for large, European trading operations

Expansion of Religion and Empire: Cultural Clash

  • Both natural spread of religion through contact over trade and intentional diffusion through missionary work or religious war

Other Reasons People Were on the Move

  • Ran out of room in certain places, but cities were always increasing in size as opportunities grew in them
  • New cities and empires drew people in
  • Muslim pilgrimages

Notable Global Travellers

  1. Xuanzang: Chinese Buddhist monk - through Tā€™ang Dynasty to India to explore Buddhism
  2. Marco Polo: merchant from Venice, to China and Europe
  3. Ibn Battuta: Islamic traveler, through Islamic world to India to China
  4. Margery Kempe: English Christian, through Europe and Holy Land


Technology and Innovations

Islamic WorldChina
paper millsgunpowder cannons
universitiesmovable type
astrolabe and sextantpaper currency
chessterrace farming
modern soap formulawater-powered mills
guns and cannonscotton sails
mechanical pendulum clockwater clock
distilled alcoholmagnetic compass
surgical instrumentsstate-run factories
