Main idea: destroy will of individual in favour of the people
Wanted a unified society like communists, but did not eliminate private property or class distinctions
Pushed for extreme nationalism - often on racial identity
Fascism in Italy
Hitler’s blitzkrieg technique destroyed everything in its path - by early 1940 Germany had control of Poland (half with USSR), Holland, Belgium, France
Britain’s PM Winston Churchill did not give in to Germany’s pressures - even with German airstrikes from their more powerful airforce (Battle of Britain)
Germany invaded Greece in 1941, breaking their deal with Soviet Union, so they invaded the Soviet Union too
US didn’t want to get involved, but froze Japan’s assets in US to respond to their hostility - Japan entered Tripartite Pact with Rome and Berlin, making the war worldwide
US began working on Manhattan Project: development of the atomic bomb
1943: US and Britain take control of Italy
1944: US, Britain, and Canada land on French beaches (D-day) and eventually liberate France
1945: Allied forces close in on Germany and end Europe war when Hitler commits suicide
To end war in Pacific, US drops atomic bomb on city of Hiroshima in Japan - when Japan refused to surrender, they dropped another bomb on Nagasaki, causing them to surrender