Portuguese and Spanish controlled major shipping routes in Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Atlantic Ocean
Portugal financed explorations
Spain also did:
Treaty of Tordesillas (1494): agreement between Spain and Portugal to split colonized land between them
England, Netherlands, France launched own explorations to acquire new colonies - caused rise in nationalism and powerful monarchies
Products that aided new explorations:
Spanish implemented a hierarchical colonial society as they took over the New World
Viceroys: governors of each of 5 regions of New Spain - established the encomienda system (system of forced labour of the natives and African slaves)
Slaves brought to New World to work on the plantations and mines
Europe exploited a system of slavery already existing in Africa - prisoners were supposed to serve their captors before being released
Europeans traded for their surplus of enslaved people, but didnāt understand that they were supposed to be released
As demand for slaves in Europe increased, Europe became even more ruthless - kidnapping Africans, causing wars, forcing rulers to give up their citizens
Slaves were forced onto ships, chained below deck, and endured brutal Middle Passage
Around 13 million Africans were taken - 60% to South America, 35% to Caribbean, 5% to North America, around 20% of people on each trip perished
Transatlantic transfer of animals, plants, diseases, people, technology, ideas among Europe, Americas, and Africa
Never before had so much moved across the ocean
Transfer of food products caused population increase in Europe, Asia, and Africa
Two key products: sugar (plantations appeared all over Spanish colonies), silver (mining also in Spanish colonies) - both used significant forced labour
Spanish control of silver opened doors in Ming China