17th and 18th centuries - humankind in relation to government
Divine Right: church allied with strong monarchs, monarchs believed they were ordained by God to rule - people had moral/religious obligation too obey
Social contract: governments not formed by divine decree, but to meet social and economic needs
Philosophers of the age:
Enlightened monarchs: utilized ideas of tolerance, justice, improving quality of life
Neoclassical Period: middle of 18th century - imitated style of ancient Greek/Roman architecture
France was running out of money from monarch spending, wars, and droughts - Louis XVI proposed raising taxes to the Estates-General (governing body infrequently called by the kings)
Third Estate was facing being shut out of new constitution - formed National Assembly in 1789 out of protest and peasants stormed the Bastille shortly after
Declaration of the Rights of Man - adopted by National Assembly in 1789 and caused big changes in French government structure
Established a constitutional monarchy at first, but new constitution development led to the Convention being the new ruling body - France become a republic (led by Jacobins who later beheaded the king)
Convention threw out constitution again and created Committee of Public Safety: enforcer of revolution and murdered any anti-revolution people
French beheaded Robespierre in 1795 and established another new constitution with the Directory as the government
Napoleon overthrew the Directory in 1799 - Napoleonic Codes (1804) recognized equality of men, dissolved the Holy Roman Empire with French military and fought other countries who eventually met to overthrow him (Prince von Metternich, Alexander I of Russia, Duke of Wellington)
Congress of Vienna:
AmericanColonies 1764-1787 | France 1789-1799 | Haiti1799-1804 | Latin America1810-1820s | |
Causes | Unfair taxationWar debt | Unfair taxationWar debt | French EnlightenmentSocial and racial inequalities | Social inequalitiesRemoval of peninsulares |
Key Events | Boston Tea PartyContinental CongressDeclaration of IndependenceConstitution and Bill of Rights | Tennis Court OathNational AssemblyDeclaration of Rights of ManStorming Bastille Reign of Terror5 Man Directory | Civil warSlave revoltInvasion of Napoleon | Peasant revoltsCreole revoltsGran Colombia |
Major Players | George IIIThomas PaineThomas JeffersonGeorge Washington | Louis XVIThree EstatesJacobin PartyRobespierre | BoukmanGens de CouleurToussaint L’OvertureNapoleon Bonaparte | Miguel HidalgoSimón BolívarJosé de San MartinEmperor Pedro I |
Impacts | IndependenceFederal Democracy spreads - France, Haiti, Mexico | Rise of NapoleonCongress of ViennaConstitutional monarchy | IndependenceDestruction of economyAntislavery movements | IndependenceContinued inequalitiesFederal democracy (Mexico)Creole republicsConstitutional monarchy (Brazil) |
Industrial revolution in Britain can not be separated from Imperialism
Industrial countries gained power quickly to exploit colony resources
Industrial Revolution: began in Britain in 19th century - spread through Europe, Japan, US
Agricultural output increased significantly again - more people moved to cities
Domestic system (most work being done on farms or at home or at small shops) preceded
New advancements that changed production:
Also major developments in medicine and science, theory of natural selection (Charles Darwin)
Rapid creation of products was done in factories
Formation of new social classes - aristocrats were those rich from industrial success, middle class of skilled professionals, huge working class
Adam Smith: success achieved through private ownership and free market system (capitalism) - governments removed from regulation = laissez-faire capitalism
Karl Marx: The Communist Manifesto - working class take over means of production and all resources would be equally - Marxism was foundation for socialism and communism
Major split among intellectuals and policymakers in regards to response to inhumane factory conditions
Factory Act of 1883: limited hours of each workday, restricted children from working, factory owners had to make conditions safer
Nationalism was strong after Napoleonic era
France, Spain, Portugal, Britain, Russia had unified
Italy and Germany, which were city-states took longer to unify and alter balance of European power
Other Nationalist Movements:
Ottoman Empire: was at danger of collapse so Britain and France worked to maintain it to prevent Russia from gaining control over Mediterranean