Russian leaders were overthrowing reigning Mongols in late 15th century
Moscow became centre of Orthodox Christianity
Ivan III refused to pay tribute to Mongols and declared them free from their rule - lead Russians, later Ivan IV did too
Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible): strong leader feared by many - executing people who were threats to his power
Battle for throne after Ivan IV died without an heir - Time of Troubles (1604 to 1613): killing those who tried to rise to the throne
Michael Romanov was elected by feudal lords until 1917 - Romanovs consolidated power and ruled ruthlessly
Peter the Great: ruled from 1682-1725 - redesigned and adapted Russia in to westernized fashion
Catherine the Great: ruled from 1762-1796 - education and Western culture - serf conditions were of no importance to her
Key rebellions in 17th and 18th centuries: