Citizens Reviw - Social Studies

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Queen Elizabeth 1


  • first non-catholic monarch in british history (christian)

  • king henry 8th, her father, created the church of england so he could get divorced

  • considered herself “married to england”

  • has a rivalry with king phillip

  • she was responsible for the rise of power of the british empire

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William Shakespeare


  • the renaissance

  • he understood humans

  • his stories are timeless because they are focused on humanity

  • never went to college, has 3 kids, married at 18, no living decendents

  • wrote plays and sonnets

  • most quoted author ever

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John Locke


  • renaissance philosopher

  • his ideas inspired the declaration of independence

  • british

  • wanted to sperate church and state

  • wanted government to keep you secure and not control you

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Christopher Columbus


  • italian explorer

  • sponsored by spain (queen isabella)

  • courageous/not a good person

  • wanted to find indonesia

  • found people in the carribean instead and enslaved them

  • had an impact on the world

  • never knew he didn’t find indonesia

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Queen Isabella I


  • sponsored columbus

  • queen of spain (when spain had a lot of power)

  • catholic, worker with the pope on the spanish inquisition (wanted everyone to become catholic)

  • large populations of muslims and jews who were prosperous

  • spanish inquisition - muslims and jews forced to leave, convert, or be tortured

  • spain targeted their best and brightest/beginning of spains decline

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Benjamin Franklin


  • founding father (not a president)

  • best example of a renaissance man (had a lot of versatile talents)

  • scientist, inventor, author, politician

  • invented bifocal glasses, the lightning rod, and the stove

  • ambassador of france (also called “father of france”)

  • started the first library, hospital, fire station

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George Washington


  • first president of the U.S.

  • founding father

  • military general in revolutionary war

  • viewed as a distinguished leader (everyone respected)

  • wasn’t into politics

  • perfect reputation

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Thomas Jefferson


  • founding father (3rd president)

  • author of declaration of independence

  • most intellectual president

  • author, architect, botanist, spoke 8 languages

  • french ambassador

  • loved john locke and used his ideas

  • vice president to john adams

  • original liberal

  • beats john adams for presidency in 1800

  • died 50 years exactly after declaration of independence same day as john adams

  • founder of the navy

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Abraham Lincoln


  • 16th president (best president)

  • abolished slavery

  • miserable through presidency

  • popular now but the south hated him back then

  • needed to keep the union together

  • killed 5 days after the civil war by john wilkes booth

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Franklin D Roosevelt


  • won 1932 presidential election (during great depression)

  • was disabled (didn’t let the public know)

  • elected 4 times, served the longest presidency, died in the 4th term

  • democrat

  • known for the New Deal which created jobs during the great depression

  • hated by republicans for running up the debt

  • created FDIC which protects your money

  • connected with people through the radio → trump used modern media to connect with people

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Eleanor Roosevelt


  • FDR’s wife (distant cousin), close work partners

  • writer, published a weekly news column

  • wrote the universal declaration of human rights

  • adored by everyone

“nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission”

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William the Conqueror


  • middle ages

  • 1066 the norman conquest (willliam was from normandy)

  • last successful invader of britain

  • he spoke french

  • britain spoke germanic languages

  • the romantic languages (like french) miked with the germanic languages making english

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Margaret Sanger


  • founder of planned parent hood

  • mom had 18 pregnancies in 15 years

  • at the time women were dying from pregnancies

  • started “women rebel”

  • comestock laws stopped doctors from talking about birth control

  • “founder of birth control”(fought for birth control)

  • because of her, birth rates have plummeted - BIG IMPACT

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Queen Victoria


  • ruled over the most land ever

  • married her cousin (proposed to him)

  • has 5 kids, married 20 years

  • mourned husbands death by wearing black till she dies

  • expanded british empire (took over ireland)

  • victorian morals (british are proper, fancy, well mannered)

  • tried to force victorian morals on the irish and they did not like her

  • once she died all doors had to be painted black to remember her and the irish painted theirs colorful

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Johan Gutenberg


  • invented the printing press (allowed mass production of books and newspaper)

  • created a reason for literacy

  • mass produced the bible

  • german

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8th C., B.C. (second oldest)

  • classic greek author

  • wrote the odyssey and the Iliad (oldest books still being read)

  • iliad = war story/achilles

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470-399 B.C.

  • ancient greek philosopher

  • didn’t write things down/old wise guy out on the town

  • he would communicate by asking questions (ask question based on answers ask ever more questions)

  • mentored teens → get them to question who really are the good guys

  • convicted for corruption minds of the youth (his pupils made a plan to break him out of jail)

  • killed himself cause he didn’t want to be broken out of jail/it went against his morals

  • most prized pupal is plato

“the unexamined life is not worth living”

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427-347 B.C.

  • wrote 47 books

  • diologues : book about socrates

  • republic : book about the ideal government

  • set up first school (separate school for “exceptional” students, trained to be “guardians”, students could leave whenever)

  • guardians : given bare minimum, no family, nothing in it for them, the ones who stay want to be there

  • created a government with the guardians that is designed to be the best

  • just as likely to be a guardian as female then as male (first to fight for women equality)

  • start student : aristotle

  • ancient greek philosopher

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384-322 B.C.

  • greatest mind of the ancient world

  • “expert of everything”

  • ancient greek philosopher

  • starts his own school

  • writes 170 known books

  • creates the idea of logic

  • very important in the western world (argues for public school, and things like NASA)

  • thought everything revolved around the earth, thought slavery was proper, argued women were inferior

  • hired to be private tutor for alexander the great

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Alexander the Great

356-323 B.C.

  • physically gifted and highly intelligent

  • becomes king at 20

  • undefeated in battle, greatest army general of all time

  • view as immortal, people still read his military


  • encouraged his soldiers to “mix”(make babies) with the new people of the land they conquer (he partook aswell)

  • he was a '“feared machine”

  • more cities named for him then anyone else

  • gets a fever at 33 and dies

  • ancient greek

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Julius Caesar

100-44 B.C.

  • ancient roman

  • ruler of rome (first emperor) for 1 year

  • caesar - emperor, not last name

  • inspired shakespere

  • ancient tome was an out of control fraternity party (lost of drinking and unfaithful marriages, julius was the poster boy, wild drunken orgys)

  • great speaker, expands roman empire, concurred france

  • oligarchy concerned of him taking control of rome (he did for 1 year and had a brief thing with cleopatra

  • assassinated by brutis a senator and friend

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Cleopatra VII

69-30 B.C.

  • queen of egypt

  • well educated, speaks several languages. manipulative, young

  • either beautiful or used makeup

  • sees new empire forming with a single ruler

  • bribes the guards at caesars palace to roll her in julius carpet, her and julius get together and have a kid, she wants to be he ruler of rome and egypt, she wants to get with the next caesar

  • she gets with mark anthony but the next caesar is her nephew and he won’t get tithe her

  • kills herself with snake venom

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Augustus Caesar

63 B.C. - 14 A.D.

  • ancient roman

  • most impactful

  • turns down cleopatra and stays with his wife

  • likes faithfulness, art, education

  • good totalitarian

  • laid ground work for the great roman empire (cleans up rome)

  • his nephew takes over and kicks off “peace of rome” a 200 year span

  • julius and augustus responsible for the calendar

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Charles Darwin


  • same exact birthday as abraham lincoln

  • theory of evaluation through natural selection

  • wrote “the origin of species”

  • british

  • offered a spot on a boat that travel to the glalopagose islands

  • does observations on tortises, found that tortises on one island adapted so they could eat easier, also did observations on finches

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563-483 B.C.

  • hindu prince (he was sheltered from outside world)

  • goes outside for first time as an adult and he sees people suffering

  • doesn’t think hinduism is sufficient

  • wants to end suffering (buddhism forms, less of a religion and more of a philosophy)

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13th C., B.C.

  • oldest citizen

  • leads slaves to freedom out of equpt to isreal

  • he found go don his path to freedom and god gave him the 10 commandments

  • 5 books of moses (first 5 books of the bible)

  • mother was jewish slave who put him in a basket in the river, a princess found moses and raised him

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  • inspired 2nd largest religion

  • the founder of islam

  • when he found islam he created an empire around mecca

  • basically pope and political ruler of mecca

  • empire lasted for 1300 years and majorly expanded

  • muslims are not supposed to look at pictures of him

  • kicked out of mecca but was allowed back in

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  • expands muslim empire across northern africa and middle east

  • 2nd “caliph” (successor of mahummand)

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Jesus Christ


  • founder of christianity

  • had something about his personality that drew people to him

  • jewish teacher (rabbi)

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Marin Luther


  • religion teacher at college in germany

  • christian monk

  • vow of celibacy

  • prodistant reformation

  • posts his complaints about church on church wall (95 thesis, people were bribing priests to get into heaven, he believed your relationship with jesus gets you into heaven)

  • kicked out of church and marries a nun

  • responsible for : lutheran, baptist, methodists, ect.

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Peter the Great


  • he traveled across western europe

  • became tzar of russia at age of 4

  • wants to westernize/modernize russia

  • he inherited a dark ages russia which led him to travel to learn how to help russia

  • very tall

  • newspapers, secular education (non-religious), 1 calendar, ship building

  • bladder exploded

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Karl Marx


  • never visited russia

  • german

  • founder of the idea of communism

  • economic philosopher

  • wrote : the communist manifesto (what is communism)

  • wrote das capitol (critique of capitalism)

  • kicked out of france

  • 100 years later 1/2 the world adopted his ideas, not it is less revalent

“workers of the world : unite, there will be revolutions”

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  • first true communist dictator of russia → 1920

  • very educated family → college degree

  • gets arrested and sent to siberia

  • put back into russia to create chaos to pull out of WW1

  • revolution works so russia is no longer lead by a tzar

  • mainly led from 1920-1922

  • didn’t have enough time to fully incorporate Karl Marxs ideas

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  • from georgia (country)

  • expelled from seminary and arrested multiple times

  • followed lenin and joined communist revolution

  • replaces lenin; he wasn’t smart like lenin but he was politically shroud and cut throat

  • cause everyone to be very loyal

  • responsible for millions of deaths, he would but off the food supply to problem areas

  • wold use people as resources, he would win but loose a lot of life

  • WW2 leader of soviet union (was with US in WW2 and against the US in cold war)

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Mikhail Gorbachev


  • russian

  • next college educated ruler of russia after lenin (in 1980)

  • restructured government and opened up to the world, allowed certain freedoms to states in the soviet union causing them to get freedom and become their own countries

  • ended cold ear

  • popular in the NS not popular in russia

  • took away most of russias power by dissolving the soviet union

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Martain Luther King Jr


  • 3rd generation baptist reverend

  • most prominent divil rights leader in U.S. history

  • natural speaker (i have a dream was largely improvised)

  • super smart (skipped 9th grade)

  • inspired by gandhi

  • remaining peaceful was very important to him

  • assassinated by james earl rae in 1968

  • was not very popular by the whole of the U.S. when he was alive (accused of being a communist)

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Simon Bolivar


  • latin american (venezuelan)

  • george washington of south american (x5)

  • gained independence for 5 different nations

  • bolivia is named after him and he’s not from there

  • revolutionary

  • dictator of venezuela (not successful)

  • died in seep depression and impoverished

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Eva Duarte Peron


  • most famous latin american woman

  • Became a prostitute at the age of 13 to support her family

  • Goes to Buenos Aires with a band Marries a general

  • becomes First Lady of Argentina ( wanted to completely take control but didnt get the chance )

  • Worked in Argentina to help the poor

  • Her husband bankrupted Argentina

  • Died of cancer at 33

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Napoleon Bonaparte


  • french emperor

  • master on battlefield for planning out battles

  • ambitious and feisty

  • wanted to expand french empire

  • bored of everyday life in empire

  • sold off lousiana purchase to U.S. (sold land to cheep to get and influx of cash)

  • failed at maintaing slavery

  • adored by france

  • never goes away (gets arrested and keeps coming back)

  • last defeat at waterloo

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Niccolo Machiavelli


  • italian philosopher

  • renaissance (italy is the hub of early renaissance)

  • wrote “the prince” → instructions for a king

  • “the ends justify the means” → theme of his book, what he is most known for, everything is entirely results based, an excuse

  • a handbook for evil dictators

  • “its better to be feared than loved” → fear is more permanent

  • hitler is machiavellin

  • machiavellin virtue → doing it for good reasons (abe lincoln)

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St. Thomas More


  • renaissance

  • catholic

  • british

  • grew up in Catholic England and was very close with Henry 8th

  • in charge of the catholic church at beginning of protestant reformation

  • henry the 8th created church of england because he asked thomas for a divorce but he said no because the catholic religion didn’t allow it, after thomas gets beheaded and church of england is create

  • wrote “utopia” (a perfect society)

  • oscar winning movie about him

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Golda Meir


  • born in ukraine (Russian Empire)

  • lots of Jews leaving russia to avoid persecution

  • family moves to Wisconsin, U.S.

  • she became interested in the Jewish movement to create Israel

  • she moves to the Mandate of Palestine, becomes a major person in the movement

  • the united nations creates a partition plan to separate Palestine and Israel

  • Israel wins and their first prime minister is Golda Meir (first and only woman prime minister)(1969-1972)

  • known for disguising herself as a man so she could be respected by other world leaders

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Nicolaus Copernicus


  • polyglot and polymath

  • born in poland

scholarly contributions : heliocentrism and quantity theory of money

  • denounced by the catholic church as heretical

  • died (likely) by stroke

“On the revolutions of the celestial spheres”

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Galileo Galilei


  • astronomer, physicist, polymath

  • born in Florence, Italy

  • scholarly contributions : astronomical tools (refracting telescope) and findings (planets, moons, comets, etc), upheld heliocentrism, synthesized the scientific method, advances in lens (microscope), physics (falling objects), mechanical engineering, weapons, and more

  • involved in the Italian Inquisition (forsakened Bruno’s legacy)

  • died of fever/sickness


“dialogue concerning the two chief world systems”

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Sir Isaac Newton


  • mathematician, physicist, astronomer, alchemist, theologian, natural philosopher (scientist)

  • born in Lincolnshire, England (likely had high functioning autism)

  • scholarly contributions : mechanical physics (physics of motion), newtonian physics, officialized the concept of gravity, advanced heliocentrism, and celestial motion, theory of color, created calculus

  • passionately sought creating the philosphers stone

  • led the royal society

  • worked for the royal mint - he inadvertently shifted the british economy from a silver to gold standard

  • died in sleep (likely mercury poisoning)

  • famous work : “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”


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Albert Einstein

1879 - 1955

  • theoretical physicist

  • born in Ulm, 2nd german reich, moved to the US once the 3rd reich came to power in 1933

  • scholarly contributions :

    • general and special relativity

    • E=MC^2

    • theory of quantum mechanics

    • nuclear physics (manhattan project)

  • helped to create the first atomic weapon for US during WW2

  • was a principled socialist (wrote “why socialism”)

  • member of the NAACP and good friends of W. E. B. Du Bois

  • advocated for a wold democratic federation style government

  • held pantheistic/agnostic religious views

  • died of an aneurysm (brain taken and preserved)

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Marie Curie

1867 - 1934

  • physicist and chemist

  • born in Warsaw, Poland (russian empire)

  • scholarly contributions :

    • theory of radioactivity

    • discovered multiple elements

    • won multiple Nobel piece prizes

    • used radiation (like x-rays) for medical technology (in WW1 field hospital)

  • whole family of scientists (husband and daughter)

  • died from (likely) radiation overdose

  • her papers, journals, and other equipment are so radioactive that they are still contaminated to this day

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Stephen Hawking


  • theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author

  • born in Oxford, England, at 21 was diagnosed with early ALS

  • scholarly contributions :

    • gravity singularities

    • physics of black holes

    • quantum mechanics gravitational waves

    • astrophysics as a whole

  • became one of the youngest elected fellow of the royal society

  • famous work : “A brief history of time” and “the universe in a nutshell”

  • “If we discover a complete (unified) theory, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason - for then we should know the mind of god”

  • died peacefully at home

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Benazir Bhutto

1953 - 2007

  • born in 1953 in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

  • studied at Harvard and Oxford universities

  • father became president and prime minister in 1970s

  • elected into office with the Pakistan People’s Party, PPP stated as a socialist party → turned social-democratic platform

  • fled Pakistan after her father got coup-ed by military and executed

  • worked to restore democracy throughout late 1970- early 1980

  • imprisoned by military dictatorship, went into exile in the UK

  • returned and became first woman democratically elected to a muslim majority nation in 1988. oversaw economic privatization an advancements of women’s rights

  • ousted by an alliance of the military, intelligence agencies, and islamist groups

  • went in exile in 1998, returned 2003, assassinated in 2007

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Mahatma Gandhi


  • Born in 1869

  • grew up to be lawyer and formed a family while in South Africa until age 45

    • developed his idea of nonviolent resistance

  • returned to India and pushed of independence starting in 1915

    • campaigns for easing poverty, expanding women’s rights, building religious and ethnic amity, ending untouchability, and self-rule

  • assassinated in 1948 by a Hindu Nationalist

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Jeanne d’Arc


  • Joan of Arc

  • french

  • younger than us → started hearing voices (7th grade)

  • she talked to an angel who told her what to do

    • fight against the British to restore King Charles to the throne (she succeeded)

  • medieval France

  • she was able to lead an army against the British

  • burned at the stake and captured at 18/19 years old

  • believed to have tuberculosis which led to visions

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Rene Descartes


  • renaissance philosopher and mathematician

  • coordinate plane (x and y axis) was created by him

  • french

  • prior to renaissance you weren’t free to question things → emphasizes the need and value of doubting everything

  • renaissance extremest

  • tutored the queen of Sweden

  • died of pneumonia

“I think therefore I am”

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Louis Pasteur


  • most important person in the history of medicine

  • french

  • promoted the idea of germs (how they can make us sick)

  • created pasteurization : process of removing bacteria from drinks and food

  • made advancements in vaccines

  • because of his work life expectancy doubled from 40’s to 70’s/80’s

    • a large amount of children used to die before the age of 10

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Mary Wollstonecraft


  • british

  • not famous during her life

  • falls in love at 18, gets pregnant and the guy left her → she is blamed and gets a stain of her reputation

  • educates herself → becomes and author and philosopher

  • writes : A vindication of the rights of women and Thought on the education of daughters

  • ideas are the foundation of the women’s rights movements

  • gets married late in life and has another daughter

    • barely knows her because she died 11 days after childbirth

    • daughter takes her first name “Mary” and fathers last name “Shelly” and writes Frankenstein

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Charles Babbage


  • british

  • designs the analytical engine

    • foundation for the modern computer

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Mother Teresa


  • nun

  • tiny woman from Albania

  • the ultimate giver

  • passionate about helping people

  • believed nobody should die alone

  • Calcuta, India → went there and tried to find people in desperate need and help and help them

    • people with leprosy

  • didn’t get paid

  • pro-life (she said have the baby and she would take are of it after its birth)

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Alexander Graham Bell


  • invented the telephone

  • Scottish

  • moved to the U.S at 20

  • worked with the deaf community (wife and mother were deaf)

  • tried to sell the patent for the telephone to western union (they weren’t interested)

  • he started his own company : American Telephone and Telegraph (AT + T)

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Genghis Khan


  • mongolian

  • family was captured by a rival tribe

  • expands the mongol empire

  • conquerer

  • “golden hoard” was the name of his army

  • mongols were the larges empire in world history because of him

  • most effective conquerer of all time

  • Genghis Khan - Universal empire

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Meji Tenno

1852 - 1912

  • renamed after death

  • emperor at very young age

  • 1867 - US came and told them what they were going to do to Japan

  • says one way or another Japan is gonna have to change and become global → if they fought the US they would have a lot of death and get the same outcome → instead he willingly choose for Japan to become global

  • westernizes and modernizes Japan (like peter the great)

  • wrote a lot of haikus

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551-479 BCE

  • foundation philosopher of ancient China

  • shaped the nature of the Chinese government

  • major ideas : personal and government morality, social relationships that emphasized order and justice, strong focus on family loyalties

  • became the ideological basis for bureaucracy in China

  • developed parallel to legalism

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Qin Shi Huang

259 - 210 BCE

  • ended warring states period and unified China

  • First emperor rather than king

  • “King of all Kings”

  • established the Great Wall of China structure

  • built the Terracotta army (believed to be a myth)

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Cai Lun

(50-62) - 121

  • a eunuch in the Chinese royal court

  • major contribution : created paper (by mixing tree bark and hemp into a pulp)

  • one of the 4 great chinese inventors (only inventor whose name is remembered)

  • killed himself after being caught up in an assassination of the emperor’s grandmother

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Mao Zedong

1893 - 1976

  • leader of the communist party (in china)

    • china is the largest population of a single nation and he still encourages child making

  • eventually he wants to cut away from the old cultures from the past, especially the century of humiliation and the bureaucracy of Confucianism

    • red guards : student led revolutionaries that sought to usher in the revolution of culture

    • cultural revolution : seeking to shed the cultures that caused the CoH and the Dynasties

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Leonardo da Vinci

1452 - 1519

  • italian artist/inventor : embodied the idea of a renaissance man

  • creator of : Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and St. John the Baptist

  • designed many cool inventions but did not build many

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1475 - 1564

  • most famous Italian sculptor

  • renaissance man

  • rival to da vinci

  • creator of : Statue of David, Sistine Chapel Ceiling, St Peter’s BAsilica’s Early Designs (last work)


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1606 - 1669

  • dutch painter

  • helped usher in the Dutch Golden Age


  • 100s of paintings and etchings, 1000s of drawings

  • continually changed styles

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Claud Monet

1840 - 1926

  • french painter

  • founder of impressionism

    • emphasized color and depicted realistic scenes of ordinary subjects

  • went blind and kept painting

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Vincent Van Gogh

1853 - 1890

  • dutch painter

  • advanced impressionism (post impressionism)

  • created : Starry Night, Sunflower

  • suffered deep mental illness (gave his ear to his crush)

  • was not loved as an artist until after death

  • killed himself with a shot to the chest (took 2 days to die)

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Pablo Picasso

1881 - 1978


  • spanish painter and sculptor

  • co - founded the cubist movement

  • multiple forms of styles, big with surrealism

  • was in spain during civil war in the 1930s

  • depicted the bombing of guernica (was harassed by facists, including gestapo officers from germany)

“Did you do that?” a german officer asked picasso “No, you did” he replied

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Frank Lloyd Wright

1867 - 1959

  • one of the most famous architects ever

  • catches his break as an architect in 1923 in Japan

    • he built buildings that withstood the Great Tokyo Quake

  • believed that he did things better than others, and he really did

  • known for prairie style architecture → falling waters (buildings would flow and blend in with nature)

  • he didn’t want any input with his work/he would design every last detail

  • he was an ordinary man who hated rules

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Adolf Hitler

1889 - 1945

  • leader of Nazi Germany

  • born in Austria

  • bad childhood turned failed artist

  • Joined the army in WW1 → after WW1 he gets thrown into jail → writes mein kampf → when he gets out he does exactly what he wrote in his book

  • takes over Germany in the 20s

  • Killed Jews and other people he hated ( hated most : Jews, communism, and democracy )

  • started WW2 → after the world is divided between communism and democracy and Israel is formed for the Jewish population

  • He is considered the largest failure ever

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Richard Wagner

1831 - 1883

  • german

  • dies before Hitler is born

  • composer of opera → viewed as the best and most famous composer

  • opera is mainstream in their culture

  • has a castle named after him

  • most of his opera’s had Jewish antagonists and antisemitism increased dramatically because of his opera’s

  • had a major impact on Hitler

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Wernher von Braun

1912 - 1977

  • German and lived through both world wars

  • German scientist → at the top of the scientific world for being on the the best scientists ever

  • Nazi (didn’t care about politics)

  • developed V1 and V1 of German Rockets

  • after WW2 he was hunted by Americans and Soviets, Americans liberate him, he takes over our space program, became an integral piece of the space race for the U.S.

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Winston Churchill

1874 - 1965

  • WW2 prime minister of England

  • rises up in military in WW1

  • author/politician

  • said “History is going to teach me well because I am going to write it”

  • won nobel prize for writing

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Nelson Mandela

1918 - 2014

  • south african

  • apartheid rule - segregation (most people were black)

  • is imprisoned at 46 for speaking out against native south africans (23 years in jail)

  • got elected as the first president in south africa

  • he got out and ended apartheid rule and he brought democracy to south africa

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Alfred Nobel

1833 - 1896

  • creator of the Novel Prize

  • pacifist - anti-violence

  • invented dynamite

  • remorseful because his invention was used as a destruction tool in war

  • so he creates the Nobel Peace Prize

  • Never married or had kids

  • left his fortune to a fund that will be distributed to nobel prize winners

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Jean Henri Durant

1828 - 1910

  • from Switzerland, spoke french

  • founded the Red Cross

  • founded the YMCA

  • winner of the first ever Nobel Peach Prize

  • Switzerland’s flag is a red cross because of the red cross

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Thomas Edison

1847 - 1931

  • inventor of the lightbulb

  • invented the phonograph

  • manipulated the patent system, so he stole other inventor’s ideas

  • knew the importance of patents

  • barely had any education

  • had a severe haring deficit, deemed “retarted” because of this, likely on the Autism Spectrum

  • one of the most influential inventors of all time

“Genius is 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration”

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Sigmund Freud

1856 - 1939

  • psychologist

  • born in austria

  • father of modern phycology - “psychoanalysis”

  • psychoanalysis - who you are as a person is a result of your childhood and experiences

  • came up with : id (base level emotions and desires), ego (your “reality check” logical thinking), superego (you conscience, “moral compass)

  • a lot of his ideas revolve around sexual desires

  • formed the oedipus couples : children are attracted to their opposite sex parent, they want to replace the same sex parent

  • cocaine addict

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