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Four causes of stress
what is stress
any circumstances that either threaten the individual’s well-being, or that the individual perceives as threatening their well-being.
Types of conflict
-The approach-approach
-The avoidance-avoidance
-The approach-avoidance
The approach-approach conflict
Choose between two positive competing alternatives
The avoidance-avoidance conflict
Choose between two really unattractive possibilities
The approach-avoidance conflict
NOT about a choice between two different behaviours.
A choice about a goal or behaviour that has positive AND negative aspects to it.
Social Readjustment Rating Scale: First 10 items
1) Marriage
2) Troubles with the boss
3) Detention in jail or other institution
4) Death of spouse
5) Major change in sleeping habits
6) Death of a close family member
7) Major change in eating habits
8) Foreclosure on a mortgage or loan
9) Revision of personal habits
10) Death of a close friend
Emotional responses from stress
Paradoxical problem of strong emotional responses from stress
Can interfere
Physiological response to stress
-Fight or flight
-Autonomic Nervous System
-Increased respirations
-Reduced digestion
General Adaptation Syndrome's 3 stages
-Alarm response
-Resistance stage
-Exhaustion stage
Alarm response (first stage)
-Initial physiological reaction.
-Cortisol and adrenaline release
What is "choking under pressure"
-Performance impairment
-Elevated self-awareness
-Elevated self-consciousness
-Interferes with attention on the task
Constructive coping involves what factors
-Task orientated
-Realistic appraisal
-Inhibit emotions
-Eat healthy
-Sufficient sleep
-Severe psychological effect
-Reliving the traumatic event
-Loss of interest in important activities
-Difficulty concentrating
Military stats on PTSD
-Iraq: 15.6% to 17.1%
-Afghanistan: 11.2% of those
-300,000 former military PTSD post war
Consequences of prolonged stress
-Sleep disturbances
-Sexual difficulties
-Poor academic/work performance
-Alcohol and drug abuse
Benefits if strong social support and optimism
-Stronger immune system
-More likely to seek support
-Constructive coping
-Positive appraisals
Prevalence of mental disorders (older adults, general population, nursing homes)
-Older adults: 15-25%
-General population: 20%
-Nursing homes: 70-90% (6-7% of population)
Key risk factors for depression include:
-Newly diagnosed medical illness
-Poor health status
-Poor self-perceived health
-Prior depression -Bereavement
Protective factors for depression in elderly include
-Greater perceived social support
-Regular physical exercise
-Higher socioeconomic status
% of misdiagnosed dementia actually being depression
Key risk factors for anxiety include
-Poor self-rated general health status
-Physical or sexual abuse in childhood
-Current smoker.
Protective factors of anxiety include
-Greater perceived social support
-Regular physical exercise
-Higher level of education.
Evidence-based psychotherapeutic interventions for anxiety in older adults
-Cognitive behavioural therapy
-Relaxation training
-Supportive therapy
What type of therapy is used for crisis
Supportive therapy
Psychotherapies for older adults with depression:
-Cognitive behavioural therapy
-Interpersonal psychotherapy
-Problem-solving therapy
-Brief psychodynamic psychotherapy
Stats: Bipolar and Schizophrenia in elderly females
-Females 2-3x more than males
Stats: Schizophrenia early onset compared to older onset
-75% early and mid life onset
-25% later life onset
What percentage of all dementias are attributed to Alzheimer's disease?
Dementia definition
An acquired syndrome of intellectual impairment produced by brain dysfunction.
Dementia is characterized by changes in
Common age of onset dementia
Prevalence of developing dementia
World wide stats on dementia
27-36 million
2/3 in Developing world
Psychosocial interventions for people with dementia
-Activity based therapy
-Supportive therapy
-Environmental approaches
WHO Age friendly city's, Eight dimensions of the living environment are targeted:
-The built environment
-Civic participation
-Community support
-Social inclusion
-Social participation
-Health services
Stats on Non verbal communication according to Burgoon
Paul Ekman's six basic emotions
And anger.
Baby's demonstrate fear and disgust what age
Baby's demonstrate smile at what age
6-8 weeks
Full spectrum of emotions demonstrated by what age
6 months
Theory's on deception
-Self presentation perspective
Emotional theory perspective of lying (Ekman)
-Heightened arousal
-Physiological reactions
-Increased movements
-Increased speech disturbances
Cognitive theory perspective of lying (Burgoon)
-Deception cognitively complex
-Cognitive load increased
-Body language neglected
-Reduction in movement
-Increased speech disturbances
-Slower speech and pauses
Attempted control approach to lying (DePaulo)
-Attempts to control behaviour
-Rigid and inhibited
-Decreased movement
-Decreased speech
DePaulo's attempted control approach also called
Self presentation perspective
Best indicator of lying
Voice pitch
Non reliable indicators of lying
-Gaze (eg:looking to left)
-Shifting position
In relation to a liar's speech what gives it away
-Increase in speech disturbances
-Slower speech rate
-Move less
Average lie detection accuracy
Primary appraisal
Threat or challenge
Secondary challenge
Skills and resources
Positive appraisals likely when
Chronological definition of Adolescence:
Teenage years between 13 and 19.
Biological definition of Adolescence:
-Physical markers
-Starts: pre-pubertal height spurt (precedes puberty)
-Ends when reach full reproductive maturity (15-18 years)
Societal definition of Adolescence:
-Starts: Onset of puberty
-Ends: when adolescents assume adult responsibilities
First of physical changes during puberty marking onset of puberty
-Growth spurt (height)
How much height growth per year for males and females
-Females: 8.5cm/year for 2 years
-Male: 9cm/year for 2 years
Age of onset of growth spurt for males and females
-Females: 11 years
-Males: 13-14 years
Consequences in adulthood from EARLY puberty in males
-Advanced in their career
-Difficulty coping with stress
-Intimacy difficulties
Males want to change what about themselves (stats)
-47% scholastic ability
-23% personality
-14% physical appearance
Females want to change what about themselves (stats)
-39% personality
-27% scholastic ability
-24% physical appearance
Male and Female adolescences both want to change the same 3 areas which are:
-Scholastic ability
-Physical appearance
What are the risk factors for body dissatisfaction
-Media consumption
-Personality factors: perfectionist, internalising
-Stressful home environment
Long term consequences for high body satisfaction
-High self esteem
-Positive peer relationships
Long term consequences for low body satisfaction
-Eating disorders
-Exercise dependence
-Steroid use (males)
Three main changes for adolescences
-Physical changes
-Adult identities
Secular trend
Long term linear trend in a single direction over time
Stats on tribal marriage
-Females: 63% within 2 years puberty
-Males: 64% within 4 years puberty
For females marker of adulthood is menstration, what is this for males?
Once reached specific level of achievement
Example: Kill on hunt
Average age first marriage for men and women 1974 and 2014
-Women: 1974: 21
-Women: 2014: 28
-Men: 1974: 23
-Men:2014: 30
Increase of 7 years
(21, 23)
Pros and cons of delayed adolescence
-Pro: time and freedom enabled fundamental cultural shift
-Con: Delay in social responsibilities
How long is the adolescent period historically compared to currently
-Historically: 2-4 year adolescent phase
-Currently: 8-15 year adolescent phase
Marcia's identity statuses
-Identity diffusion
-Identity achievement
No crisis, yes commitment
-Didnt thinking things through
"my dad is a builder he says im strong and wants me to do it, I will go through with that"
No commitment, no crisis
Identity diffusion
-Didn't think things through
-No commitment
Yes crisis, no commitment
-Thought things through
-No commitment
"I cant decide"
Yes crisis, Yes commitment
Identity achievement
Most adolescences have achieved "identity achievement" by what age
Stats on adolescence car accidents
36% of accidents
<20% drivers on the road
Mortality rates of adolescence
200-300% increase in mortality from child to adolescence
Synaptic pruning rids unused synapse connections and strengthens useful ones. What age is this happening
-2 and 15
-Major reorganisation at 2
How much synaptic pruning occurs at 2 years old
Up to 50%
Benefits of late development of pre frontal cortex
-Flexibility of thinking
Three types of positive illusions
Where does the self come from a combination of what
-Decisions or existentialism
-Society "product of environment"
Self serving bias
-Success attributed internally
-Failures attributed externally
Downward comparison
Comparing your circumstances to someone worse off
False consensus used with what
False uniqueness used with what
False uniqueness and confidence
High self confidence
Benefits of self deceptions
-Persuade yourself
-Persuade others
-Enables social acceptance
What is a super centenarian
Limit of human life span
Categorizing ages
65-75: Young old
75-85: Old old
85 + Oldest old
Life expectancy
Globally: Males 66, Females 71
Australia: Males 81, Females 85
USA: Males 77, Females 82
Africa life expectancy difference compared to global:
30 years less due to HIV
Why do you have an enhanced life span >60
-Children in developing world die <5
-Congenital conditions, shorten lifespan.
-High-risk occupations
What age is the fastest growing age group