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Historical Context of Jesus

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Historical Context of Jesus

  • Palestine was ruled by the Romans- very multicultural, hostility but coexisted

  • There were harsh taxes

  • Jews were unhappy because it was their “Promised Land”

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Judaism at the time of Jesus

  • Hard to be Jewish- oppressed by Babylonians, Greeks, Assyrians

  • No Jewish authority- just different sects

  • The huge temple in Jerusalem was very important

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Jesus birth

  • Born in Bethlehem (near Jerusalem) because census had to be taken

  • Circumcised at 8 days old

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Jesus childhood

  • Grew up in Nazareth

  • Travelled back to Jerusalem for Passover and left at Temple for 3 days and declared he was in the house of his father

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Jesus Adulthood

  • Became relevant around 30

  • Baptised by John the Baptist- realised Jesus son of God

  • Taught in a ministry and performed miracles for the poor

  • Ends up in Jerusalem while preaching

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Jesus arrest and crucifixion

  • Threatening to the Romans because he empowered the poor

  • Arrested on Holy Thursday

  • During the Last Supper- showed servant leadership by washing feet

  • Killed on Good Friday age 33 and put in tomb

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Jesus resurrection

  • On Easter Sunday women went to the tomb to prepare body

  • Tomb was empty and angel told them Jesus had risen

  • 40 days after he rose he ascended to heaven

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Jesus as a role model

  • Jesus modelled Christian life

  • Universal love for humanity and faithfulness to God

  • Emphasised we are all part of the Kingdom of God

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First 3 Centuries post Jesus

  • Pentecost- the Holy Spirit came and that marked the beginning of Christianity

  • At first it was just a variant of Judaism- took some time to become its own thing

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Early Christian Controversy

  • Could non ethnic Jews join Christianity? Jews said no, Paul said yes- that’s when Christianity fully separated and began recruiting not just Jewish people

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  • Really started Christianity- reformed himself

  • Became a traveller- wrote down letter about Jesus and spread the gospel

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Principal Beliefs

  1. Jesus is human and divine

  2. God and the trinity

  3. Death and resurrection

  4. Revelation

  5. Salvation

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Jesus is human and divine

  • Jesus being a human was an act of love from God for humanity

  • His humanity showed the connection between God and humans

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Nature of God and the Trinity

  • God is the one creator but is expressed in 3 natures- the father, the son and the holy spirit

  • However- this still controversial

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Death and resurrection

  • Death and resurrection provides hope

  • Jesus defeated death- atoned for human sin- so we can have eternal life

  • Jesus a sacrificial lamb

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  • The transmission of knowledge from God to people is an invitation to join with God

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  • Humans require deliverance away from sin so God can save us

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The Bible is divided into

  • Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament)

  • Christian Scriptures (New Testament)

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Bible contains

  • Nature of God and teachings of Jesus

  • Beliefs

  • Rituals

Is divinely inspired but written by humans

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Importance of the Bible

Integral to the lives of believer- making ethical decisions, daily rituals, finding meaning. Especially important for Protestants

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Ethical teachings

  • 10 commandments (Old T)

  • Beatitudes (New T)

  • Jesus’s Commandment of Love (New T)

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Ten Commandments

  • Given to Moses

  • A summations of relationship between people and God

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  • Blessings in latin

  • Blessed are..

  • The teachings of Jesus and a Christian way of living

  • e.g. Blessed are those who are forgotton

  • Come from Sermon on the Mount and Sermon on the Plane

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Jesus’s Commandment of Love

  • Most important commandments

  • “Love God, Love thy neighbour”

  • The love isnt romantic- it is AGAPE= mutual admiration and respect

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What is prayer

A communion with God

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What can prayer be

  • Vocal

  • Contemplative

  • Meditative

  • Mental

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Why pray

  • Celebrate

  • Recollecting with God

  • Reflection

  • Jesus prayed to help make decisions

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