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G2 checkpoint
pass checkpoint if:
1. chromosomes have replicated successfully
2. DNA is undamaged
3. activated MPF is present
metaphase checkpoint
pass checkpoint if:
1. chromosomes have attached to spindle apparatus
2. chromosomes have properly segregated and MPF is absent
G1 checkpoint
pass checkpoint if:
1. cell size is adequate
2. nutrients are sufficient
3. social signals are present
4. DNA is undamaged
maintaining specific cell density ensures organisms can keep up with __________ demands
protein produced by a cell after cell signaling growth factors arrive; activates Cdk; needed for cell to move past G1 checkpoint
activated by cyclin phosphorylating it and removing its inactivating phosphate; goes on to phosphorylates Rb; important to get past G1 checkpoint
step 1 in passing G1 checkpoint
growth factors arrive from other cells
step 2 in passing G1 checkpoint
stimulation from growth factors cause cells to produce cyclin and E2F
step 3 in passing G1 checkpoint
cyclin binds and phosphorylates Cdk and Rb inactivates E2F by binding to it
step 4 in passing G1 checkpoint
Cdk phosphorylates Rb after inactivating phosphate is removed
step 5 in passing G1 checkpoint
phosphorylated Rb releases E2F
step 6 in passing G1 checkpoint
E2F triggers production of S-phase proteins
P53 proteins
proteins that signal to stop the cell cycle if DNA is damaged at G1 checkpoint; create Cdk inhibitors
fates of cells paused in G1 phase
1. DNA repair
2. senescence
3. cell death
cause cell damage; ex. chemicals, UV radiation, x-rays
UV light
exposer to ____ ________ reduces and stops cell division
nucleotide excision repair
DNA repair mechanism:
1. a complex of proteins detect irregularity in DNA structure
2. an enzyme nicks DNA on both sides of the damage
3. a DNA helicase unwinds and removes the region with the damaged bases
4. DNA polymerase fills the gap in 5'-3' direction using the template strand
5. DNA ligase links the new strand to the pre-existing strand
protein that recognizes DNA damage and signals to start repair mechanisms
protein that facilitates DNA repair
act as a buffer for chromosomes following DNA replication; has a repetitive sequence (TTAGGG); no genes in this region; end up being cut off slowly
the problem with lagging strands
DNA polymerase cannot replicate the ends of the lagging strand because there is no 3'-OH for covalent extension; ends up getting cut off
hayflick limit
the average number of times a normal human cell population will divide before becoming senescent and dying
once telomeres are gone, the cell _______ pass the G1 checkpoint because cell division would cause loss of protein coding DNA at ends of chromosomes
an enzyme that contains an RNA primer and restores telomere length; maintain replicative capacity of cells; humans loos this enzyme during embryonic division
DNA polymerase
99% of mismatched DNA is recognized and removed by ____ __________; mismatches are recognized by their abnormal hydrogen bonds
the name of the active cyclin-CDK complex that initiates mitosis or M-phase
MPF activity increases as a cell makes more _______
MPF activation
_____ __________ initiates mitosis
disease of the cell cycle; do not go through programmed cell death
common set of behaviors in cancer cells
- proliferate unchecked by the cell cycle checkpoints
- re-express telomerase
- can create blood vessels to get access to resources like glucose and oxygen
- increase mutations that support cancer
- can continue to function abnormally by evading cell death
BRCA1 mutation
_____ __________ is often a predictor of cancer; this gene codes for an enzyme that fixes DNA damage
inhibit topoisomerase (and other DNA stabilizing proteins) to disrupt DNA synthesis; if no new DNA can be synthesized, cells will stop dividing; cancer treatment
destabilizes microtubules to stop division during M phase; stops microtubules from moving; treats cancer by stopping cell division
promotes depolymerization and prevents polymerization; stops microtubules from forming; treats cancer by stopping cell division