the acquisition of new information, experiences, and behaviors
the tendency to respond to stimulus similar to the CS
biological predispositions
behaviorist belief that learning is limited to an animal’s biology
the production of new operant behaviors via reinforcement
intrinsic motivation
motivation to do something for its own sake
extrinsic motivation
motivation to do something because of a reward or punishment
latent learning
cognitive maps that are created when given an incentive
classical conditioning
the type of learning which uses a US/R to link a CS and CR
operant conditioning
learning that forms an association between behaviors and the resulting events
stimulus discrimination
the learned ability to distinguish between a CS and similar, but different stimuli
cognitive map
mental representations of an environment
spontaneous recovery
when the CR occurs after a rest period of extinction
law of effect
Skinner’s idea that rewarded behaviors are more likely to occur
law of association
Aristotle’s theory that we learn through association
positive punishment
response that adds bad stimulus
negative punishment
response that takes away good stimulus
positive reinforcement
response that adds good stimulus
negative reinforcement
response that takes away bad stimulus
ivan pavlov
og classical conditioning; simple behaviors pulled out of complex behaviors can be modified
the stage in classical conditioning in which there is an association between the CS and the US
b. f. skinner
psychologist that studied operant conditioning
john watson
psychologist that utilized classical conditioning for advertizing; little albert experiment
albert bandura
psychologist that studied observational learning (esp. with pro- and antisocial behaviors with kids)
primary reinforcer
innate reinforcements (think: survival needs)
conditioned reinforcer
learned reinforcement through association with a primary reinforcer
immediate reinforcer
a reinforcer that happens right after the behavior
delayed reinforcer
a reinforcer that waits for a bit after the actual behavior
continuous reinforcement
reinforces the desired behavior every time
partial reinforcement
reinforces the desired behavior only sometimes
fixed-ratio schedule
reinforces the behavior only after a specific number of occurances
variable-ratio schedule
reinforces the behavior after an unpredictable number of occurances
fixed-interval schedule
reinforces behavior after a specific amount of time has passed
variable-interval schedule
reinforces behavior after an unpredictable amount of time has passed