à mon avis
in my opinion
il me semble que
it seems to me that
pour être honnête
to be honest
en ce qui me concerne
according to me
de temps en temps
from time to time
entre temps
in the meantime, meanwhile
de toute manière
in any case
du coup
as a result
despite, in spite of
ceci dit
that said
quelle chance
how lucky
quel dommage
what a pity
quelle horreur
how horrible
quel cauchemar
what a nightmare
quel bonheur
what a joy
bien sûr
of course
le lendemain
the next day
Il y a plein de / d’
there is a lot of
Il y a plusieurs + noun
there are several
Il y a pas mal de / d’
there is quite a lot
Il y a tellement de / d’
there are so many
Il y a de plus en plus de / d’
there are more and more
Il y a énormément de / d’
there is a lot of
Il y a un tas de / d’
there is a lot of