Chapter 1: Measurements and Units

  • Physical Quantity is a ==quantity that can be measured==. It consists of a numerical magnitude and a unit.

Numbers and Units

Prefixes for SI units


Powers of 10

Scientific Notation

  • Numbers written using powers of ten are in scientific notation or standard form.
  • For example;

System of Units

SI Units

  • Are set ==systematic international units,== for measuring mass, time, and other base units and derived quantities.


  • Is the ==measure of the amount of substance in an object.==
  • Has the following effects:
    • all objects are attracted to the Earth. The greater the mass of an object, the stronger is he Earth’s gravitational pull on it.
    • all objects resist attempts to make them go faster, slower, or in a different direction. The greater the mass, the greater is the resistance to change in motion.
  • SI base unit is kilogram (kg).


  • SI base unit is second (s).
  • Following are some of other units for second:


  • SI base unit is metre (m).

Measuring Length and Time

Measuring Length

  • Ruler can be ==used to measure small distances== of a few centimetres (cm).
    • They are able to measure to the nearest millimetre (mm).
    • Can measure upto one metre.
    • Example of usage:
    • height of the table
  • Micrometer is ==used to measure objects that are too small to be measured== with vernier calipers
    • Gives a precision of 0.01 mm
    • Can measure measurements of less than 25 cm.
    • Example of usage:
    • diameter of a wire
  • Vernier Calliper is a ==useful tool for measuring both internal and external diameters==.
    • They are able to measure to a precision of 0.01 cm.

Measuring Time

  • Time intervals of many seconds or minutes can be ==measured using a a== ==stopwatch.==
    • Some instruments have analogue or a digital display.

Volume and Density


  • It is the quantity of space an object takes up.
  • It’s SI unit is cubic metre (m^3).


  • It is the ==quantity of mass per unit volume of a substance.==
  • Formula:
    • Density= Mass/Volume
    • ρ=m/v
    • ρ is a greek letter ‘rho’ .
    • (both equations are same, written in different ways; i.e first one is the word equation and the other one is symbolic equation.
  • SI unit of density is kilogram per cubic metre (kg m^-3).
  • Objects that are %%less dense than water will float on water; and objects that are denser than water will sink.%%

Measuring Volume and Density

Measuring Volume


  • Its volume ==can be measured using a measuring cylinder.==
  • Most cylinders have scale marked in millilitres (ml) or cubic centimetres (cm^3).

Regular Solid

  • If an object has a simple shape, its volume can be calculated through formula. For example:
    • volume of a regular block = length x width x height

Irregular Solid

  • ==If the shape of the object is too awkward to calculate its volume, then immerse the object in a measuring cylinder filled with water and then calculate the increase in water level. This value will be the volume of the object.==

Measuring Density

  • Once volume of the object is obtained through one of the above methods suitable, find the mass of the object using a balance.

  • Following is one of the example:

Checking the mass and density of a liquid

  • An easy method of finding the density of a liquid is by using a small float called hydrometer.

  • The relative density on a hydrometer indicates the ^^relative density^^ of the liquid.

  • Checks like these are important in some production processes.
