thus, we are obligated to follow them (even if we know we won’t get caught)
the effects of drugs and alcohol on our freedom
willingly compromising our ability to reason (can’t choose the good if you can’t tell what the good is) and make decisions goes against our human dignity (made in image and likeness of God, who also has intellect and will)
in regards to sexuality, studies have shown that teens (adults, too) can often make very poor sexual decisions when alcohol is involved.
when hanging out with people who make poor decisions with drugs & alcohol
easier to make poor decisions yourself
experience loss of freedom that comes from enslavement to sin
so, if you think sex is a big deal and shouldn’t be casual, then maybe drinking isn’t a great idea
moral implications
important to establish that drugs/alcohol are not inherently bad; rather, it’s the actions that one commits while under the influence
being under the influence compromises freedom, decision-making, awareness, and safety (aka the things that make us like God)
alcohol can be used in moderation
able to be consumed in a way that does not compromise reasoning abilities
need certain things to be present for this to happen though: (maturity, environment, intent, freedom)