Final part of the exam - Two sight-singing examples.
Sight-singing - A method of training your brain to understand the relationship between notes within a specific scale or tonality.
Movable-Do - Commonly used method of solfeggio. It means that regardless of what key you’re in, the tonic (first note of the scale) is always Do.
Fixed-Do - The opposite to movable-Do. This system attaches solfege syllables that remain with the pitch regardless of key.
Two prevalent systems for singing in a minor mode:
Do-based minor - Movable-do system in minor. Here the Do-based minor is the parallel of Do-based major.
La-based minor - It reflects the relative minor of any major scale and uses the same pitches starting on the sixth scale degree or La. This system is prevalent in choral music to facilitate moving from a major key to the relative minor.
Scale degree finder - An exercise used to quickly go through the scale and find the pitch you need. It contains the tonic triad and common diatonic intervals.