Cien (100)
Doscientos (200)
Trescientos (300)
Cuatrocientos (400)
Quinientos (500)
Seiscientos (600)
Setecientos (700)
Ochocientos (800)
Novecientos (900)
mil (1000)
mil quinientos (1500)
dos mil (2000)
cautro mil (4000)
When Spanish numbers reach 10,000, we replace commas with decimals. English: (10,000), Spanish: (10.000).
all numbers before 100 are formatted into (tens) y (ones)
noventa y ocho (98)
noventa y nueve (99)
Spanish numbers above 100 are formatted as “one hundred one,” not “one hundred and one.”, format is (hundreds) (tens) y (ones).