Mathew purpose
To convince the Jews to receive Jesus as King
Mathew theme
Messiah as king
Mark purpose
To convince the Romans to receive Jesus
Mark theme
Messiah as Servant Redeemer
Luke purpose
To Convince the Gentiles to receive Jesus
Luke theme
Messiah as Perfect Man
John purpose
To convince the World to receive Jesus
John theme
Messiah as Son of God
Acts purpose
To show the spread of the gospel from Jerusalem to Rome
Acts theme
Expansion of the Church
Galatians purpose
To show that salvation is not by law but by grace
Galatians theme
Freedom in Christ
1 Thessalonians purpose
To Display Christian tasks in light of the rapture
1 Thessalonians theme
Holiness in view of Christ's return
2 Thessalonians purpose
to show the events preceding the Day of the Lord
2 Thessalonians theme
Day of the Lord
1 Corinthians purpose
To deal with church problems
1 Corinthians theme
Christ is the answer to problems
2 Corinthians purpose
To defend God's minister
2 Corinthians theme
Divine comfort and power
Romans purpose
To present the doctrine of salvation
Romans theme
Righteousness of God
Ephesians purpose
To present the church as the body of Christ
Ephesians theme
Mystery of the Church
Colossians purpose
To present Christ as the preeminent head of the church
Colossians theme
Preeminence of Christ
Philemon purpose
The Request to Forgive Onesimus
Philemon theme
Christian forgiveness
Phillipians purpose
To present Christ and himself as servants
Phillipians theme
The joy of sacrifically serving God
1 Timothy purpose
Pastoral Instruction/False Teacher Warning
1 Timothy theme
Church administration manual
Titus purpose
To Exhort to do good works
Titus theme
Church administration manual
2 Timothy purpose
To Exhort to continue in the faith
2 Timothy theme
Ministerial Endurance
James purpose
To persuade to add works to faith
James theme
A working faith
Hebrews purpose
To persuade of Christs finished work
Hebrews theme
Finality of Christ's Redemptive work
1 Peter purpose
To encourage suffering saints
1 Peter theme
Suffering for Christ
2 Peter purpose
To warn against false teachers
2 Peter theme
Holiness in view of Christ's return
Jude purpose
To exhort to contend for the faith
Jude theme
Contending for the faith
1 John purpose
To present the tests of eternal life
1 John theme
True Christian Fellowship
2 John purpose
To warn against false teachers
2 John theme
Separation from apostates
3 John purpose
To deal with the problem of pre-eminence
3 John theme
True Christian Fellowship
Revelation purpose
To show what is to come
Revelation theme
The Glory and Victory of Christ