study of the mind and behavior
emprical method
aquired knowledge based on observation
Wundt, scientific study of the mind and its processes by their components
observer to describe internal sensations while performing task or stimulus
james, investigate how mental activites help organism fit in envirnoment, whole mind
waston, over threw structuralist and functionalist, only observable behavior was legitmate
classical condition
pairing neutral stimulus with stimulus that reflexively triggers particular response will make netural stimulus bring smae response
terminated noxious stimulus or was followed by positive reward made behavior in frequency - law of effect
behavior effected by consequences
gestalt psychology
sensory experiences can be broken with individual parts, but how the parts relate → how individual responds
cognitive revolution
math and cs impacted psychology by providing scientificly rigorous ways to describe internal states and mental process
clinical psychology
diagnosing expaling and treating
sigmund freud
unconcious mind respository of feelings and urges which we have no awareness of, analyze through dream, and slips of tongue, born selfish and society makes us good
psychoanalytic theory
focus on role of persons unconscious early childhood experiences
emphasizes potential for good that is innate
hiearchy of human needs in motivating human behavior
potential for good exists, client takes lead role and are capable of dealing and working through own issues, therapist is unconditional positive
how genetic and biology change things, more prevalent, neuroscience
how thinking in diff ways change, how people acquire, store, and process info
how others impact us, influences of social, cultural environment impact
bio influences our behavior, immediate cause of behavior based in phyisology of human
evolutionary psychology
study of behaviors thought and feeling through eyes evolutionary biology
sensation and perception
very interdisiplinary, physiological aspects of sensory systems and psychological experiences, our experience/perception complex influenced by our attention, experiences, and culture
cognitive psychology
inverstigates mental processes involved in attention, thinking, language, memory, problem solving, and decision making
developmental psychology
study of development across a life span, interest in processes related to physical maturation and cognitive skills
personality psychology
patterns of thoughts and behaviors that make each individual unique
social psychology
how we interact and relate to others
stanely milgram
study on obedience, caused an ethcial guidelines
industrial organizational psychology
personal management, organizational structure, and workplace issues, make hiring decisions
health psychology
health affected by interaction of biological and psychological and sociocultural factors
sport and exercise psychology
psychological aspects of sport performance (motivation, performance anxiety)
counseling psychology
emotional, social, vocational, health related outcomes in individuals who are psychologically helahty
forensic psychology
questions of psychology as they arise in justice system
research and disseration
more emphasis on application of principles
margraet flay washburn
1st women to earn psych phd in us, mostly animal psych, 2nd female president of APA
anna freud
expanded on dads ideas (defense mechanism), use psychoanalysis with kids, coping mechanisms
mary whiton calkins
1st female president of APA, was supposed to get PHD from Harvard, memory tests, 1st psych lab at womens college
let stetter hollingworth
challenged idea that women were intellectually inferior and unable to function while menstrating
inez prosser
1st black woman to earn psych phd in us, children psychology on integration
martha bernal
1st latina to earn psych phd in us, ethnic identity, clinical training + multicultural
mamie phipps clark
created famous clark doll theory, 4 year old gets racial identity, instrumental in court cases brown v board
Kenneth clark
married to mamie, 1st black president of APA, opened northside center for mental
francis cecil summer
1st black person to earn psych phd in us, father of black psychology, how to combat racism, antiblack bias
robert williams II
founded national assocaition of black psychologists, challenged racial difference in intelligence, creator of black intelligence test of cultural homogenity, ebonics
clinical psychologist
MD, prescribe meds