'23 Spring Final - Religion

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50th day after Easter, celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples following Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension.

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Place of Jesus’ crucifixion.

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The Profession of Faith

“I believe” a part of the Apostles Creed?

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Highest Council of Jews.

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a statement of belief

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Nicene Creed

The formal statement or profession of faith commonly recited during the Eucharist = 325 AD

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Jesus' suffering and redemptive death

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Apostolic Succession

Passing on of the office of bishops starts with 12 apostles - generation to generation

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Paschal Mystery

Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection.

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Communion of Saints

The connection between all living and dead baptized Christians.

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Glorified Body

Jesus’ resurrected body, unrecognizable at times, no signs of sickness, injury, or death

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Canonized Saints

the process by which the Church declares a person to be a saint and worthy of universal respect

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Resurrection Narratives

When Jesus rose from the dead, in all four Gospels

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When Mary died, her body was assumed into heaven to reunite with her son.

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Passion Narratives

The accounts of Jesus’ suffering and death, in all four Gospels

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Jesus rising to heaven (rose on a cloud out of their sight), 40 days after his resurrection. Took place at Mt. of Olives

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Immaculate Conception

Mary conceived without original sins, December 8th

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Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would conceive a son named Jesus

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The Great Commission

Jesus sending out the twelve apostles with specific instructions: no money, no food, and no bag. They are to rely solely on God’s grace while traveling and sharing the Gospel.

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an individual's journey through life

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United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

An organization that promotes the greater good through programs and forms the church offers.

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Religious Orders of Men

A religious Order of Men is a community of consecrated men who profess solemn vows

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a member of a branch of the Cistercian order of Christian monks

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The first religious community of priests founded in North America. They have ministries of interfaith relations and reconciliation. They are an Order of Men

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friar, sister, or lay member of a Christian religious order founded in 1209 by St. Francis of Assisi, The Franciscan orders are noted for preachers and missionaries.

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An apostolic religious community that are grounded in love for Christ and animated by the spiritual vision of their founder. They are an Order of Men

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Sacrament of Holy Orders

Sacrament of Holy Orders: the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles, continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time.

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Sacrament of Confirmation

Christian rite by which admission to the church, established previously in infant baptism, is said to be or strengthened and established in faith

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Bishops oversee and maintain religious institutions and govern the diocese. Other bishops ordain bishops.

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Cardinals wear red and are chief officials and bishops of the major diocese. The Pope elects the Cardinals and the Cardinals elect the Pope. They act as special advisors to the Pope.

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Transitional deacons are candidates for the priesthood while permanent deacons have no intention and aren't able to become priests. Deacons assist in many things: helping at the altar, proclaiming the gospel, preaching the homily, conducting baptisms, witness marriages, and leading vigils and funerals. They can't consecrate the host, confirm people, and can't forgive sins.

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Priests proclaim the word of God and fulfill sacraments (Eucharist, reconciliation, baptism, funerals, marriages, sacrament of the Sick).

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Diocesan Priest

Serves the needs of his bishop- a part of a diocese, doesn't take vows, takes promises.

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Religious Order of Priests

Religious priests live in community with one another and take promises of celibacy, poverty, and obedience.

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The Pope has full authority over the Church. “From the chair”

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The doctrine of Infallibility

States that the Pope can not speak wrongly while preaching about religion and morals. Examples: 1854, Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, 1950 Assumption

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Religious Orders of Sisters (Women

Sisters of Mercy is an international community of Roman Catholic women religious who vowed to serve people who suffer from poverty, sickness and lack of education with a special concern for women and children. Members take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience

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Sisters of Mercy

Judy’s sister community! International community of women who take vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and service.

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a sacred promise or commitment made publicly with the approval of the Church.

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Apostolic Tradition:

the transmission of the message of Christ (teachings of the gospel), brought about from the very beginnings of Christianity by means of preaching, bearing witness, institutions, worship, and inspired writings. The apostles transmitted all they received from Christ and learned from the Holy Spirit to their successors, the bishops, and through them to all generations until the end of the world

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Apostolic Succession

The passing on of the office of bishop, starting from the Apostles to bishops in succeeding generations by means of ordination.

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Teachings recognized as central to Church teaching, defined by the Magisterium, and considered definitive and authoritative.

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the term used to indicate that the Church, in spite of her imperfections and defects, can never fall away from the truth of the Gospel message

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The Church has three inseparable meanings: 1) the entire People of God throughout the world; 2) the diocese, which is also known as the local church; 3) the assembly of believers gathered for the celebration of the liturgy, especially the Eucharist

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An organization a part of the christian community, led by a priest, a place of worship and prayer.

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Sacramental Powers

A significant object viewed as spiritual/channels of divine grace - benefits rituals in the Christian Church

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College of Cardinals

The body of all Cardinals in the Church. Used to advise the Pope of Church matters when a meeting is called by him.

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Teaching office of the church w/ Cardinals, Bishops, and the Pope

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Diocese and Archdiocese

A diocese is a local christian organization that is led by the Bishop. An archdiocese serves a larger population and is led by an Archbishop.

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Bishop of Rome

The Pope who has full authority of the church.

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Roman Curia

The Roman Curia assists the Pope in day-to-day exercises. They perform duties in the Pope’s name. It is the Central government of the Church - Pope is the boss.

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Immaculate Conception

The catholic teaching that the Blessed Virgin Mary was free from sin from the first moment of her conception.

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Diocese and Archdiocese

Diocese = Particular or local church the regional community of believers who commonly gather in parishes, under the leadership of a bishop. Archdiocese = sola scriptura

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The celebration of God and Jesus in different areas of the world. There may be different music, customs, and rituals

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a papal letter sent to all bishops of the Roman Catholic Church.

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The Church’s efforts to engage with other Christians.

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inter-religious dialogue -

Work and dialogue between the Church and non-Christian religions.

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Who was the first Christian martyr?

St Stephen

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Who was the first Bishop of Jerusalem?

Apostle James the Less

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What was the Council of Jerusalem? Why was it so important to the growth of Christianity?

The council was the solution to problems. It said that Gentises who want to believe in Jesus don have to get circumcised, follow the torah, or follow dietary laws.

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What are the two creeds which have a special place in the life of the Church and are often recited at Mass?

Nicene Creed and The Apostles Creed

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What are the four marks of the Church?

One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic

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Describe what it is that makes the Church one.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

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What are two of the most well-known divisions that broke the unity of the Christian Church?

The easteren and western church broke the unity of the Catholic church.

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  1. What was the first schism and in what year? What was the second schism and in what year? Who is believed to have started this second schism? What famous document did he write and nail to the front door of the Cathedral in Wittenburg, Germany? What did it say?

The First Major Schism took place in 1054, resulting in the break between Western Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity. The Second Schism took place in 1517 and was the Protestant Reformation. This reformation was viewed as beginning with the posting of Martin Luther’s “95 Theses” on the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. It was Martin Luther’s challenge to the catholic church, to renew itself from what he saw as corruption, sparked the Protestant Reformation.

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Who established the Church of England, and why? Who is head of the Church of England (Episcopalism) today?

Henry the 8th because he wanted to get divorced and the Catholic Church wouldn’t let him. King Charles the 3rd is the head (monarch), also the Archbishop of Canterbury is a principal role.

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What makes the Church Holy? How is the Church both human and divine? Unlike the Protestant Reformers, Catholics believe that God's grace is given to us freely. What is God's grace? Given freely or have to earned it? What are the three ways we are asked to cooperate with grace in order to get the full benefits offered by God? Explain why all members are continually called to conversion.

The church living in union with Jesus Christ makes it holy. It is both human and divine because of God’s presence, but also the humans that build the community within the church. God's grace is a free and unmerited favor given freely to all humans. The three ways we cooperate with God’s grace is through the sacraments (especially the Eucharist), prayers and good works. We are called to conversion because we are all sinful people.

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The word "saint" comes from the Latin word word "sanctus" which means what? Since all of us are called to be holy, what are we all called to be? What is the difference between canonized Saints and the communion of saints? Explain: do we worship the Saints? What day is the Feast of All Saints?

All of us are called to be holy, which means all of us are called to be saints. Canonized saints are essential for our own Journey of holiness because they are both guides and intercessors, so we do not worship them, we only worship the One True God. The Communion of Saints is the connection between all living and dead baptized Christians. The Feast Day of all Saints is Every year on November 1.

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Do Catholics worship Mary? Explain.

No, we only worship God, but we look up to Mary as a role model, like all the other saints.

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What dates do we celebrate each feast day?

Annunciation = March 25, Immaculate Conception = December 8th, Assumption = August 15

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The third mark of the Church is The Church as Catholic. The Church is Catholic is two ways---"catholic and "Catholic." Explain each.

catholic- universal church Catholic- Roman Catholic Church

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As Catholics, do we believe anyone is beyond the reach of God?

No, we do not have false gods

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What do we mean when we talk about global Catholicism? What country did you work on in your group? Explain 3 ways how Catholicism shows it is part of global Catholicism.


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At the center of the Church's mission is what we call evangelization. What does that mean? In the past, TV and radio were new forms of evangelization. What is the newest form/way of evangelization today? Pope St. John Paul II wrote about the need for the "new evangelization." What does that mean?

Evangelization is spreading the gospel - through social media - the Pope meant the new evangelization is Christians being called by the church to evangelize.

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The fourth mark of the Church is Apostolic. Explain the three ways that the Church is apostolic.

Built on "the foundation of the Apostles," chosen by Christ. The Church hands on the teaching of the Apostles (the deposit of faith). The Church is guided by the successors of the apostles, the bishops in union with the Pope.

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What Sacrament passes on the Apostolic Succession from the 12 Apostles to the Bishops on succeeding generations?

Holy Orders

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What is The Gospel of Matthew's GREAT COMMISSION?

Jesus sent out the twelve apostles with specific instructions: no money, no food, and no bag. They are to rely solely on God’s grace while traveling and sharing the Gospel.

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How many days was the Risen Christ on earth before he ascended into heaven?

40 Days

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Which Gospel ends abruptly with no one telling others about the empty tomb and angelic messenger inside?


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When Mary Magdalene first encounters the risen Christ who does she think he is?

The gardener.

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In what Gospel does Jesus indicate a new relationship with all disciples/Apostles by telling Mary Magdalene "Do not hold onto me."

The Gospel of John

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When Mary Magdalene first looked into the empty tomb, what did she see?

“two angels in white sitting there, one at the head and one at the feet where the body of Jesus had been.”

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Who does Matthew's Gospel say rolled back the stone to Jesus' grave

an angel of the Lord

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Who were the first people to witness the empty tomb and angelic messengers?

Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome?

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What person do all four Gospels name consistently as the first to see the Risen Christ?

Mary Magdalene

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Who, ultimately, had the real authority to order the crucifixion of someone

the king

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What person replaced Judas as the 12th apostle after Judas' death and resurrection of Jesus? Matthias


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What was the meaning of the cross and why did it become such a central symbol of Christianity?

The cross was the central symbal for Christianity, and it was a sign of redemption.

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What are the three religions that all believe in the one True God?

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

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What makes Matthew's Gospel the "Jewish Gospel"? Give two examples.

  1. Jesus and other elements rooted firmly in Jewish history and identity. 2) 5 books in the Torah and Matthew being unclear in the events because the Jewish audience already knew it

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What are the followers of the Islam religion known as?


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Explain why Jerusalem is a sacred city for Judaism, Islam, and Christianity?

For Jews, Jerusalem was the city of King David and the location of the Temple. For Christians, Jerusalem is where Jesus preached and healed, also where he died and rose. For Muslims, the prophet Mohammed ascended into Heaven from Jerusalem.

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Pope Francis says that an authentic Islam and an authentic reading of the Quran are opposed to what?

Every form of violence

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Who is the spiritual ancestor of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity?


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Name 3 non-Christian religions? What makes them non-Christian?

Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism. They do not believe in Jesus as the Son of God.

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Name 3 Christian religions besides Catholicism? What makes them Christian?

Anglican, Methodist, and Baptist - believe in one true God and Jesus is the son of God

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Explain the special and unique relationship Christianity has with Judaism. (besides Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the 12 Apostles)

Both believe in one, ture, God, spritual ancestor is Abraham.

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What is anti-Semitism? What is the worst example of this in modern history? How did Christians respond to this anti-Semitism?

Anti-Semitism is discrimination, persecution, anf violence towards Jews. The Holocaust is the worst example in modern history. Some Christians actively participated in the persecution, some failed to protest and resist, and some, such as Miep Gies and Irena Sendler, took Jews in to help hide.

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What is the Sacrament of Unity? EXPLAIN WHY it is called the Sacrament of Unity?

Baptism is the Sacrament of Unity because all Christians celebrate it, binding them together.

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To whom was Matthew's Gospel written? Explain.

Jewish Christians, first Jews, then Christians.

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