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latin prepositions (stage 13 i think)

a preposition makes the word following it accusative or ablative

all prepositions use the accusative except: sub, in, de, sine, pro, a/ab, cum, e/ex

use SID SPACE, the ablative astronaut!

Sub- under, In- in, De- from/about

Sine- without, Pro- in front of, Ab- away from, Cum- with, Ex- out of

ex. trans _________

a) silva <del>b) silvam</del>

  1. prope montem- near the mountain

  2. e monte- coming out of the mountain

  3. post amicum- after the friend

  4. de monte- down from the mountain

  5. cum amico- with a friend

  6. circum montem- around the mountain

  7. in monte- on the mountain

  8. in montem- into the mountain

  9. in monte- in the mountain

  10. sine amico- without a friend

  11. per viam- through the street

  12. a monte- away from the mountain


latin prepositions (stage 13 i think)

a preposition makes the word following it accusative or ablative

all prepositions use the accusative except: sub, in, de, sine, pro, a/ab, cum, e/ex

use SID SPACE, the ablative astronaut!

Sub- under, In- in, De- from/about

Sine- without, Pro- in front of, Ab- away from, Cum- with, Ex- out of

ex. trans _________

a) silva <del>b) silvam</del>

  1. prope montem- near the mountain

  2. e monte- coming out of the mountain

  3. post amicum- after the friend

  4. de monte- down from the mountain

  5. cum amico- with a friend

  6. circum montem- around the mountain

  7. in monte- on the mountain

  8. in montem- into the mountain

  9. in monte- in the mountain

  10. sine amico- without a friend

  11. per viam- through the street

  12. a monte- away from the mountain
