APUSH Progressive Review


1884- TR wife and mother die on the same day.

  • In response he joins Rough Riders and the open land shapes future policies

1887- Interstate Commerce Act(regulate railroads and monopolistic practices)

1889- TR is a soldier in the Spanish American War

July 1 1898- TR led troops to Victory at San Juan Hill(poor plan but won the US victory). Awarded the medal of honor and turned to NY politics

1896- TR is “kicked out of NY politics by Bosses” and goes to run for VP with Willam Mckinley

  • This campaign was progressive and went on Road and TR gave speech that won the election

TR and WM are elected to P and VP.

1900-Sherman Antitrust Act

1901- WM is shot and days later infection takes over and kills him.

Sept 14 1901- TR becomes president for “two” terms

1906-1907 TR asks JP Morgan to buy TN iron and Coal so they don’t tank and declare Bankruptcy which would tank the economy

  • This works but Morgan asks TR to not prosecute as a trust- TR agrees

1906- Pure Food and Drug Act

1908- Taft is TR hand picked successor and is elected to office in 1908

1909-Payne Aldrich Tariff of 1909 was passed but it wasn’t enough of a reform(only 5%)

1909- Ballinger Pinchot Affair

  • Pinchot thought Ballinger took a Bribe as land in AK was divided. Pinchot tells Taft who finds nothing. Pinchot who was sec on interior under TR is fired and he goes to the press. TR was angered by this and caused a Divide between him and taft.

1909-16th Amendment

1911- Taft prosecutes JP Morgan for his Trust

1912- New election but a bitter race between TR(bull-moose party), Taft(republicans), Wilson(democrat)

  • This election was a give away for Wilson because TR and Taft spent the whole time going at each other.

1912- Wilson is Elected President

1912-17th Amendments

1914- Midterms showed Wilson was not doing well with progressives. In response a Child Labor law known as Keating Own Act was put in place banning younger than 14 from working.

1917-18th Amendments

1919-19th Amendments



Teddy Roosevelt

-Did away with Laissez-Faire gov- The bully pulpit(The bully pulpit is an office or position that provides the incumbent with an immense opportunity to speak out on an issue)-Trust Regulator-Northern Securities-Trust to prevent companies-Sherman Antitrust Act- To prevent trust/monopolies from forming. Didn’t help unions**-The Square Deal****-Consumer Protections(Pure Food and Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act,FDA)-Conservation(Natural Resources, millions of acres saved)-Control(Hepurn act[Gave interstate commerce commision control], Accepted Big business but attacked “irresponsible ones”)**New NationalismSpeak Softly Carry a big stick-Great white fleet-Civilized Nations(White and Industrialized,producer of goods)/Uncivilzed(Non-white, raw materials Consumer goods)-Civilized Countries needs access to uncivilized-Though the US can interfere in other countries' affairs.


-Boldly hit tariffs(thought progressives wanted it)- Payne Aldrich Tariff(lowered too little only 5% of items)-Trust Buster**-**Rule Follower-Couldn’t bring parties together-Investment Foreign Policy-Dollar Diplomacy(Investment to promote growth, benefits to US and other nations)


-New Freedom-Trust BusterFederal Trade Commission(investigation into fraudulent companies and protect consumer)-Clayton Antitrust Act(more radical than Sherman and protected unions)-Federal Reserve Act- regulated and centralized banking-Income Tax Ratified-16th Amendment-Keating Owen Act-(protected children-labor laws no one under 14)-Stay out of WW1-Morality/Moral Diplomacy- The US should be the conscious of the world-Spread Democracy, promote peace, condom colonialism


Panama Canal

  • The country needed a way to get from the Atlantic to Pacific.

  • Colombia wouldn’t give the land so the US staged a revolution in Panama

  • A French man paid for it and Roosevelt then supported it with the US so Panama won.

  • The Panama Government land was taken by the US and they built the canal

  • Poor land to be built on and it caused a ton of problems

  • Didn’t get returned until 1999

  • When another government tried to step in in Panama the US(wilson) sent warships to “warn” Panama into not having a new government bc US would lose the land


Upton Sinclair

The Jungle-meatpacking industryCaused TR to make Pure food and drug act and the meatpacking inspection

Lincoln Steffens

Political Machines- The Shame of the City

Ida M Tarbell

Standard Oil(Rockefeller Trust), Taken advantage of working class, destroyed environment Southern Horrors- lynching law Women's Rights

Jacob Riis

Urban Poverty- How the Other half livePhotography of tenements, children, malnourishment, distreatment.

John Spargo

The Bitter Cry of ChildrenAliments, terrible conditions

Frank Norris

The OctopusRailroads

Triangle ShirtWaist Fire

-Locked Factory door to prevent women from leaving-  Women Couldn’t Leave the factory during fire and many diedBrought about reform for working conditionsWilson required sprinkler systems


16th Amendment- Income tax

17th Amendment- Senators were elected by the people not states

18th Amendment- Prohibitions

19th Amendment- Women's Suffrage
