inhibitors resemble shape of enzyme so they can bind to the active site of the enzyme, forming an enzyme-inhibitor complex
enzyme-inhibitor complex remains intact - inhibitors not acted upon
inhibitor molecules are displaced from active sites and become less likely to reattach if the concentration of the substrate is increased
inhibitors attach to allosteric site and changes shape of the enzyme active site
active site is no longer complementary to substrate molecules
non-competitive inhibition is permanent
adding substrate does not dislodge inhibitor
not competing for active site
product of a late reaction in the series inhibits the enzyme controlling an earlier reaction
as product molecules accumulate, the steps in their production are switched off
cells are the smallest unit of living organisms
all cells are derived from the division of other, pre-existing cells
within cells are the sites of all chemical reactions of life (metabolism)
thick walls of peptidoglycan
wall becomes purple when stained by crystal violet - stain is retained
thin walls of peptidoglycan with an additional outer membrane
high lipid content of this outer membrane prevents the crystal violet stain from being retained by the cell wall - bacteria do not become purple
mitosis and cell division occurs (cleavage division) and this results in new cells called blastomeres
as more cleavage divisions occur the blastomeres become smaller
after 4 days the zygote is a solid ball of blastomeres
the ball of blastomeres forms into a blastocyst - a hollow ball of cells
outer layer of cells called trophoblasts
fluid filled blastocoel
inner cell mass will become the embryo
trophoblasts are destined to become a membrane which nourished the embryo and fetus
extremophiles are discovered
species of bacteria that survive and prosper in extremely hostile environments
microorganisms have cells that can be identified as prokaryote, but larger RNA molecules present in those ribosomes were discovered to be different from those of previously known bacteria
new evolutionary relationships - led to a new scheme of classification
each domain shares a distinctive, unique pattern of ribosomal RNA
artery walls develop strands of yellow fat deposited under the endothelium
builds up from certain lipoproteins and from cholesterol that may be circulating in the blood
damage causes white blood cells (macrophages) to invade the fatty streaks where they begin to take up cholesterol from low density lipoproteins and develop fibrous connective tissue forming an atheroma
deposits impede blood flow and contribute to raised blood pressure
thickening of artery walls leads to loss of elasticity, which also contributed to raised blood pressure
in the coronary arteries reduction of blood flow impairs oxygenation of cardiac muscle fibres
leads to angina - chest pains
where the smooth lining breaks down, the circulating blood is exposed to the fatty, fibrous despotits
lesions are known as atheromatous plaques
further deposition occurs as cholesterol and triglycerides accumulate, and smooth muscle fibres and collage fibres proliferate in the plaque
blood platelets collect at the exposed, roughened surface
platelets release factors that trigger inflammation - blood clotting
a thrombus may form - a blood clot within the vessel
embolus if it breaks free and is circulated in the bloodstream
if an embolus is swept into a small artery or arteriole that is narrower than the diameter of the clot, a blockage will be caused
if a coronary artery is blocked, the heart muscle will be starved of oxygen and glucose
plants have low metabolic rates and low rates of gaseous exchange
plants do not move and do not have to maintain a high body temperature
using turgor pressure
turgid = curved shape opens stomata
flaccid = pore closes
carbon dioxide dissolves in water films surrounding spongy mesophyll cells and can then freely diffuse through the cell surface membrane into the photosynthesising tissues
oxygen diffuses outward by the same route
branching network of fine tubes supported by rings of chitin
prevents collapse under pressure changes
allows tracheae to be flexible
connect tracheae to outside atmosphere
8 small holes on each side of the abdominal segments
2 more pairs of spiracles on thorax
spiracles are opened and closed by small muscles
fine hairs prevent entry of small particles that could block the tracheoles
opening and closing of certain spiracles ensures fresh flow of air through the main tracheae
closing spiracles at times when gas exchange is slow helps conserve water
movements of the abdomen compresses and expands the tubes, flushing air through them much faster
narrow, short vessels with tapered ends
main water carrying tissue in less advanced plant species
sloping end walls break down with lignification
typical plant cells with no thickening
found among vessels and tracheids
living tissue
narrow, highly thickened dead cells with only a small lumen
similar to fibres found elsewhere in the plant
cannot transport water
used for support
dense cytoplasm and many organelles
carry out cellular functions enabling the sieve tubes to stay alive and transport materials
elongated living cells with specialised structure
lose nuclei and cytoplasm is restricted to very thin peripheral layer with few organelles during development
connected to companion cells through plasmodesmata
pressure differences that drive fluid movement are generated in different part of the plant
sugars dissolve in cytoplasm, causing a lowered water potential
water enters cells by osmosis and builds up a high hydrostatic pressure
source area
sugars are used up rapidly in respiration or converted to starch in other parts of the plant
starch is insoluble and forms starch grains - no osmotic effect
removal of dissolved sugar raises water potential and water flows out of the cell, forming a region of low hydrostatic pressure - sink area
pressure difference forces sugars in sieve tubes at source and induces mass-flow through the phloem towards the sink
remaining fluid in the sink returned to source through xylem vessels
possible to measure gradients suggested and show they are present
when pierced by insect mouthparts, the contents of sieve tubes flow out, showing them to be under pressure
model links phloem and xylem systems in plausible way
organic solutes move around the plant in different directions, not just to the lowest pressure sinks
sieve tubes and companion cells are living tissue and do not work if killed off - model does not explain why
starch grains found in many areas of the plant, not just the sinks
model suggests passive process but phloem have a higher metabolic rate than most other plant tissues
sugars need to be ‘loaded’ into sieve tubes - not explained
why sieve tubes contain phloem protein strands
purpose of sieve plates - hindrance to mass flow
contracting muscles in operculum cause it to bulge outwards, increasing the volume of the opercular cavity
decreases pressure and water flow across the gills
mouth closes and floor of the buccal cavity is raised
forces more water across the gills
increases pressure behind the operculum until it exceeds the pressure outside
forces operculum open and allows water to flow out
as water passes over the gills, blood flows in the opposite direction
allows fish to remove 80-90% of dissolved oxygen from the water
maintains concentration gradient along the whole length of the blood-water boundary
only 50% of available oxygen would be transferred without counter-current mechanism
greater negative water potential is caused by the solutes dissolved in it
osmotic potential will always have a negative value
increased water potential of a solution caused by the solutes dissolved in it
flask that enables maintenance of large surface area in contact with the air
agitated or stirred
provided with sterile air when culturing aerobic microorganisms
ensures culture does not die, so active cells are always available
allows harvesting of any useful metabolism products from the microorganisms
addition of a gelling agent to a liquid medium makes it solidify
little risk of spillage, useful for storing microorganisms
petri dishes provide a large surface area for growth and gas exchange with the air in the dish
in a petri dish individual cells inoculated onto the surface of the agar develop into a visible colony, allowing isolation and identification of the microorganisms from a mixed inoculum
in a glass flat-sided bottle or test tube, a greater depth of agar is provided than in a petri dish
reduces risk of dehydration and salt crystallisation
will only allow the growth of a few or one species of microorganisms
used in diagnostic work in laboratories
suppress growth of other bacteria
repeated dilution, by a constant dilution factor, of an original solution or microbial culture
dilute sample from population until a countable number of microorganisms are present
multiple count by dilution factor to obtain estimate of number of cells in the undiluted culture
include any cell that touches or overlaps the middle of the three lines at the top and right-hand side
do not include any cell that touches or overlaps the middle of the three lines at the bottom and left-hand side
find dry mass of sterile filtration membrane
filter known volume of liquid culture
heat filter membrane in oven at 100oC until mass is constant
subtract mass of sterile filter membrane from final mass
calculate mass of cells per unit volume of culture
place serial dilution sample into curettes
place curettes into colorimeter and pass light through it
measure absorbance or transmission of contents of cuvette
more bacteria = more absorbance, less transmission
can only be used in liquid cultures
cannot distinguish between dead cells and living cells
calibration curve must be produced to calibrate measurements
produce a serial dilution
pipette a small, known volume of each dilution onto a petri dish
use l-shape glass rod to gently spread pipettes suspension of bacterial cells over whole surface of agar
each visible colony can be counted
the atrium contracts
blood is pushed into the ventricles by contraction of the walls of the atrium
this contraction prevents backflow by blocking off the veins that brought the blood to the heart
ventricle contracts - forceful
high pressure slams shut the atrioventricular valve and opens the semilunar valves, forcing blood into the aorta
a pulse is generated
relaxation of the ventricles
each contraction of cardiac muscle is followed by relaxation and elastic recoil
monocytes, neutrophils
ingest bacteria or cell fragments
if oxygen is the final hydrogen acceptor, then without it the carriers of oxidative phosphorylation will all become reduced and the flow of electrons and protons will cease
supply of NAD+ will be halted and the kerbs cycle will also come to a stop
with only glycolysis operating, there is a net gain of 2 ATP compared with about 38 ATP from full aerobic respiration
pyruvic acid, the end product of glycolysis, begins to accumulate
important raw material for the chemical industry
excellent fuel